THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Pepper my bill in winter runs 250 a month and I don't have freezers, heat lamps, etc. and I heat by wood stove. Once I got pissed and wrote a letter complaning about all the charges for every thing but electric, including the solar pannels on the house across the street which i was being forced to fund. Mysteriously my next months bill was lower than it had ever been in the last 5 years. Then it went right back to the same normal high. So I wonder if they jyst make those little meters spin to what ever they think they can get us to pay.

WD!!! Good morning!!
I hope your cold improves, and any testing is neg. and all is well.

Note to not drink out of the same rum bottle as WD !! Hope your feeling better sooner than later.

Pepper my bill in winter runs 250 a month and I don't have freezers, heat lamps, etc. and I heat by wood stove. Once I got pissed and wrote a letter complaning about all the charges for every thing but electric, including the solar pannels on the house across the street which i was being forced to fund. Mysteriously my next months bill was lower than it had ever been in the last 5 years. Then it went right back to the same normal high. So I wonder if they jyst make those little meters spin to what ever they think they can get us to pay.

We have "Smart Meters" I believe and many others do also, that they run on algorithms that just learn a persons habits, then charge according to the habit.
The reason I question all this was back in 2011/12 I had to go to the city and I turned off the main breaker to the power feed coming into the house we were building. (Can't remember why) but when I looked at my billing online the amount of power was consistent to the usage I would of used on a hot summers day (which it was). So I started to do some :icon_scratch:

Top of the Morning WD. bart. and RTR

I saw those items in person with Corey malcom.....he was still working on the Lombard when I saw it. I have contemplated working in the lab there. Corey and I got along really well....they would prefer I volunteer my time rather than pay me. Maybe one day when im independently wealthy !!

Reminds me of the local historian/author/librarian, brilliant writer and above all in the facts regarding the area.
She learnt of my detecting skills and proceeded to tell me about a fellow that detected the local fair grounds-"And kept everything" story. (Threw the guy under the bus)
Then she stated that I could come and detect her two places,1was a church, the other was the school.Then in the next breath she barked " I want everything that you find " and that was her statement.
Well it's on my list of places to detect when I retire and finish with the other permissions (8000 acres) that I have in the meantime. :laughing7:

That's exactly it Pepper. I have wanted to hit the breaker switch here for a long time, just to see what would happen. They aren't confessing to having "smart" meters here yet. They would just "average" my bill cause my meter must not be working. One way or another they have their hand in our pockets and take what they want.

Actually Captain Gaspar de Vargas, who was on the scene within weeks after the hurricane, burned it to the waterline in order to salvage the silver. But the ballast pile is still there.

Be careful. The park rangers at Ft. Jefferson frown on anyone trying to take anything.

I used to fish there in the 90's....I would sleep in the fort on the cold windy nights. We would anchor and base our fishing operation out of the fort. 8-10 days at the fort and then a week at home, then repeat. Did that from 91-95. We would fish 32 miles of sword fish longline gear. Over the years I found and carried away many treasures. I just found the numbers for 18 wreck sites all 18-19th century. It was the wild west back then and there were no rules.....if it blew and we couldn't fish we would hold 4 day raging parties at the fort. My how times have changed !! Now every movement is planned and monitored by the park rangers. I will try and film a beautiful site complete with bronze cannons and a field of olive jars on the bottom. That may or may not happen as the primary goal is fishing. The weather is very unpredictable this time of year and diving conditions are rarely clear in the winter blows. Ill cross my fingers and prey for one of those 100 ft vis. Winter days !!

Im outta here the ocean is calling !!

Oh look, we have sunshine! and 36* time for :coffee2:

Enjoy your day Bart, may your waters be clear and treasure filled.

Good morning WD hopefully it's just a head cold you've got.

LOL We have gotten at least 2 letters from the electric company informing us that our usage is higher than the other similar sized houses in the area (um there’s only one that would come close). They go on to give us tips to save energy. The last tip was telling us to set the dishwasher on the economy setting. Lmao! I am waiting for the day they come knocking on the door to inspect the place and see just what kind of shenanigans we got going on out here for us to be their highest paying customer in the area.

Note to not drink out of the same rum bottle as WD !! Hope your feeling better sooner than later.

FYI I have the rum room key and I licked every barrel of rum in there. Bruhaha!

FYI I have the rum room key and I licked every barrel of rum in there. Bruhaha!

As long as it was the outside of the barrel. :P

I tried that after licking the inside of one dry during a very bad Rum dry spell.

Nothing like tongue splinters.'re suppose to drink the rum to get better.
I'm sure the proof in the rum is higher than the germs /viruses will to survive!

I couldn't find the tweezers Captain, pliers will have to do. Now stick out your tongue...this won't hurt a bit!

Bloody pirates! Nuttin scares you away from de rum!

Lol, 'tis rum dat flows in thar veins! Arrrggg!
...don't light a match! :smileinbox:

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