While not saying the trail maps lead to a treasure or are authentic to the date they are said, by most, to have been carved, I can assure you they are an accurate drawing of the topography of the western end of the Supe's.
I have explained how I figured them out many times. It might be of some value if I went over it again:
When I originally saw the Stone Maps, my first thought was that the wavy line in the lower map was a rough outline of the main range from the southwest end. If that was true, then the bent arrow going to the top would be a canyon/trail.
The canyon that stood out as matching that bent line was Hieroglyphic. At one time, you could ride to the top of the ridge using that canyon. In my mind, that initial match worked so well, that I made the leap in logic that the rest of the map would also conform to the topography.
If I was right, the dotted line that continued from the top of the ridge would be a trail down the other side. The trail/ravine that immediately jumped out at me looked very close. I had made a tracing of the maps, so I took it out and laid it on the topo. The trail fit perfectly into a ravine dropping down into West Boulder. At each place the ravine took a turn on the topo, so did the Stone Map Trail.
Once the trail dropped into West Boulder, that canyon took the exact same turns as the Stone Maps. At this point, I knew I was on to something good.
Once you realize that the initial map was drawn from a high point on the ridge, most likely Superstition Peak, the rest of the trail maps started falling into place. The triangle slash is Weaver's Needle. The locator dot farthest east is the highest point on Bluff Spring Mountain. The one to the west is the north peak of Tim's Saddle.
If you follow those easy to match locations, you can put the rest of the map together easily. I have given so many of those maps away, I am having a hard time finding some copies. On the other hand, there is no guarantee they are genuine treasure maps.
A number of people have said my "theory" is ridiculous. It's no theory at all......It's a topographic map. I have asked a number of those who say I'm a fool......and worse, to show me where my map is wrong. So far, all I get is bluster and a few more choice names.
Good luck,
A number of people have said my "theory" is ridiculous. It's no theory at all......It's a topographic map. I have asked a number of those who say I'm a fool......and worse, to show me where my map is wrong. So far, all I get is bluster and a few more choice names.
you did not ask me ... ridiculous ,not the word i would have used but close enough i guess.
i only feel sorry for you joe for one reason .. you dont know your wrong
i gave you more then a fair chance to try to under stand what i was saying .. you wasted your time and mine with all theat nonecents .....they say your fool for a good reason