Platinum Member
That looks painful.
Ok, here's my tough guy story. Wading barefoot out to the dive boat in Bonaire one time I stepped on a sea urchin. Didn't even know it until I started gearing up and saw the black dots on my heel when I was pulling on my boot. The divemaster looked at it and said they have to come out. So he pulled some Adolph's Meat Tenderizer and a pair of needle point tweezers out of the first aid kit and started digging around in my foot. I almost passed out (you know when your vision starts to close down like looking out of a tunnel). By the time he was finished my heel looked like hamburger meat and there was a huge puddle of blood on the deck. So I geared up and made the dive. Down about thirty or forty feet I noticed a thin green thing coming from the top of my boot. I thought it was seaweed and brushed it off. Later in the dive I looked and had picked up another piece of seaweed on my boot and brushed it off again. After the dive when I pulled off my boot it was full of blood. The "seaweed" I saw was actually blood seeping out the top of my boot, at forty feet blood is green.
Moral to the story: Always wear your dive boots when wading out to the boat.
Thanks for the tip. I am still waiting for my friends to get their medical paperwork done so we can get on with the scuba training. I have already done as much of the online free course lesson that is available.