The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

starman 1 said:

The trail maps were created to reveal the location of a place in the Superstitions known in general by Coronado, and a number of ancient peoples, Aztecs, etc., The specifics of the location hides a number of different chambers within the site. Not all known by any specific group attracted there. Each had a different reason for their visits although all were grounded in a fundamental truth of the location. The location is in the NW portion of the range.

The priest, whatever was created from a topographical map and leads to sites in the eastern part of the range and to the south. The trail is a modern creation made to conceal and keep one away from the NW portion of the range. Just take the horse and look at a topographical map from 1908 of the Superstitions. It easy fairly easy to spot.

The folks who did this were also responsible for lifting the Tucson Artifacts and replacing them with exact forgeries that are now on display in Tucson. Not totally exact.

Also take the time to translate the Latin Heart. It speaks of a holy place in the NW portion of the range. It is written in a dialect that is from approximately 925 A.D.

The trail maps, the heart stone, and the latin heart are at the bottom of a lot of trouble.


So now the Calalus artifacts were "lifted". Once more, it seems, the evidence has left the building. That seems to match the Bilbrey Crosses and the Latin Heart's fate. How convenient, nothing left to authenticate. Did you guys give up on trying to sell this story over on the Feldman Forum? ::)

Joe Ribaudo

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Starman wrote
The folks who did this were also responsible for lifting the Tucson Artifacts and replacing them with exact forgeries that are now on display in Tucson. Not totally exact.

:o :o :o :o :o

That sounds like THEFT of historic ancient artifacts from US public lands! Looting, the very thing the archaeologists so often accuse treasure hunters of doing! Clearly it is a violation of the Antiquities Act, not to mention smuggling; these looters must be prosecuted, and anyone protecting their identities are guilty of aiding and abetting felonies, so should be prosecuted by the federal authorities as well! I hope you have contacted the feds Starman, to get those people arrested and punished for their crimes!


:coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

The nunber 10 on the heart
The first letter in the Greek word "deca" (ten) is formed like a triangle
The Pythagoreans used this sacred symbol when swearing a oath. So on the front of the heart stone you have symbols of swearing a oath and the penalty for violation of that oath.

Yes my head is full of useless knowledge. I can also see the Arizona sun has baked my brain. A warning to all you from back east.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

I have seen a few photos of the Tucson artifacts.There are a few more in this article...
What they remind me of,is the mould patterns used to make sand moulds for castings.....perhaps for theatre and movie props.
Due to health hazards,lead has been replaced as a pattern material,but back in the early days of epic battles,fought by hundreds of extras on the silver screen,it was commonly used for both the pattern as well as the final product,or parts of the props.
A relevant example--by premier dates,would be Ben Hur....1907,1925.
Over three hundred films,with the roman empire as a setting,had been made by the end of the silent film era.


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

sgtfda said:
With the exception of the degree work and signs we use to ID each other we are not secretive. Truth be known the meeting can be a little boring. If you attend a meeting in Canada it's very boring. Though it's nice to see old friends.


My question was about the secretive stuff. I'm just wondering why the secrecy?


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

EE thr
Are you reading to many Dan Brown books
Secrets within secrets within secrets
Sounds like a lot of the LDM stuff. 20 can look at something and all can come up with a logical theory. At least in there own mind. I see one thing and you something else. When I develop a interest in a event I try to locate the facts then decide what direction to take if at all. Must be the old detective in me. This works with the history of the Masons and LDM. What is the bull and what are the facts. The LDM is a good example on how bad things can get. Whose footprints are we following. The one or twenty behind us. Whose footprints did the dutchman follow? Whose footprints do the Masons follow and what secrets within secrets within secrets do any of us know. As with the LDM, secrets lost in time and secrets only a few foot prints back.
Secret society - any organized group that conceals some of it's ritual and other activities fom nonmembers

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


sgtfda said:
EE thr
Are you reading to many Dan Brown books
Secrets within secrets within secrets
Sounds like a lot of the LDM stuff. 20 can look at something and all can come up with a logical theory. At least in there own mind. I see one thing and you something else. When I develop a interest in a event I try to locate the facts then decide what direction to take if at all. Must be the old detective in me. This works with the history of the Masons and LDM. What is the bull and what are the facts. The LDM is a good example on how bad things can get. Whose footprints are we following. The one or twenty behind us. Whose footprints did the dutchman follow? Whose footprints do the Masons follow and what secrets within secrets within secrets do any of us know. As with the LDM, secrets lost in time and secrets only a few foot prints back.
Secret society - any organized group that conceals some of it's ritual and other activities fom nonmembers

Everything has a purpose.

Purpose is always the result of intention.

What are the intentions behind the secrecy of the Masons?


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


Well for one we would like to recover the Superstition deposit. So lets get back on the subject and get the job done. Our Republic is in need and every little bit helps.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

sgtfda said:

Well for one we would like to recover the Superstition deposit. So lets get back on the subject and get the job done. Our Republic is in need.

I suspect the rumored huge caches will be recovered by their owners when the world's economy has collectively crashed and burned to a cinder. Then, all fiat debt will be capitalized to a gold basis. As they say, those who have the money (gold) make the rules. National soverignties may become fond memories if one bunch holds all the trump cards. The only question remaining is who owns all the caches and what is their 'intent'?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Springfield said:
sgtfda said:

Well for one we would like to recover the Superstition deposit. So lets get back on the subject and get the job done. Our Republic is in need.

I suspect the rumored huge caches will be recovered by their owners when the world's economy has collectively crashed and burned to a cinder. Then, all fiat debt will be capitalized to a gold basis. As they say, those who have the money (gold) make the rules. National soverignties may become fond memories if one bunch holds all the trump cards. The only question remaining is who owns all the caches and what is their 'intent'?

And "those with all the guns can get all the money" - sorta a scary thought isn't it :(

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

You ever notice Springfield that many of the suspected sites are in national parks and wilderness areas. Could there be some intent there. How many times did someone get close and end up dead or missing.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

And....if they have no need for the gold now,why risk removing or moving it now ?
Unless of course,they are looking for it too........ :wink:


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

sgtfda said:
You ever notice Springfield that many of the suspected sites are in national parks and wilderness areas. Could there be some intent there. How many times did someone get close and end up dead or missing.

The caches will only be recovered by their owners, no matter what it takes to guarantee security: off-limits sites can be accomplished by legislation, flooding, cemeteries, town squares, difficulty of location and extraction, coercion, murder, etc. Another trick is to release 'secret information', create rock carvings, fabricate treasure legends, promote internet treasure forums that foster disinformation and send the eager folks north when the goods are south. Note: my opinions only; as always, I could be mistaken.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Springfield said:
sgtfda said:
You ever notice Springfield that many of the suspected sites are in national parks and wilderness areas. Could there be some intent there. How many times did someone get close and end up dead or missing.

The caches will only be recovered by their owners, no matter what it takes to guarantee security: off-limits sites can be accomplished by legislation, flooding, cemeteries, town squares, difficulty of extraction, coercion, murder, etc. Another trick is to release 'secret information', create rock carvings, fabricate treasure legends, promote internet treasure forums that foster disinformation and send the eager folks north when the goods are south. Note: my opinions only; as always, I could be mistaken.

Valid thoughts,Springy.
Ever heard about Saeculum obscurum ?
Perhaps some anticipated the circumstances would be repeated in the not too distant future ?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

somehiker said:
Springfield said:
sgtfda said:
You ever notice Springfield that many of the suspected sites are in national parks and wilderness areas. Could there be some intent there. How many times did someone get close and end up dead or missing.

The caches will only be recovered by their owners, no matter what it takes to guarantee security: off-limits sites can be accomplished by legislation, flooding, cemeteries, town squares, difficulty of extraction, coercion, murder, etc. Another trick is to release 'secret information', create rock carvings, fabricate treasure legends, promote internet treasure forums that foster disinformation and send the eager folks north when the goods are south. Note: my opinions only; as always, I could be mistaken.

Valid thoughts,Springy.
Ever heard about Saeculum obscurum ?
Perhaps some anticipated the circumstances would be repeated in the not too distant future ?

IMHO, the Church (especially of Rome), along with all secular governments, the media, secret societies like the masons, etc., successful cults like the mormons, etc., and all other 'knowledge and asset rich' powers-that-be all occupy positions below the top of the pyramid. I believe they all like to think they hold some advantage, but like foot soldiers, sargents and majors, they are only privy to the information needed at their levels and have no idea what the generals are doing behind closed doors. These generals are the elite families who control the money, own the counties' debts, schedule the wars, etc. What's interesting is trying to decide who owns the caches to be used for the next power grab (rumored to be enormous collectively) - the current elites or the new 'good guys'? History has given us new bosses, but they always seem to be same as the old bosses. On a national level, do you think there's any real difference between GW Bush and B Obama? Most people do. Divide and conquer.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


The trail maps were created a long, long time ago. A visitor to the range was taken to the site as a gift. The individual did not really understood the symbols and language she encountered. She only knew they were importent and created four trail maps, the heart stone and the latin heart. The two maps in the public domain takes one to Boulder Canyon. The remaining two maps and the inserts takes you to another location in the range. The audience of these maps were church officials. The record of this trek are still hidden in the Vatican.

The Witch Map was created for treasure seekers and others. And is intended to take you as far as possible from the NW portion of the range as possible. I will not go into the background of the creator. I will just say he had a lot of help and his last name starts with a T. But most people know that anyway.

While we have shyed away from presenting proof, perhaps pointing you to the obvious, since it has not be recognized, will be helpful. If you look at the trail maps, certain symbols have been interpreted as geographical features. They are not. They are bits and pieces of a language. A language that ties together the trail maps, the latin heart and the Tucson Artifacts.

The creator of the maps copied trails, symbols, etc., from a chamber in the Superstitions. The resulting mess of the trail maps speak to this. Look at the trail maps without pre-conception and the word meus is apparent. A latin word for mine. Other words are not so clear but they resonant with the concept of holy. The trail maps take you the holy mine. This is not a contradiction.

Good luck on your trek. Your point is well taken, a gate to the past opens up if you see that the trail maps and witch map were created with two completley different audiences in mind.


It is good to see you made it back from Fish Creek Canyon. I have been told some very strange folks live in the area. Something about a movie made in the south.

You cannot steal which was always yours to begin with.

The folks in Tucson are correct anyway. That is they already believe their artifacts are forgeries. They seem quite happy
with the fact.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Starman wrote

It is good to see you made it back from Fish Creek Canyon. I have been told some very strange folks live in the area. Something about a movie made in the south.

You cannot steal which was always yours to begin with.

The folks in Tucson are correct anyway. That is they already believe their artifacts are forgeries. They seem quite happy
with the fact.

It has been almost a year since my little hike up Fish creek canyon, which I highly do not recommend to anyone unless you really like the chance to break bones. Where did you hear about my visit there? Do you know what I was looking for there?

If your story is true, those people need to be prosecuted and you should alert the proper authorities about the theft and smuggling. True ownership could be established by the courts, not by individuals. Also if the items had been left for a long period abandoned on public lands, there are laws about abandoned property as well. If it is not true then you are just blowing smoke, spreading false rumors. Which is it then? Thank you in advance.


:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Your imaginative and evolving tale is,I believe,a perfect example of just what Springfield was talking about.
Interesting how you always seem to drop by when the subject appears to be heading to the nitty gritty.

Yesterday it was two trail it's FOUR trail maps ???
My offer,which you have not met,still stands.


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

sgtfda said:

Well for one we would like to recover the Superstition deposit. So lets get back on the subject and get the job done. Our Republic is in need and every little bit helps.

So the Masons want to get whatever value is in the Supes, and give it to...the Government?

I was merely keeping within the topic of your posts, sgtfda. You brought up your position in the Masons, and knowledge thereof, and related it to the Stone Maps.

And you brought up the matter of secrecy, alluding that you had some special knowledge of the Stones' symbols which nobody else has.

And now you are saying that you have some special knowledge of the Masons' interest in the Superstitions.

Since lots of people make claims of mysterious information about matters involving these and other treasures, a legitimate part of the discussion is to determine various claimants' sincerity and integrity. Otherwise some people will post, and have posted, everything from intentionally misleading clues to volumes of utter nonsense.

Like I said, you brought it up. You put it out there in front of us all. You made it a part of your forum entity. You used it to qualify some portions of your assertions about the main topic.

Therefore, you opened it up as a sub-topic for discussion and clarification. So it's only right for you to answer-up to these kinds of questions about your assertions.


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