THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I'll be fine in time, thank you for caring. I have lots of ups and downs. Of course this one brought up by my own stupidity. But lesson learned the hard way
So......ya see? You said "I can't handle it!" Over and over and You proved the opposite is true. You handled it and now you're here, past it.

Will it be back for another try? Probably, hence the difference between an anxiety attack and an anxiety "disorder". The latter says you're dealing with a chemical imbalance in your brain. Putting any other chemicals up there will *not* fix *anything*!

I grew up with a mother who, when on her meds, was the sweetest person you'd ever want to meet. But, interfere with the meds that *were* helping her. Or even deciding not to take them anymore?

She became the devil incarnate! Literally! I had to defend myself from the time I was 10! I can't speak to anything before that time, because I can *NOT* remember a thing before that and that symptom showed up when I was about 18! Don't consciously know what happened back there and at this point? I do not want to know!

I say that to let you know I *do* have some practical experience in this.

Let me just say this.

You *know* you have a disorder of the brain. So, making the choice to put anything foreign up there? Well...that's it, your choice! chose and now you have consequences *AS COULD BE EXPECTED*!

That's fine! I'll never tell somebody they need to choose better. But, if you decide to do it again? And get the consequences, again!?

Call a professional instead of getting on the internet to tell your friends. And causing them grief for something you continue to *CHOOSE*!

Nice bottles those purple ones too !! Hey ARC do show us your black glass of my pleasures in life is finding the black glass beauties....found more pieces of eight than I have nice black glass bottles....when I say nice, I mean 400+$ bottles !!

Nice bottles those purple ones too !! Hey ARC do show us your black glass of my pleasures in life is finding the black glass beauties....found more pieces of eight than I have nice black glass bottles....when I say nice, I mean 400+$ bottles !!
Yeah i only have piece / neck of an old onion type bottle... i found that outside behind a castle in England.

I have a few left of the ball floats... i sold my oldest light blue ball float many years ago... someone saw it and kept going up in offers until i couldn't say no... heh

Sorta miss that one... it came outta the Keys in your neck of the woods... was told it was found in early 1930's on an island... was the size of a cantaloupe.

But back to bottles... sheesh i have had so many... i had a great bottle place in the woods back when i was about 17.... i had a guy that would buy whatever i found back then... i am sure i sold him some really great stuff and had no idea or care at the time... and i am talking prolly 100 bottles i pulled outta there... from medicine to early beer etc.

I have a bunch of old clear stuff and some like what WD posted... i prolly have 10-12 or so... and a bunch of small medicines etc... they are stored in bins... YARD SALE bins... heh

So... wD if ya wanna make a trip to Florida the next time i have a yard sale... :)

People KNOW my sales... they come crawling... i sell great stuff cheap... some people have really racked it up at my sales... when it comes up the reminisce about the great scores.

I like making em happy. :)


One time when i moved... i ran out of space in moving truck... and had alot of stuff i just needed to get rid of...

I called this guy and his girl i knew from years of walking the flea market... that was ALL the guy did... she was pregnant and they were having hard time finding good stuff to sell at the market... so i went to market and got his number and told him i may have some stuff he would want.

Fast forward... shortly thereafter i called and said i had a huge pile for him and he needed to bring his van and big trailer.

When they got there i thought i was gonna have to stick his and her eyes back in and close their mouths... heh

One painting in that pile was worth serious money alone.

I helped him... told him if he made a bunch to kick me back someday...(never expected it)

That was the last time i saw them... of course i moved far away and that market is long gone.

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