THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Rusty I read your post to my Mrs and outlined a little of what you have posted up about you. (Hope you don't mind) See I wanted to hear her point of view on this little bump in life you have going on.
I believe you stated that you were home schooled and that might be one of the things that has happened around socialization issue. Though the Mrs picked something up right away and it might help you out.

"Why doesn't he talk to her online for awhile instead of in person" You have a great "internet self" which is you-so maybe this idea of introduction, getting the conversation started might work.

Now how do you get her number/addy?????? Ask your buddy maybe. (Your buddy has already been trying to help you out)

" Hey listen Rose My friend is just tied up at work or this or that......And he was wondering if he could just get your # or email/ or (how ever young folks chat) Just to say hi.....

This is a great advice Jim, your wife is a very smart lady... now I understand where you get it from. :laughing7:


This is a great advice Jim, your wife is a very smart lady... now I understand where you get it from. :laughing7:

It's our anniversary today a whole 16 yrs married- 31.5 yrs together - Known each other for 35 yrs. Do the math it took her that many yrs to ask me.......:dontknow:

Were getting eaten alive !! Wind and heavy weather for awhile now !!

Morning pepper and crew.

Morning Bart... keep your head down in case of flying debris. :thumbsup:

It's our anniversary today a whole 16 yrs married- 31.5 yrs together - Known each other for 35 yrs. Do the math it took her that many yrs to ask me.......:dontknow:

Happy Anniversary Jim! :wav:

Are you kids going to celebrate the occasion with a candle-lit dinner on your deck? :occasion15:

Happy Anniversary Jim! :wav:

Are you kids going to celebrate the occasion with a candle-lit dinner on your deck? :occasion15:

Thanks Buddy

Dave that doesn't sound remotely romantic looking out right now. Raining, damp, 4C outside. Nope!!! (No insulation on me bones for that stuff)
Now thinking back 16 yrs ago when we hitched up in the western red rock canyon setting in Sedona AZ.
It was warm, dry, sunny, and a perfect setting for dinner.

Rusty I read your post to my Mrs and outlined a little of what you have posted up about you. (Hope you don't mind) See I wanted to hear her point of view on this little bump in life you have going on.
I believe you stated that you were home schooled and that might be one of the things that has happened around socialization issue. Though the Mrs picked something up right away and it might help you out.

"Why doesn't he talk to her online for awhile instead of in person" You have a great "internet self" which is you-so maybe this idea of introduction, getting the conversation started might work.

Now how do you get her number/addy?????? Ask your buddy maybe. (Your buddy has already been trying to help you out)

" Hey listen Rose My friend is just tied up at work or this or that......And he was wondering if he could just get your # or email/ or (how ever young folks chat) Just to say hi.....

I love the idea, but the goal is real life interaction with a person, something I rarely do.

Being 50 feet into a crawlspace only 10 inches high, and only a small trench to crawl through, is a bad time to learn you have claustrophobia. And my dumba$$ volunteered to go back today.

Being 50 feet into a crawlspace only 10 inches high, and only a small trench to crawl through, is a bad time to learn you have claustrophobia. And my dumba$$ volunteered to go back today.

Crawling in trenches it right down your alley!
Just wear a steel helmet. L.o.l.. (Steel, electricity...)
A dustmask is usually a good idea too.

How big do spiders get in your region?


Go the internet route just to get a feel for what the gal is like nothing to lose. If she comes across as someone you'd like to spend time with then you can take things to the next level doing some face to face time.

Start with baby steps grasshopper....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Crawling in trenches it right down your alley!

How big do spiders get in your region?

Is F'ing big a good description? :laughing7:

I've seen them bigger than softballs down here. Tarantulas? No, but we have wolf spiders that would put tarantulas to shame.

Is F'ing big a good description? :laughing7:

I've seen them bigger than softballs down here. Tarantulas? No, but we have wolf spiders that would put tarantulas to shame.

Few things bother me in confined spaces. Experience and training. Filling out a form. Lock out /tag out ect..
Used to powerwask tanks that had to be crawled into. Some with pipes snaking through . Dust collector silo's and on and on.

Under homes in crawl spaces though.....
Worked on digging a drainage trench in wet clay under one where you obviously can't stand. That sucked. I've mentioned that before.

But crawling through webs....Arghhh. Done that too many times.
And we have some big wolf spiders too. Never been bit by one , but I need room to swing a shovel if within four feet of one!
Bees , hornets, possum, coon, skunk, whatever. But not big spiders!!! L.o.l..


Congratulations on hitting a new milestone with the misses. In my case we've been together since 1980 married in 1984.

I always wondered why if you killed someone parole is after 25 years and with marriage it's for life that just doesn't seem fair....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

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Slip Sliding Away.
Now that one brings back a fond memory.

The mind wanders to realms outside of the PG-13 world of this forum when trying to decide what you might mean by that.

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