THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning pepper and OV

37 degrees on this April 22 morning. Hoping these early farmers don’t have too much damage. It’s suppose to warm to 70 today so maybe that’ll help.

Top of the morning to the crew. Bart beauty of a ring!

Sorry for your loss RR.

aaaarrrrr be it a good mornin ya scurvy scaly wages!!

That’s a beauty bart. Congratulations

Morning there TC

Good Morning Bill, TC, Gary
Happy Earth Day


It's been awhile hope you've been doing well.


Good morning fellas.

I would give you a "like" for that picture Pepper...

But i dont like it.



It's been awhile hope you've been doing well.

Havent bin doing to bad, did mange to get laid off again and Im back home, tell ya what finding a job SUCKS!!

Whats up's geo !!

GMorn everbody, 28 and snowy sleety squalls. Snowy raindrops about the size of BB’s. I had a peach tree in my yard that my dad planted in early 1980’s, about every 5-7 yers we have a gentler spring and we would get some peaches. It was never trimmed correct and when did grow fruit broke itself up with the weight and branches going every which way. This winters wind and snow finally broke it off so after today I’ll have a pile of peach wood for smoking pork butts.
The pelicans are finally showing up on the river sand bars, I will get some bank lines set and finally make some catfish fillets, I’ll post a pic at pic place. Have a great day..

Whats up's geo !!

Hey Bart!! hell of ya nice ring ya got, Geo dog is doing great and at age 2 is starting to act like a dog instead of a Tasmanian devil lol

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