THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


the pictures were the reason the moderators used for shutting down the earlier thread. Supposedly it slows down the response time of the forum or so we've been told.


Maybe you could tell me. Why is this thread so concerned with the space pics take up, when there's a thousand times as much tied up in rollcalls? :tongue3:

Never a good idea to repost pics. But, the size of the thread makes a difference in navigation as well. Just curious that's all. Sooooo many "Morning Johnboys"! I don't do greetings that many times in a day! :tongue3:


As much as possible I try to cover off everyone online in the a.m. in one response so I'm either being efficient or lazy....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I point is....why? :icon_scratch:

G night Crew.

Good evening WHADIFIND, & good night Captain.
One comes in and one goes out. :icon_scratch::laughing7:

I was using all the names & morning greetings as my daily brain quiz. who's here when, where, there, now & later? :icon_scratch: now I is confused...but that's my usual normal.

I too am heading off to the land of nod.
See you all in the morning...if my WiFi doesn't fly the coop! Good night all. :sleepy2:

I had the worst headache this morning. Took some Tylenol and it went away. Thought it was from the barometric pressure. Sitting in my office and all of the sudden I am sneezing and sucking snot. Argh!

Spine alignment maybe. You relaxed your neck or spine enough after it got out of whack during the night , it moved , and your sinuses could drain. (Happens after chiropractic adjustment sometimes).
Or , you snored too much and the furnace filter needs changed. :laughing7:

I point is....why? :icon_scratch:

Gramma and a bunch of other seniors had C.B. base radios.
Mornings were roll calls to see who was still alive.
A social thing.
Her antenna blew down in a storm , and she got away from the daily roll calls....

You don't have an antenna.
Don't forget roll call ...

Good morning Tnet crew. :wave:

Morning Anti.

Good morning ARC.

Good morning Tnet

Morning.........Got hooked on this show just finished watching 20 Hrs.(seasons 1,2,&3) of it (15 hrs if you fast forward the commercials).
Now I wanna move
I love this show as well Roger, I got hooked on it watching clips of it on YouTube. My problem is that I have a short attention span and I’m not able to sit through a whole episode on the TV.
I guess these days this affliction is called ADD or OCD or something like that. But, when I was a kid my Mom used to say, "that I had ants in my pants" and I had trouble sitting still. :laughing7:

I had the worst headache this morning. Took some Tylenol and it went away. Thought it was from the barometric pressure. Sitting in my office and all of the sudden I am sneezing and sucking snot. Argh!
Hopefully, it was just a low-pressure system or as RC mentioned, a dirty furnace filter.
I religiously change our furnace filter every three months, I also try to dust and vacuum the house every 2 – 3 weeks, as I feel this helps us all breath easier. :thumbsup:

Good afternoon boatlode.

Well WD now you have a ship named after you, see what a cold will do for you. Praying its just a cold.
Even the normal things gives you hesitation now days. I keep my jar of Vicks handy...yep I can still smell !

I just got in a 2 hour nap. The 4 year old was up till 3 am cause she napped too late yesterday.
My wife has had, I’ll call it ‘an irritation’ in her right eye since December 23 and has been using Polysporin Eye drops. I suggested yesterday, “that she call her doctor and get an appointment to have it looked at and maybe get an antibiotic to knock whatever it is down". Well, her doctor’s voicemail was full, so I drove her to a local doctor’s walk-in clinic that I often go to, but it was closed due to the recent Covid lock-down here in Ontario. There was a sign on the door saying, “that we had to go online to register for a ‘virtual’ appointment”. So, this is what I did when we got home at 2pm yesterday… we’re still waiting for a doctor to get back to us!
My point here is, people are still getting sick with common ailments, but it’s almost impossible now to get medical attention unless you actually go to the hospital ER! :BangHead:

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