The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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then there are the might few those that luck out or most likely do the search and ground work ..

and i fully agree with what you said above .. often there is no treasure and maps are nothing more then the after effects of greedy peoples plot to make a fast buck ...

now lets focus on that for one second .. how do the stones fit into that guide line ... simple ... they dont

the time it took to just know the full lay out of the area not to go into the details and skills needed to complete them i noticed a few odd factors out of place the frist time i saw them ...the size of the stones ..who would fake something this big .. it would foolish to try ...untill you know why they are that size . they do look like fakes .. but under a close study . they still look some what like fakes .. its when their real past meets their translation you under stand how very rare these stones really are ...

even after you just read what i wrote . and know i still agree with your over sight above . i hope you under stand the very very fine line between fakes and real maps confused as fakes ..

often art is copied to very very fine details .. but some art can not be faked .. at first i did think they were fakes .. after i found their true translation there is no question what so ever that they are real ...

i am sorry for not shareing what i know about them .. i know their history back to day 1 and the full time line till tumlinson lied about them ...

i can only say when i do make the translation known .. you will all be shocked at how great a work of art they really are i am not easyly amazed about anything ..

i feel they could be the greatest work of art i know ... next to the wall of dreams ...

PS sorry i mis spoke . i do know one other real peice of work .. Waltz him self .. what a peice of work he was .. focused beyond his years and never swaying from his hold on the mine and the hidden truth he held with in his pearing eyes . you crossed him and he would smile back ... just dont close your eyes when you sleep ..

just for a second look back at the legend . and look at what kind of man he realy was .. if he was the easy going smileing out dutchman . or was he a cold blooded killer waiting till the skill would be need again .. he was not going to let the mine go untill after his death ... thats a fact ...i know to well ....


I have read and reread all the evidence so many times, it makes me sick. LOL

I have not commented on that interpretation of BT statement because I don't place any stock at all in its validity.

Everybody likes to keep throwing in "ifs" and "possiblies" with wild completely unverifiable theories. If that is what BT meant, then why did the interviewer not follow up on it? Why did he not expound on it? Just like if he had meant that Travis had been wanting badly to sell the stones, the EXACT same questions apply. Neither possibility makes any sense.

IF YOU READ THE COMPLETE LETTER, AND TAKE ALL THE STATEMENTS IN CONTEXT, the only scenario that makes any sense is that BT thought Travis had sold the stones to Mitchell/Peck and believed he had been crazy to do so. BTs feelings towards Travis were not based in any kind of objectivity. His feelings were strictly emotional due to the serious rift between BT and TT. A rift that was so bad that they had not spoken since the mid-1950s (until the interviewer told him Travis was dead in 1965). You can try to put thoughts in BTs head or words in his mouth, that have NEVER ONCE been repeated by either BT, Mel Brower, Elbert Love, Peck, Mitchell, Kriewald, or anybody else (anybody contemporary), but it is strictly based in your imagination.


Read ALL of the Peck Letters! If a smart wealthy investor like Dick Peck would have had the slightest inkling of a thought that the State or Feds might grab the stones, he would have had his investigators look into it and we would be reading their letters as well. If his attorneys had a thought in that direction, there would have been something mentioned in those letters.


Great reading sirs! You guys (and gals) sure make
this a great place to hang for us who will most likely
never get a chance to set foot in the Supers.

This may be common knowledge and I missed it, but
I have to ask a simple question to satisfy my own curiousity...

Was T Tumlinson a "dutch hunter" before he "found"
the stones?

Hi pronghorn,

I'm going to "assume" you mean Travis Tumlinson, and its a good question.

I've never even been convinced of how, if he really found the stones - why he decided the Supers was the place to look for solving it.

I can only answer the question with: From what I hear-point of view. Some say he was, some say he was not. He was supposedly an officer in Oregon, though, as far as I know, nobody has been actually able to verify that fact.

Also, I found it very coincidental that someone from Oregon contacted him - I would have thought someone from Arizona would have done that.

Bottom line is - with all we know about Tumlinson, I don't think we really know much of anything at all.


mrs.oroblanco said:
Hi pronghorn,

I'm going to "assume" you mean Travis Tumlinson, and its a good question.

I've never even been convinced of how, if he really found the stones - why he decided the Supers was the place to look for solving it.

I can only answer the question with: From what I hear-point of view. Some say he was, some say he was not. He was supposedly an officer in Oregon, though, as far as I know, nobody has been actually able to verify that fact.

Also, I found it very coincidental that someone from Oregon contacted him - I would have thought someone from Arizona would have done that.

Bottom line is - with all we know about Tumlinson, I don't think we really know much of anything at all.


Thanks for the prompt response Beth.
Yes I meant Travis.

I am just a casual reader of this subject, I don't know what
you are referring to about someone from Oregon contacting
him, can you briefly explain this please.

Blindbowman wrote
some times i wonder about you guys .. lost and confused in the big world ... wow

Who do you think is lost and confused in "the big world"? You are making an assumption which is quite incorrect.

Springfield wrote
If you're a realist, it's only common sense not to trust a treasure map. Sound, genuine information? I've commented on the overwhelmingly long odds against that previously. False info isn't just the 'worst', it's the norm. Why would valid info be available to the public?

I would hope it would take more than a treasure map to entice folks out of the house and into the hills. One problem with the concept is that some folks may become obsessed and lose a decade or three chasing a will o' the wisp that never existed. I've seen that happen to individuals. Oh well, beats sitting in front of the tube all day I guess.

Well we disagree on this issue on a fundamental basis, for I am not convinced that so much of the information available to the public is false, in many cases it could be a matter of a single word that is wrong or misinterpreted. However you are right in that most all of the info that is publicly available, is flawed in some way and should not be taken as gospel truths.

Blindbowman also wrote
i am sorry for not shareing what i know about them

Well you had the perfect opportunity to present what you have to prove that Tumlinson did not carve the stones, but chose not to. One must strike while the iron is hot, as they say - and you know the old story of the boy who cried "wolf"? You may say you have proof that Tumlinson did not carve the stones as many times as you wish, but since you will not back up your statements by showing that proof the end result will be a lot of folks won't believe. They might even quit listening, like the boy who cried wolf.

gollum said:

I have read and reread all the evidence so many times, it makes me sick. LOL

I have not commented on that interpretation of BT statement because I don't place any stock at all in its validity.

Everybody likes to keep throwing in "ifs" and "possiblies" with wild completely unverifiable theories. If that is what BT meant, then why did the interviewer not follow up on it? Why did he not expound on it? Just like if he had meant that Travis had been wanting badly to sell the stones, the EXACT same questions apply. Neither possibility makes any sense.

IF YOU READ THE COMPLETE LETTER, AND TAKE ALL THE STATEMENTS IN CONTEXT, the only scenario that makes any sense is that BT thought Travis had sold the stones to Mitchell/Peck and believed he had been crazy to do so. BTs feelings towards Travis were not based in any kind of objectivity. His feelings were strictly emotional due to the serious rift between BT and TT. A rift that was so bad that they had not spoken since the mid-1950s (until the interviewer told him Travis was dead in 1965). You can try to put thoughts in BTs head or words in his mouth, that have NEVER ONCE been repeated by either BT, Mel Brower, Elbert Love, Peck, Mitchell, Kriewald, or anybody else (anybody contemporary), but it is strictly based in your imagination.


Read ALL of the Peck Letters! If a smart wealthy investor like Dick Peck would have had the slightest inkling of a thought that the State or Feds might grab the stones, he would have had his investigators look into it and we would be reading their letters as well. If his attorneys had a thought in that direction, there would have been something mentioned in those letters.


Mike, yes I have Peck's letters and have read them. We can not know what was in Robert Tumlinson's mind when he made his statements, nor that he was even aware whether the stones were genuine or not. He very well could have believed them genuine, and thought Travis 'crazy' to sell such valuable things. Beyond all the "putting words into mouths" and making conclusions based on what one source or another said or didn't say, what we have are the stones themselves. With the new stones turning up, that have similarities to the Peralta stones, made by Travis, it is not a great leap of a conclusion to say that it is just likely that Travis also carved the Peralta stones as well. For what reasons he had we can only speculate, and likewise for his behavior afterwards.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

There was other players, of course in the Tumlinson story.

How do I explain this simply.

Tumlinson was from Oregon. There was some supposed information that there was another stone that could possibly be purchased. This person by the name of Love, wanted to try and find that stone, and he approached a guy named Carl Burgoyne, who just happened to be the President of the Oregon
Archeological Society. I find it curious that someone in the Oregon Archeological Society would have any knowledge of, not only the stones, but an additional stone.

I would have thought that someone in Arizona, where the stones were supposed "found", would be the place to seek it. Cannot figure out how the Oregon
Archeological Society - I wonder what Tumlinson had to do with them.

You are probably even more confused now. Sorry.


mrs.oroblanco said:
There was other players, of course in the Tumlinson story.

How do I explain this simply.

Tumlinson was from Oregon. There was some supposed information that there was another stone that could possibly be purchased. This person by the name of Love, wanted to try and find that stone, and he approached a guy named Carl Burgoyne, who just happened to be the President of the Oregon
Archeological Society. I find it curious that someone in the Oregon Archeological Society would have any knowledge of, not only the stones, but an additional stone.

I would have thought that someone in Arizona, where the stones were supposed "found", would be the place to seek it. Cannot figure out how the Oregon
Archeological Society - I wonder what Tumlinson had to do with them.

You are probably even more confused now. Sorry.


Thanks again for the prompt response Beth!

Not more confused, it is clear now. Thanks so much.

Those new carvings sure spice up this story.

Blindbowman wrote
i beleive the scale judge the replies . if the replies are personal attacks i delite them . if they do not focus on the topic and become personal i delite them ..
if i feel the person is unwilling to dirrect their replies to the topic .. i delite them .. if i fell the replies are unfair and have other personal goals in mind that do not relate to the topic i delite them . i made them . i have the right to delite them ... if you dont under stand that watch and learn before you pass judgement ...

yes i have had a chance to let your name calling and bulling me into giveing out data .. and i felt the value of the questions and remarks lost my respect years ago ...

ROY in your case i told you something in a PM . days latter Joe repeated it word for word ...

in joe's case .. he dose not know me . yet he passes judgement like he is god over the legend and TH ers .. i got news for him ,.... he is not my god and i dont care what he wants to prove .. it has no bearing on me or my research ...

me CUB have spoke are peice to each other .. beyond that who knows ..

as for the rest of the trolling and name calling and remarks and ignorence ... i delite when i feel is worth my time to do so .. one persons poorly judgemental reaction has cost some good data to be lost .. but if any one of us lets it happen to them . we are as much as fault as the person that dose it ...

you dont want to answer my post or topics . or dont like who or what i am ... OK

Huh? My bullying ways? I have tried to COAX you into telling your story, to present some proof that will convince us all that what you say is true, but hardly bullying. I tried just asking you questions for some time, but you will only tell your story when you are ready to.

Name calling? What name have I ever called you, besides Blindbowman, BB, amigo or buddy? Do you perceive these as bad names?

Breaking a confidence? I have no idea what incident you refer to here, but if I did, it was due to misunderstanding on my part; I would never pass along information that I had been told was to be kept in confidence. If I mentioned something that was supposed to be secret, it was because I did not realize that it was to be secret. My apologies if this occurred as you say, there was no intent to be passing along secrets to anyone. <And no insult intended to Joe either, not that I would not trust you to keep a confidence, just a matter of my failure to understand that something was in secret> The only thing I can recall telling Joe about you, was that you might make it to this year's Dutch hunters rendezvous, which I did not believe was a secret? Was I wrong?

Now to try to get on topic here, have you taken a total (weight) for all the gear and supplies? A pack animal might well be a good idea, or to hire it from the Feldmans. Their prices seem pretty high to me but they are the 'only show in town' as they are the only licensed outfitters for the Superstitions. The last time we rented pack horses it was $18 a day, <without a guide or packer, that was strictly "do-it-yourself"> just to give you an idea how prices have gone up.

Now the Exp & Gear topic is locked? Was that so I could not post a reply to what I was accused of? Sometimes I do not get what is the idea. At least it didn't all go "poof" this time, but if you would rather NOT have us take the time to write answers to what you say Blindbowman, that is no problem for me. You are welcome to have the last word.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. :icon_thumright:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

EL BAYO said:
Roy Mr. Oro one eyed Joe cactus two are so full of poo poo you both make real crap look real. That's all I got to say.

Hopefully, you're a man of your word.


It's not really surprising that you took it that way. These are really special dogs, and the equipment is way expensive. Do a little research and you will find out what they are all about.

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper said:

It's not really surprising that you took it that way. These are really special dogs, and the equipment is way expensive. Do a little research and you will find out what they are all about.

Joe Ribaudo

you just confirmed you thaught i would take it that way ,then you plain the insault on me and knew it before you posted the reply , ..

Sprungfield what is funny I know you and I know Wayne. Hahaha I know both of you.. Never join in when you know nothing of the topic.Lol

EL BAYO said:
Sprungfield what is funny I know you and I know Wayne. Hahaha I know both of you.. Never join in when you know nothing of the topic.Lol

Not so much that we know nothing of the topic....or today's developments.
It may be "EL BAYO" who we do not know well.

EL BAYO said:
Sprungfield what is funny I know you and I know Wayne. Hahaha I know both of you.. Never join in when you know nothing of the topic.Lol

'Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that would accept me as a member'.

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