THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


So.... i had to "unfollow" old and no longer viable "friends"... so i could add / follow those i want.

When the new format came it automatically deleted over 500 due to the 1000 limit.

So... if you are not followed... let me know.... i started over so to speak.

Pretty much i think i have all you scallywags added so far. :P

I stayed home yesterday and deep cleaned the house from 9am-9pm. I've found that there are very few of us that have the gift of organizing. 9 out of 10 can't organize very well. Im an expert level organizer !! I've even thought of making it a business......I am not obsessive just good at organizing and putting things in order..... I have no problem living like a slob.....but I'll clean up my space at regular intervals.....big part of my mess is my area where I clean my finds.....always a big mess there !!

I stayed home yesterday and deep cleaned the house from 9am-9pm. I've found that there are very few of us that have the gift of organizing. 9 out of 10 can't organize very well. Im an expert level organizer !! I've even thought of making it a business......I am not obsessive just good at organizing and putting things in order..... I have no problem living like a slob.....but I'll clean up my space at regular intervals.....big part of my mess is my area where I clean my finds.....always a big mess there !!
I am the exact same way... i will totally deep clean.... a week later its like it never happened ,,, heh

I stayed home yesterday and deep cleaned the house from 9am-9pm. I've found that there are very few of us that have the gift of organizing. 9 out of 10 can't organize very well. Im an expert level organizer !! I've even thought of making it a business......I am not obsessive just good at organizing and putting things in order..... I have no problem living like a slob.....but I'll clean up my space at regular intervals.....big part of my mess is my area where I clean my finds.....always a big mess there !!
Morning Bart
Our moto: Invite friends
DEEP CLEAN:laughing7:
Though having 3 shedding animals is a great way of knowing exactly how clean everything is.
1st: Open window on windy day, then we open door on the opposite side of our house.
Instant fur ball tumble weeds, yup time to do a deep clean.
Organizing the life is a life long dream. :headbang:

I must be the luckiest person in the world when calling tech. support for my internet lately.
I seem to get a person that is marginally fluent in english.
Reads from a script of how to resolve the issue.
Says sorry just about every 3 sentences.
"I will help you resolve this very important issue"
So 15 minutes in-2 questions were done-is the blue light on-and is the weather really snowing outside?
I'm beat for another day
Company issued memo to tech dept. "Wear the suckers down-2 merit points" :laughing7:

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