THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning Bill... Pepper.

Sounds like the site definitely needs more investigating Jim… I sure hope your detecting season isn’t over! :thumbsup:

"So I went for a walk through the bush to another site, got back just one broken plant left, heard a ATV. So the season is done for another year."

I meant the pot growers-geez my season has just had a few nibbles.

The only hope at this site is a dig out, it's the one that's really over grown and on a steep incline. Roots. rock, bush, I'm thinking I could probably find an easier on someplace else to expand my energy this fall. :)

Morning bill and Jim.


Glad you managed to get out....I did a short 2 hour outing at a pounded sports field a bit of pocket change and an earring that turned out to be costume jewelry.

Still good to swing the coil. 5 days of rain forecasted going forward.

Thanks Bill-Just some mental therapy-Not expecting much just wanting to see if there was a chance of a piece of something.
Did about 500meters of bush/shoreline detecting looking get the trade silver monkey off the back, it's not an easy as fields that border the waterways but each beep bring a thrill (note they are far and in between)

Though a few head stamps, and a mushed musket ball brings out the never gets old saying to myself. "It could of been"

Ah the weather: Forecasting rain right now-dry as a popcorn fart out there-radar shows 10am it'll start.

Good to hear that you got some detecting time in Bill-sounds like you might need a new sports field sometime in the near future.

Mornin all!

8 A.M. here. A good time to be sleeping.

Good coins yet.....sand is moving rough and windy ill try again this evening. Its cutting now after a big overwash tide. Weather is nasty right now !!

Morning Bart, RC

It was good to see the turkeys were back at the feeder this morning, so all is well regarding the wily fox lurking around the perimeter of the yard.

When I left my house this morning there was a beautiful 8 point buck standing just a few feet away from me in my front yard. It was looking looking right at me. I stared right back at it and I noticed it was cross-eyed.

I got out my phone and took a picture. Well, when the flash went off it reared up on its hind legs and tried to strike at me with its front legs. I panicked. I dropped the phone and ran right back in the house.

My wife took one look at me and said, What the hell is wrong with you?" I told her what happened and she just shook her head and laughed. I said "What's so funny??" I could have been killed!"

She said, "It's your fault. You had to know. That was a really crazy-eyed deer."

When I left my house this morning there was a beautiful 8 point buck standing just a few feet away from me in my front yard. It was looking looking right at me. I stared right back at it and I noticed it was cross-eyed.

I got out my phone and took a picture. Well, when the flash went off it reared up on its hind legs and tried to strike at me with its front legs. I panicked. I dropped the phone and ran right back in the house.

My wife took one look at me and said, What the hell is wrong with you?" I told her what happened and she just shook her head and laughed. I said "What's so funny??" I could have been killed!"

She said, "It's your fault. You had to know. That was a really crazy-eyed deer."

Sounds like your wife has a great sense of humor. :laughing7:

A lot of neat stuff happened over the past few days.

As always, every weekend, I go either working or hunting at a friends place. We went hunting this time, with another buddy from Louisville. I didn't see any deer, but on the first night, a bobcat walked underneath my treestand, and sat beside my stand hunting for over ten minutes. It wasn't in season, but even if it was, I probably would not have shot it. It was just really fun to watch, and it was a beautiful wild cat.

That night, one of my friends shot a coyote, and he wanted to save it for later so he could get the pelt. I volunteered to take the body in the dark, to a building a quarter mile away with a freezer in it to keep it safe. I only had one really cruddy flashlight (you know, like in the horror movies?), and I walked the whole way in the dark. When I got there, I went turn turn on the outside lights on the buildings, and they came on. I tried plugging the freezer in, but couldn't see what I was doing, so I went to the Electric Panel to flip a switch to make the lights work. Instead, I got electrocuted to the point where I actually shorted out the outdoor lighting. After crying for several moments, I got the freezer to work, and did my duty.

The next day, I made fool of myself (or a good case, depending on your outlook) in front of my buddy and a local girl I really like. She works at a local shop, and when we stopped in, I almost ran her over coming around a corner in one of the aisles. My brain short circuited (ha ha, electrical joke), and I just stood there like an idiot, my eyes wide open and apparently (so I'm told) a really dumb ass look on my face. I did nothing, I completely froze. When we left, my friend looked at me, and proceeded to tell me everything I did wrong, and I just slumped down in the seat and moaned. Later that day, (when I was hunting) he stopped in that shop again, and explained how extremely shy I am, told her that I thought she was very pretty, and asked her to just ry and say Hi, because "Lord knows, that boys would choke to death trying to do it himself". She said yes, "she'd be happy to", and she even knew who I was without my friend giving a description. and when he told me about it, I didn't know whether to kill him or hug him.

Her name is Rose by the way.

I never slept good that night. I was a nervous wreck for no reason, so I just never went to sleep. The next day, I slept through my entire hunt, and only woke up because I got cold. It was already dark out. I didn't even really know where I was. Talk about scared to death! I was supposed to cook dinner too! So without a flashlight in the dark, I walked back to the house two miles away, and somehow cooked dinner too before the others got back.

In other news, I arrived back home today to find a package delivered: a relic German helmet with bullet holes in it, found in a barn near Anzio Italy. It's worth every bit of the $70 I paid for it. It's even got bits of a rare sand colored camo left on it, an added bonus. Pictures to come later.

And in a few hours, I will be paid $100 to crawl into a crawlspace to plug in something deep underground.

Yay electricity.

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Tonight sauerkraut & mushroom pierogies. I'll saute some onions to have with them and roast up some carrots and parsnips as side veggies.

Grandma needs a rum punch !!

Hey Msbeepbeep
Bring WD a keg of the ships finest please.She deserves it:laughing7:

You guys are the best!

And more sleep
was what happened. The Mr could not wake me up yesterday. I roused long enough to fix supper. Thank God I had something in the freezer to heat up. Dragging butt today. Those kids are feral. I don’t know how momma does it.

in other news...

Mr WD and his fishing partners got their butts handed to them in their tournament. Skunked!

Rusty, In my opinion, Rose is interested in you, too. Just saying.

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