THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Going through a neighborhood i see some things set out to the curb...
1. swimming pool.... plastic one brand new... which is great for doggy's.
2. Brand new expensive walker.... i am a bit young for one... I HOPE... but someone i'll meet will need it.
3. Brand new Callaway golf bag... WITH 13 brand new clubs STILL in plastic bags.... now i dont play golf... but a quick search puts them at about 500 dollars USED... this one has a bit of dust from sitting in the garage but very clean.

So... one wonders... "why".... would someone just throw these things out ?

There was also a treadmill that looked in prefect shape. (no... i did not take... too big)

Soooooo breakup and someone tossed it ?

Anyway.... a few weeks back... i saw some stuff with a "free" sign taped on it...
2 roller professional electronic gear flight cases... new = 600 for the smaller... could not find a price for larger.
open them and some of the foam is deteriorating... literally turned to dust when touched... but other than that... perfect.
Complete with telescoping handles and hardcore hardware's.

Did you know cases like these actually have travel approval codes etc.. ? heh neither did i until looking them up.

Now... all of it... is taking up space. :/

Cept the pool... it can blow around the neighborhood :P

Another tidbit.... did you know that some golf clubs are "illegal"....


Yep lots of good stuff just gets chucked.....there's a guy I was following several years ago who made a living picking up these items and reselling via garage, sales, ebay and also scrapping metal junk items.

He was making a good income to support him, his wife and 2 kids....and heck he had a university degree but preferred to be autonomous rather than working for an employer.

Yep lots of good stuff just gets chucked.....there's a guy I was following several years ago who made a living picking up these items and reselling via garage, sales, ebay and also scrapping metal junk items.

He was making a good income to support him, his wife and 2 kids....and heck he had a university degree but preferred to be autonomous rather than working for an employer.
I have had many a :laughing7::laughing7: over the years at folks looking down that nose at the lowly scrap guy.
Meanwhile the scrap guy worked for himself, didn't owe anyone anything, home, family, church going citizen. :headbang:

Going through a neighborhood i see some things set out to the curb...
1. swimming pool.... plastic one brand new... which is great for doggy's.
2. Brand new expensive walker.... i am a bit young for one... I HOPE... but someone i'll meet will need it.
3. Brand new Callaway golf bag... WITH 13 brand new clubs STILL in plastic bags.... now i dont play golf... but a quick search puts them at about 500 dollars USED... this one has a bit of dust from sitting in the garage but very clean.

So... one wonders... "why".... would someone just throw these things out ?

There was also a treadmill that looked in prefect shape. (no... i did not take... too big)

Soooooo breakup and someone tossed it ?
Another possibility? Some poor family had been evicted for their Thanksgiving holiday. People just start scavenging and taking before the family has a chance to arrange getting their belongings picked up and/or just couldn't afford to get them.

Happy holidays.

Unfortunately we are a very wasteful society....the last year or so I see this fellow of retirement age going around on a bicycle picking up bottles and cans for recycling.

I assumed he was in tight shape financially. After awhile I finally managed to have a chat with him and he told me he was retired and since his income was reduced he couldn't make his usual charitable contributions.
So he picked up bottles and cans and cashed them in as his contribution to charity on a weekly basis.

Never judge a book by it's cover.

Another possibility? Some poor family had been evicted for their Thanksgiving holiday. People just start scavenging and taking before the family has a chance to arrange getting their belongings picked up and/or just couldn't afford to get them.

Happy holidays.
Yeah.... the houses start at 600lk in that neighborhood..... .... so... its ghetto :P

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There was a community sale so.... i think it was just a form of donation.

Someone bought the clubs and other things... did not use em... cluttering up.... so... in the way it is no more... IMO

It's not the first time i have found perfectly good items along curb.

And ... i cannot tell you how many times i have done the same... is some respect anyway.

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Here’s a kinda funny story about a curbside experience I had, except I was on the donation side. Hubby used to have uniforms for work. Every week he’d turn in his dirty uniforms and he would come home with clean ones: 7 pairs of pants and 7 shirts on their own hangers. These hangers started accumulating. I put a bunch of them on the curb with a free sign on them. They sat there for about 2 weeks before I put them on top of the trash. Then someone took them. ???

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