Slip Sliding Away.
Now that one brings back a fond memory.
Now that one brings back a fond memory.
The next day, I made fool of myself (or a good case, depending on your outlook) in front of my buddy and a local girl I really like. She works at a local shop, and when we stopped in, I almost ran her over coming around a corner in one of the aisles. My brain short circuited (ha ha, electrical joke), and I just stood there like an idiot, my eyes wide open and apparently (so I'm told) a really dumb ass look on my face. I did nothing, I completely froze. When we left, my friend looked at me, and proceeded to tell me everything I did wrong, and I just slumped down in the seat and moaned. Later that day, (when I was hunting) he stopped in that shop again, and explained how extremely shy I am, told her that I thought she was very pretty, and asked her to just ry and say Hi, because "Lord knows, that boys would choke to death trying to do it himself". She said yes, "she'd be happy to", and she even knew who I was without my friend giving a description. and when he told me about it, I didn't know whether to kill him or hug him.
Her name is Rose by the way.
I never slept good that night. I was a nervous wreck for no reason, so I just never went to sleep. The next day, I slept through my entire hunt, and only woke up because I got cold. It was already dark out. I didn't even really know where I was. Talk about scared to death! I was supposed to cook dinner too! So without a flashlight in the dark, I walked back to the house two miles away, and somehow cooked dinner too before the others got back.
In other news, I arrived back home today to find a package delivered: a relic German helmet with bullet holes in it, found in a barn near Anzio Italy. It's worth every bit of the $70 I paid for it. It's even got bits of a rare sand colored camo left on it, an added bonus. Pictures to come later.
And in a few hours, I will be paid $100 to crawl into a crawlspace to plug in something deep underground.
Yay electricity.
Great looking WWII helmet too Ethan.
What do you plan to do with it, restore it or just stabilize it for display?
Yeah, but I'm a coward.
I have an attraction for eyes, and hers are big and brown... just beautiful. And yet I can't look her in the eye to save my life. Contrary to my internet self, I am exceptionally shy in real life. I go great lengths to avoid people. I completely have a nervous breakdown around females. I have talked to them before, but her for some reason... is impossible.