Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own
Starman <Martin> wrote
Interesting set of alternatives you present. Let`s say I prefer neither. What you suggest is as silly as handing out speading tickets at the Indy 500. What goes on in the Superstitions stays in the Superstitions.
I always felt Fish Creek Canyon was a good place to discover who your really are. There is a truth there that is very old and ancient. A starburst monumented trial that heads west and a battleground where hundreds died over a thousand years ago. We care for it as best we can. The folks who died there died for what is best in all of us. I sometimes think that is what I find beautiful there. Folks who gave everything so a few could escape to Eldorado Canyon and beyond. Martin
Well Martin your evasive answer here pretty well seals the case. As for my questions being "silly as handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500" you are very mistaken here, the authorities take looting, theft and smuggling very serious regardless of where they should occur, and you were referring to the Calalus artifacts which were not found near the Superstitions. If they were really stolen from the museum in Tucson, it is a felony, and smuggling them out of the country violates international law. To conceal the identities of persons having committed such crimes is in itself a crime, so if you are really telling the truth, you should contact the authorities immediately or risk prison yourself. On the other hand, spreading tall tales is no crime, but when such tall tales are resulting in the deaths of inexperienced hikers in the Superstitions, it crosses a line with me.
You could not be more mistaken about what I was looking for in Fish creek canyon. I was looking for a missing person, not anything else. It was not my first hike up it, so I knew what to expect. There is nothing up that canyon that is worth the hike (and danger of broken bones) to anyone, not even very good scenery as the canyon walls are so steep you get the view of a slot. There may well be some ancient Amerindian symbols or relics up in that place, I could not say for certain, but it is not a place I would go telling people that there were great ancient battles or treasure signs etc as it simply isn't true. Ask the Forest Service if you doubt my word - they do not make it secret where there are ancient Hohokam sites. Or go take the hike up there yourself (dear reader) but don't blame me when you break your leg, or your neck for I warned you it is a difficult, dangerous canyon with no redeeming features. Martin you never answered my question about how you heard of my visit to Fish Creek canyon?
As for Hebrew signs on Bluff Spring mountain - please, let us not start sending our readers up there now? If you post some photos to substantiate this story then I have no problems with your hinting that people should go look at them, but otherwise this is just so much more smoke being blown, another false story being circulated. Besides, there have been too many persons making FAKE carvings and signs in the Superstitions for SO long, anything found there must be viewed with even greater skepticism and caution than were it found anywhere else.
Good luck and good hunting Martin, I hope you find the treasures that you seek, and that you will not continue to lure our readers (many of whom never post) into very difficult and dangerous sites in the Superstitions without anything to substantiate your stories. At least show them a few photos so they won't break their necks looking for a made up fiction. I am sorry if this post seems blunt or harsh but good people have died in the Superstitions and some part of the blame for their deaths can be laid at the door of these tall tales that get circulated along with satellite images.
Roy ~ Oroblanco