THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good evening pirate crew mates!
I made on board!!!

That sounds really good Bill, set another plate!

Great helmet RR!

Congrats to all you finders of treasures. And goid luck to all who are searching.

Nice fish Bart.

WD, I have reserved...hidden you two kegs or rum!
Having delt with 6, 2, &1 year olds for a while now, I feel the need for a month long nap!
We just have the 4 yr old visiting with her mamma today, they both go home tonight.

Rook glad you came thru the flu with flying feathers. Our neighbor had flu last week type A, she had the flu vaccine for type B last month.

I hear the Captain is saying sweet things about what is he up to now?

So Rusty has picked a sweet Rose. :wav:

Rusty, In my opinion, Rose is interested in you, too. Just saying.

Yeah, but I'm a coward. :p

I have an attraction for eyes, and hers are big and brown... just beautiful. And yet I can't look her in the eye to save my life. Contrary to my internet self, I am exceptionally shy in real life. I go great lengths to avoid people. I completely have a nervous breakdown around females. I have talked to them before, but her for some reason... is impossible.


6, 2, & 1??? I don’t know how you do it Msbeep!


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Yeah, but I'm a coward. :p

I have an attraction for eyes, and hers are big and brown... just beautiful. And yet I can't look her in the eye to save my life. Contrary to my internet self, I am exceptionally shy in real life. I go great lengths to avoid people. I completely have a nervous breakdown around females. I have talked to them before, but her for some reason... is impossible.

she knew who you were with out your friend having to explain. Plus she said she would be happy to say “hi” first. The girl is willing to make the first move. Break the ice so to speak. Girls don’t notice anything unless their interests are peaked.

Hello WD.

Welp... Tis that time... Horizontalness awaits.

G nigh Tnet Crew.

Hold fast.

Yeah, but I'm a coward. :p

I have an attraction for eyes, and hers are big and brown... just beautiful. And yet I can't look her in the eye to save my life. Contrary to my internet self, I am exceptionally shy in real life. I go great lengths to avoid people. I completely have a nervous breakdown around females. I have talked to them before, but her for some reason... is impossible.

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Rusty , Rusty, Rusty.
You didn't run with the always having cash for ice cream to invite her to hear you not speak.

Last time I jumped off a cliff (figuratively) I handed her an old style coke bottle with a flower in it.
You don't have to talk a mile a minute to communicate.
And , look past her external eyes for a while. She's a person first. But do make eye contact at least initially while you say Hey.

Goodnight Captain. Uh, wait! Wait! Where'd ya hide the rum room key? Aw we have to search for it.

Rusty, you'll do just fine. She's a treasure, those helmets you love collecting, are reflected in her eyes, now look for them.

WD, the 3 small fries & mom have now invaded another house, closer to her job. I love 'em dearly, but whew!!! I need a vacation of sleep!

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Rc, you had quite the parade of deer there.

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