The Peralta Stone Maps, Real Maps to Lost Gold Mines or Cruel Hoax?

Do you think the Peralta stone maps are genuine, or fake?

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Hey Springfield,

A question for you and the Gang and a cool photograph of a mountain in the depository area. I know you have a good eye.

T'net will not let me log in on my computer; it reads; You are unable to log in. Please check your cookie settings. I have tried everything and I am not having trouble with my laptop.

Ellie B

Hi All,

Attached is a better rendition of the IR as transferred onto the map. The IR photograph may have caused the writing instrument to pool some ink at the end of the line. The map images are far superior in all the other IR Interpretations as well.


E Baba

@Elle Baba,
Sorry, but I am not familiar with your 'Rose Interpretation'. Obviously it has to do with recognizing certain features from an IR-photo, but other than that I am completely blank. Tried to google for it as well - but short of trying to go through 5000-odd hits was just a tad too much.
Could you please explain it to me?


Ask Thommy what he thinks.



Loke said:
@Elle Baba,
Sorry, but I am not familiar with your 'Rose Interpretation'. Obviously it has to do with recognizing certain features from an IR-photo, but other than that I am completely blank. Tried to google for it as well - but short of trying to go through 5000-odd hits was just a tad too much.
Could you please explain it to me?


Jim Rose was one of NASA's pioneers when IR imagery was in its infancy. Jim Rose later became a very successful oil and gas geologist and later became involved in precious metals exploration using IR imagery to verify fault and vein systems. He also used IR Imagery to locate a number of Mayan cities hidden in the jungles of Brazil and Belize for the University of Florida.

The site was first discovered in the late 1960’s or mid 1970’s and at the time no one had any idea what the site (I will need to find Walter’s original claim papers) really represented. Walter had recently read about the Peralta Stone Maps in the 1964 issue of Life Magazine and soon his curiosity got the better of him and he started asking folks about that darned heart.

Joe, do you remember the old Mom and Pop Antique Store located north and west of Florence Junction befor they built the bypass? The old timers would sit on the front porch playing checkers and telling old legends about lost gold and buried treasure. I wish that I would have spent some time just listening to them. They always teased us about finding the Dutchman's gold and for a few bucks they would tell us where it was hid!

Eventually Walter Stobbe discovered the site after asking a number of old prospectors if they had ever found or had heard about a heart in the desert. One of the old timers spoke up and said that he had never seen one…, but actually had found three! The old timer explained that Walter would have to grab his camping gear and go into the desert, to a specific area and wait for a good thunderstorm to roll through and drench the area. A day or two later a pair of bright green hearts magically appeared where none had existed before just as the old timer had explained. It was later verified by a botanist that the grass was some type of a variety of Canadian Rye. It had been planted long ago within the borders of the hearts and had never been able to reproduce outside of the borders of the hearts. No one has ever been able to see the hearts until a good rain has passed over the area and one can see them from 14 miles away.

Back to Jim Rose: We had located his website online and had read his resume. We knew he was our man. We contacted him and explained that we would like to have an IR Interpretation performed to determine if the area may contain precious metals. We told him this site covered an area of over ten square miles. Jim told us his price and we sent him a wire straight to his account in Dallas, TX.

About three days later after midnight my phone was ringing off the hook. I picked up the receiver and said hell-o. All of a sudden Jim was ranting and raving asking me what the hell was going on and what kind of a trick was I playing on him as he had done hundreds of IR Interpretations and had never seen anything like this before. I told him that we were sorry about not putting all of our cards on the table.

To make a long story short Jim Rose became a partner and worked with us for a number of years until cancer took him away from us, he was 81 when he passed about three years ago. He was a genius, a graduate of Texas A & M I believe. I will post his resume one of these days.

We miss him dearly; which reminds me of a story that took place a few years back. Jim usually drove his Ford Explorer when we ventured into the desert. This one evening we were in his Lincoln Town Car driving down a dirt road heading for the diversion dam located east of Florence on the Gila (heel-ah) River. We had decided to check out an outcropping that could tell us about the geology relating to precious metals, we were looking for clues. This was later in the evening and we could hardly see it was so dang dark. We had just eaten at the L & B Mexican Restaurant and I drank at least four or five glasses of iced tea. I told my son that I had to take a leak and walked behind the Lincoln and did my thing. I could see Jim due to the lights coming from Florence. Jim was about fifty, sixty feet away looking at his samples and mumbling to himself. My boy and I were remarking to one another how bright the stars were in God’s heavens. It wasn’t long and all of a sudden we heard Jim state that he just could not understand why these two rocks he was examining were wet and still dripping with water. My son cried out that I had just taken a leak in the area where he was standing. He looked at us through his coke bottled glasses (that made his eyes look bigger due to the magnification) and he told us that he was just getting ready to lick those rocks and we all fell to the ground as we were laughing so hard. He was always upbeat, funny and gettin’ after it, and he loved working with Mother Nature.

It was about this time that we realized that the Peralta Stone Maps were connected to the area. We had found a number of horses located on the site north of the river all of them within a mile of each other. The horse pastured on the north side of the river just like the stone tablets had indicated; one on the Finger of God, one was placed on the hill side and the other was found on the ground located by IR.

There are more stories concerning Jim Rose relating to a number of discoveries he had made and how he solved some secrets related to the site and the Stone Maps.

Time to get to bed!

Ellie B

Copyright © 2010 [Ellie Baba]. All Rights Reserved.


  • heart mountain pictures_Page_1 [Desktop Resolution].webp
    heart mountain pictures_Page_1 [Desktop Resolution].webp
    111.4 KB · Views: 891
Hi All,

Attached is a photograph of a perfect arrow pointing to a particular location similar to the one on the heart stone. This particular monument is displayed in what we call a picture frame. The architects designed this type of monument to be located along a prominent trail, let's say on the northside of the trail. The trail is marked at two locations; 1,) A permanent trail marker on the east side along the trail (left frame of picture) and another monument located farther west (right frame of picture) on the same trail. 2.) There will also be a "problem area" related to this part of the trail like a deep washout or numerous large boulders to navigate around. This "problem area" will distract the treasure hunter(s) from realizing the error just commited and they will pass right by the sara monument located within the picture frame, missing a vital sign.


Ellie Baba

Copyright © 2010 [Ellie Baba]. All Rights Reserved.

10-4 Moderator, EB

Hi All,

Sometimes it takes years to understand how the Stone Maps work; it took me 3 years to find and hundreds of photographs just to figure out how this particular crescent moon sara monument was designed and set up for viewing. Our Geologist Jack P. spent numerous hours working on this site examining the existing "Geomorphology" and what type of modifications man had enhanced on the three basic formations of rock outcroppings: AA, BB and CC.

The next photograph shows the correct locations of AA, BB and CC as viewed from the viewing corridor; this location is exact. Once you begin to move in any direction the crescent begins to come apart, and as the distance increases from 1/8th to 1/4 mile the outcroppings have moved substantially as shown in the “second photograph.” In this case we have moved westward about 1/4 of a mile.

This is a good example of man's intervention of enhancing natural geologic formations. The stone maps provide a couple of crescent moons as clues. The crescent under the horse’s eye is telling us to look for the crescent. The horse is also looking at the cross that when reflected (mirrored) in his eye above the crescent represents the double anchor cross a Masonic Symbol or the Catholic Cross which represents the Virgin Mary and Christ. This symbol is also closely related to the “Teapot Asterism symbol” as the horse is located not far away from the “Teapot.” The horse in the IR Interpretation and the horse located on the “Finger of God or the Priest Rock” are both looking at the “R-Rock” where the crescent can be seen on the number nine (9). The clue is found within the 9 and the crescent; this is the “trick in the trail.”

Have a great week! P.S. These photographs do not depict a 100% phase crescent moon shadow as they were used as examples only to demonstrate certain techniques.

Ellie Baba

Hi All,

The photograph attached below represents the R-rock (left of center) sara as viewed from a different angle. In this case we are standing on the slope where the largest of the three hearts is located and are looking to the east. The hearts are the primary calling sara monuments that brought us to this AOP (area of importance). The three eye catchers lay at its base at the center of the outcropping and as you can see these three boulders are very large; compare with the SUV found at the bottom center of photograph. Another eye catcher is located on top of this sara monument and it has a purpose of its own.

The top of the “Finger of God” Is located at the center of the photograph and if you look closely you can see an escarpment near the base of the finger that lines up perfectly with the profile of the hill in the foreground (left to right). There is a message depicted on the top of this sara (focus is a little off on purpose) that gave us some direction. One must be located in the exact spot determined by the Architects to properly decipher the correct message and you must be there at the appropriate time of the year.

The three eye catchers can be seen north of the jeep trail a number of miles away as the sun moves across the sky. The geologic formation where these eye catchers came from is made up of geodes, literally hundreds of thousands of them. These geodes are not clean enough to be sold in rock shops, but some of them are very good examples and have some nice colorization. Once an eye catcher has been located one must proceed to the exact location and stand on or near the eye catcher and look in all directions to see if another eye catcher can be found. Returning to the area throughout the years is not un-common. We have found eye catchers that have been designed to shadow themselves so the sun light will not produce a mirror effect. One in particular could only be seen before noon as it enhanced by using a part of its outcrop as a shade. I will post a photograph of this sara later.

The second photograph depicts the information displayed on the R-rock sara. Our position is to the south looking north. Notice the three eye catcher stones to the right of the outcropping as this will give you an idea of how large this sara monument actually is!

More later,

Ellie B

Ellie Baba wrote
The three eye catchers can be seen north of the jeep trail a number of miles away as the sun moves across the sky.

This factor alone makes it seem unlikely; for a large "billboard" type of sign or marker would only serve to attract robbers and/or enemies. Not a good thing for a site one is trying to keep a secret.

Oroblanco said:
Ellie Baba wrote
The three eye catchers can be seen north of the jeep trail a number of miles away as the sun moves across the sky.

This factor alone makes it seem unlikely; for a large "billboard" type of sign or marker would only serve to attract robbers and/or enemies. Not a good thing for a site one is trying to keep a secret.

Hi Oro,

You are correct in your assessment; and it will attract the attention of those who understand what these eye catchers are used for. The larger the treasure the larger and more complicated the signs become. We have learned through experience that these secret groups were constantly dealing with their massive egos and were not afraid to put the truth in plain site; some of these signs and symbols are easy to identify and were used as calling cards to direct their brothers to the depository area.

The problem arises when people who are not related to these secret groups end up in the depository area attracted by these same signs and symbols. What do they mean, how are they translated, in what order are they used, how can anyone understand their true meaning? These secret groups are very confident that no one outside of the brotherhood will ever break the codes or decipher the truth regarding this secret language to locating hidden treasures.

The stone maps represent a secret hidden code that has not been broken (as far as we know) since they have been found! No one has been able to decipher the maps to the point of finding a massive treasure, cache, lost mine or any kind of Padre/Jesuit hidden stash. It seems the stone maps have put us under a powerful spell and we find ourselves trying to figure out what all these signs and symbols mean, so that one day we will solve the mystery and find these legendary treasures.

Every sara monument that we have mapped and located is massive in size and has also been placed in plain sight. They can only be seen once you understand how they were made. We have solved only a part of the mystery, but in doing so we have also learned how to solve the stone maps. Only time will tell, for there is so much more to learn.

Later, oh, by the way, attached is a photograph that I took of the Soups yesterday afternoon.

Ellie B

Excellent photo EB!

Ellie Baba wrote
Later, oh, by the way, attached is a photograph that I took of the Soups yesterday afternoon.

Ellie B

Dang amigo you really know how to hit a guy where it hurts! :( :'( <as I sit here with grey overcast skies, driving wind and rain mixed with snow>

Gorgeous shot!

Ellie Baba said:
Hi All,

Attached is a photograph of a perfect arrow pointing to a particular location similar to the one on the heart stone. This particular monument is displayed in what we call a picture frame. The architects designed this type of monument to be located along a prominent trail, let's say on the northside of the trail. The trail is marked at two locations; 1,) A permanent trail marker on the east side along the trail (left frame of picture) and another monument located farther west (right frame of picture) on the same trail. 2.) There will also be a "problem area" related to this part of the trail like a deep washout or numerous large boulders to navigate around. This "problem area" will distract the treasure hunter(s) from realizing the error just commited and they will pass right by the sara monument located within the picture frame, missing a vital sign.


Ellie Baba

Copyright © 2010 [Ellie Baba]. All Rights Reserved.

[mod]Message Received

copyrighted photo that was lifted from Please remove the photo and REMIND this member that he cannot repost copyrighted photos from one website to another. (AGAIN) He has done this before.[/mod]

[mod]Received REPORT

The last photo in this post (Heart Stone) is a copyrighted photo that was lifted from Please remove the photo and REMIND this member that he cannot repost copyrighted photos from one website to another. (AGAIN) He has done this before.

Photo Removed


`Maybe I'm missing something, but why did you state "Copyright © 2010 [Ellie Baba]. All Rights Reserved." if you knew the picture did not belong to you?

At least if you are going to post other peoples' pictures, please have the respect to credit their author.



My guess is that someone is monitoring this Forum and complained to Jeff. I could be wrong, but it seems likely. Maybe in the future you could just ask Jim for permission and then post the results of that request. I think he would be happy to provide you permission....Just wants to be asked. :dontknow:

Take care,


cactusjumper said:

My guess is that someone is monitoring this Forum and complained to Jeff. I could be wrong, but it seems likely. Maybe in the future you could just ask Jim for permission and then post the results of that request. I think he would be happy to provide you permission....Just wants to be asked. :dontknow:

Take care,


Good point Joe, I honestly never thought about the photograph copywrite as I had that particular photograph in "My pictures" and I did not even know where it came from until the moderator brought up the topic. Anyway, I deleted all of the photos in my pictures that were questionable as per copywrite status.


10-4 on your comment; pay respect where respect is due. I will apologize to Jim. I have not been on the site for some time and I can't remember login info.

Thanks for the pointers.

Ellie B

Darn!! I KNEW I had seen that picture before, I just couldn't place where.

I've been looking all over the place to find where I'd seen it. Now I don't have to keep looking. :headbang:


Hi All,

I made a trip out to location of crescent moon yesterday and took this shot. I make this trip once a week if possible to watch the crescent blossom into a perfect shadowed work of art as it was intended. As time moves on full phase (100%) will soon be achieved. I know the time window to take the photograph is around 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM. As they say, "Time will tell".


Ellie B.


There are so many faces in your picture, I decided to only highlight these:


Do you believe they are man-made?

See you soon,


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