The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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I believe bb realized he couldn't supply any credibility for this statement:

Mc2 codex simbolic's discovered in the supersitition mts

Posted Yesterday at 05:13:33 AM


I feel its time to let some of my research known .. I was talking to Roy and noticed how little he knew about my research and what I have been doing

So I want to focus on something of interest is a little back ground on the MC 2 codex from ..

The map, using an undoubtedly Mesoamerican cartographic discourse, though with minor European accents (for example in the detail of the facial expressions), describes a pilgrimage. A ritual (Boone, 2000) and cultural journey from the mythical cave of Chicomoztoc to the town of Cuauhtinchan in the heart of today’s Valley of Puebla in the immediacies of the Amozoc-Tepeaca mountain range (Yoneda, 2005). It tells a story that spans about four hundred years, between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries (Reyes, 1977). The story told in this manuscript starts while the Olmeca-Xicallanca were attacking the city of Cholula, the Tolteca capital. The Tolteca rulers send two lords/priests, Icxicouatl (“Serpent Foot”) and Quetzalteueyac (“Feather Lip”) (Kirchhoff et al., 1976; Wake, 2007) to find and hire the famous Chichimeca mercenaries, “son valientes hombres, animosos y esforzados soldados (tiyacuah)” (Kirchhoff et al., 1976) that lived in Chicomoztoc to fight for them (Reyes, 1977). The Chichimeca tribes left the sacred site led by Itzpapalotl, their goddess of war (Yoneda, 2002a), followed their Tolteca guides for thirteen days (Yoneda, 2002b), arrived to the city of Cholula, and defeated the Tolteca enemies, the

Olmeca-Xicallanca. As reward for their services the Chichimeca-Cuauhtinchantlacas (the mapmakers’ ancestors) were given the title of teuchtli and allowed to settle in the immediacies of the mountain range of Amozoc-Tepeaca, where after surveying the valley they founded Cuauhtinchan (Reyes, 1977; Yoneda, 2005). Additionally, the Map tells the story of the tensions between Cuauhtinchantlacas and Popollocas, their claims to the lands of the alteptl of Cuauhtinchan, and their ultimate defeat by the Mixteca Lord 13, who pursued and killed Teuchtlecozauhqui (Kirchhoff et al., 1976). After this the Cuauhtinchantlaca survivors took refuge in Matlazinco, south of Cuauhtinchan in the bank of the Atoyac River near the current town of San Juan of Tzictlacoya (Kirchhoff et al., 1976).

[edit] Cave, City, and Eagle's Nest

From 2002 to 2007 research on this manuscript was conducted at Harvard University. The work was carried through the Moses Mesoamerican Archive in the Department of Anthropology and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University. The Mexican American historian of religions David Carrasco was responsible for organizing the five year study at Harvard that resulted in Cave, City, and Eagle's Nest, edited by Carrasco and his former student and colleague Scott Sessions. For a useful history of this project see the introduction to the book written by the co-editors. Carrasco will be on a lecture tour about the MC2 Codex in 2008 and 2009.

Now what I am going to tell you is unbeleiveable and dose not agree with other people in the field of study of the MC 2 codex and Aztec cultures .. I am out right sorry for the conflect this will cause .. But that's to bad .. They should not have asumed the truth when they did not have enough real evidence to suport their findings ..
There is a photo of the MC2 codex:
In the first picture handdrawn is a hook drawing . This drawing is used threw out the known Aztec drawings of the MC 2 codex and even some of the other known codex related to the Mc2

This hook is the simbolic for the spoken word ...

Now we have many exaples of these words being used on the codex it self ..

In a few cases threre are multiable hooks used to show speech or the flow of words between two people on the codex ..

That is what you see in the second picture ..

In the last photo is the cacatus king , this is one of the main drawings found on the wall of dreams in the superstition mts of AZ by me 2003

Note the hook words , this is the same simbolic used on the codex and the only place these hook words have been found in the real world

I have known this for more then 8 years ...

I am sorry for those that feel they knew where chicomoztoc was in Mexico .. Because they will be proven out right wrong .. This is the only site ever dirrectly link to the MC2 codex it self ....

Yes, this is the real chicomoztoc in the superstition mts of AZ...

The true birthplace of the Aztec

The wall of dreams is a collection of drawings by the tribe of chicomoztoc ...and home of the seven caves .

This is real evidence that links this site to the MC2 codex

Too bad, as I would have loved to bat it around with him for awhile.

Take care,


Re the Codex

I was looking forwards to BB's responce to the questions he had been asked guess i'll never know now,
it took him 8 years to find out he knew nothing about them !!!!!! strewth i found out i knew nothing about them in less than a minute,


BB is the most predictable person I've ever run across on an open forum.

His "all for fools" topic is still up.His last post on that topic is fairly explanatory.

contrition jees that's a first,

but he's had at least 6 character changes since then, his last yesterday when he took his bat and ball home and refused to play anymore,

He quits everytime we challenge him, and seems to really not like the challenges I put out there. Last time I came on for an extended period, he pulled a 2 yr forum, and started with a new name. Oro and I figured it out when I came and said that I had found someone published a stone circle calling it a ballcourt. Which it isn't.
Whatever, I think if you want info you have to give info and be respectfull of the people that have boots on the ground ... and since the site is still considered unknown, its still up for any theory.
Joe, very cool work... I look forward to studying what is out there.
Oro, you are right the book was by Adams, its a hoot, fun reading and just his own theory which I have no problem with. He brings up some interesting ideas.
Just sayin'

Springfield wrote
I can take you to a hundred old adits and shafts that have been sealed to prevent access. The reason was/is to prevent naive humans, yes, but primarily livestock, IMO, from either falling down a shaft or entering an adit and falling down a raise. Some have been sealed by their owners for legal liability reasons.

Perhaps this point will sway your view; for those mine owners had legal liabilities for anyone injured in their mines, correct? When an un-patented mine is abandoned or allowed to lapse, the ownership of the mineral estate reverts to the government, correct? So do the liabilities. I had a letter here from the CA branch of the BLM but can't find it, which was to notify us that we would be responsible if anyone were hurt on our claims, so long as we own them. When the ownership reverts, so do the legal liabilities for injuries and deaths, with the exception of toxic waste or runoffs and even this is frequently fought in court. Oh and that 'black and white' mention which was not intended to be some kind of offensive accusation, just that you had taken the idea of a legal responsibility to the 'logical conclusion' which would be taking it to an extreme.

Springfield also wrote
By the way, I see bb has pulled another thread from the forum, along with all his posts and those of others who attempted to communicate with him, including myself. bb, you can whistle up your a$$ from now on.

I see that, how rude and inconsiderate. I don't know what the problem is, but this tears it for me. Why bother taking the time to write up a reply, often involving digging out books to get a fact right, only to see it go 'poof' for no reason? At least no explanation. I won't post in a thread he starts from now on.

As to why he decided to pull the Codex thread, I know that I had just posted a reply there a few minutes before he pulled it. Maybe he didn't like my reply? Oh well life is too short to spend it writing up answers for people only to see it vanish without so much as a word to explain why.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:


You, more than anyone else, gave bb polite and respectful answers......time after time. He was good for a number of smiles. Came on here as some kind of expert on the Stone Maps, and didn't even know the Priest/Horse Map was two sides of the same stone. :D :D :D ::)

Take care,


Oroblanco said:
Springfield wrote
I can take you to a hundred old adits and shafts that have been sealed to prevent access. The reason was/is to prevent naive humans, yes, but primarily livestock, IMO, from either falling down a shaft or entering an adit and falling down a raise. Some have been sealed by their owners for legal liability reasons.

Perhaps this point will sway your view; for those mine owners had legal liabilities for anyone injured in their mines, correct? When an un-patented mine is abandoned or allowed to lapse, the ownership of the mineral estate reverts to the government, correct? So do the liabilities. ....

You have a good point - maybe litigation fear is the reason for removing such information from updated maps; at least it's a reason we can identify with. It removes 'attractive nuisances', as I mentioned earlier. This practice doesn't eliminate the hazard, but it removes its location from the current public record, at least from the quad maps. Removing old trails from the maps may also protect hikers from getting lost in the mountains, which can be hazardous. Removing archaeological sites from the maps removes the temptation of perhaps pocketing an arrowhead, a federal offense. Springs? What if some unsuspecting thirsty person tried to find it in June and it was dry? Better remove them from the maps too.

I'm not arguing with you here, just lamenting the growing mind set that we need the government to protect us from all threats, even dried up springs. As I mentioned earlier, this can only result in more restrictions, more permits, probably more closures - for our own good, you know. But I'm sure you don't want to know what I really think about our authorities, so let's stick to the topic. Bottom line: get the old maps.

Came on here as some kind of expert on the Stone Maps

I'm pretty sure no topic was ever raised that he wasn't an expert on - for me that's one of the first signs of someone who can't survive without public attention.

Cubfan 64. I do not believe that I was speculating. I was agreeing with BB, based on my knowledge of the event. First you implied that I posted someones photo's without permission (my own photo's), now I am wrong for commenting on this topic? I have some good insight, a few connections, and have formed an opinion. I do not consider my conclusion speculation, but perhaps you are correct, that the topic is taboo and not proper to openly write about it here.

Hal - you misinterpretted my quoted comment. It was in response to Joe's statement that Blindbowman came onto the forum as an expert on the Stone Maps. It was directed at Blindbowman, not you.

As far as the photograph you posted, in hindsight I should have sent you my comment via PM since I didn't have all the facts. All I noticed was that Kurt (Silenthunter) had posted that same photo a day or two earlier on a different forum I frequent and I assumed it was his photograph. I had no idea you guys were working together and when I saw the same photo posted by you here, my first thought was to protect Kurt's claim to the image.

I apologized for my misunderstanding after Kurt let me know he had no problem with you posting it. It wasn't meant maliciously at all.

Hal you will find out on this forum it is rock paper scissors at best round here

EL BAYO said:
Hal you will find out on this forum it is rock paper scissors at best round here

? I don't understand the meaning of that ?

Cubfan64 said:
EL BAYO said:
Hal you will find out on this forum it is rock paper scissors at best round here

? I don't understand the meaning of that ?

No worries paul.....think that's just a Hat-izm sorta speak

*chuckles* ... probably more illuminating than one would think at first sight ...
It's something akin to "do what I say, not what I do"

Nothing to do with Hatt. Just simple advise to a good friend.Understand this what Hal aand I have discovered is real. He wants to share with you all. I told him that would be like asking skunks who stinks.

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