Morning Bill, Bart
From spending the better part of the day in ER on Boxing Day, I have an urology appt tomorrow sometime-they haven't called, so I'll see if I can set up a phone appt instead of driving for 2 hrs, going near the hospital again.
Heck why do I have to see a specialist anyways?
I have little "Rocky" in a container already.
Not on any meds (took 1 pill only) so I really see it's just a waisted trip for a follow up.
I can say how I feel just as well over the phone as in an office.
Yup Doc. it feels like I took a few kidney shots from Mike Tyson, promise to use the belt the next time I get in the ring.
Drinking lots of fluids, and willing to take a few shots of cranberry juice to speed up the process.
I would love to be off the grid. I'm tired of being ripped off by my electric co. They charge more for fees, fines, & other bull snit, than for actual electric use.
Nicccce buddy... this is why adult diapers are so popular don't you know!YepI always put a little piece of toilet paper back there just in case.
Good morning Bil and Bart.
Hey, at least your stone passed and you're feeling better Jim.
There's nothing worse then needing help and not being able to get it.
All I can say is our OHIP system sucks, I vote for a privatized healthcare option here in Ontario.
Well, my daughter just came downstairs, she said "that she can't sleep".
This is highly unusual for her, because she usually doesn't get up before 1pm.
She wants to come with me for a walk with the dog and then go for a drive to Tim Horton's to get a sausage Farmer's Wrap for breakfast.
Have a great day everyone!![]()
Morning all....time to make the donuts
Pepper, i can tell you what will happen, prices will rise. They never go down unless they are trying to hook you on something, and then its temporary. It always goes up.
We have the same items listed almost word for word on the bill.