THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning Rook. :hello:

Good morning RC, ARC, Anti, Rook, and those in the process of getting the morning brew.

I hear ya on that Anti, looks like going to the doctor is a thing of the past now. Phone visits (if you can get one) is not going to work too well for me.

It feels like a slow motion collapse of a house of cards.

Morning Rook.

Morning Beeps.

Good morning RC, ARC, Anti, Rook, and those in the process of getting the morning brew.

I hear ya on that Anti, looks like going to the doctor is a thing of the past now. Phone visits (if you can get one) is not going to work too well for me.

I agree MsBB, this is such a frustrating situation, because I'm sure not all doctors are handling Covid cases here in Ontario. :icon_scratch:

Our 17-year-old daughter feels that "these virtual doctor visits' are just a waste of our time."
She suggested yesterday, "what if you have a rash on you thigh or butt, are we supposed to stand on a chair and pull down your pants for the doctor to look at it"? :laughing7:

Morning Dave, ARC, Rook, MsBeeps

I agree MsBB, this is such a frustrating situation, because I'm sure not all doctors are handling Covid cases here in Ontario. :icon_scratch:

Our 17-year-old daughter feels that "these virtual doctor visits' are just a waste of our time."
She suggested yesterday, "what if you have a rash on you thigh or butt, are we supposed to stand on a chair and pull down your pants for the doctor to look at it"? :laughing7:

I'm sure at 17 yrs old the daughter surely knows that it's a very common thing that happens in today's world Dave.

It's called sexting

Morning Rook, ARC, Pepper.

Anti, that's exactly it. I had a virtual phone visit for BP check... Really??!!! Dr. "Asked me how my BP was".
I wanted to say " you tell me". At this point my neighbor is more of a doctor, at lest her visits are in person.

I would love to be off the grid. I'm tired of being ripped off by my electric co. They charge more for fees, fines, & other bull snit, than for actual electric use.

Hello and good morning everybody !!

Good morning ARC, Bart, Beeps, Dave, Jim & Rook.

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My point here is, people are still getting sick with common ailments, but it’s almost impossible now to get medical attention unless you actually go to the hospital ER! :BangHead:

From spending the better part of the day in ER on Boxing Day, I have an urology appt tomorrow sometime-they haven't called, so I'll see if I can set up a phone appt instead of driving for 2 hrs, going near the hospital again.

Heck why do I have to see a specialist anyways?
I have little "Rocky" in a container already.
Not on any meds (took 1 pill only) so I really see it's just a waisted trip for a follow up.
I can say how I feel just as well over the phone as in an office.
Yup Doc. it feels like I took a few kidney shots from Mike Tyson, promise to use the belt the next time I get in the ring.
Drinking lots of fluids, and willing to take a few shots of cranberry juice to speed up the process.

I agree MsBB, this is such a frustrating situation, because I'm sure not all doctors are handling Covid cases here in Ontario. :icon_scratch:

Our 17-year-old daughter feels that "these virtual doctor visits' are just a waste of our time."
She suggested yesterday, "what if you have a rash on you thigh or butt, are we supposed to stand on a chair and pull down your pants for the doctor to look at it"? :laughing7:

Yep:laughing7: I always put a little piece of toilet paper back there just in case.

Morning Bart and Bill.

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