Gold Member
Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own
[Mr. Ribaudo,
I should not share this with you but why not.
The heart in Boulder Canyon is not important because of the mineral vein in close proximity or the trinkets that have been discovered there or the oil based substance there identical to the substance found on the Tucson Artifacts. What is important there is the burial site of for a lack of a better word the husband of the lady who created the Trail Maps. The head stone reads in hebrew, "May the stars shine brightly on this spot and keep you safe" The folks who ventured into the Superstitions in search of the holy mine were from the middle east. They were sent there by a family. After burying her husband, her heart, she and several others created the monuments, high above Boulder Canyon, left two trail maps in them and left America.
Perhaps you would do better spending less time calling folks liars and spend more time trying to understand the truth of what you have been given. After all you have known the truth since your discoveries in Boulder Canyon. The Heart was only a small part of what is there and we all know it.]
That's always the question with you, isn't it? Why not share a little more, and then you make up something new and even more fantastic.
As for me calling people "liars", would you say this post is truthful?
[Recently I was in Downieville, California and came across a hardback book by a gentlemen named Sims Ely. The book and a number of letters from the Pheonix area were being sold at a yard sale by an elderly lady who was cleaning out her garage. Seems her husband had passed away recently. Her family was from the Pheonix area and the material had belonged to her husband. Anyway I bought the books and letters, for five dollars. I have read a bit of the book and have to admit it is quite good. Haven`t looked at the letters yet but they seem to be addressed to Mr. Ely.
I have prospected for gold in california for many years. Moved here 10 years ago from georgia. My grandad use to prospect a lot in the Dahlonega area of n georgia. Anyway we have our share of lost mines up here and i have never done much but just look for gold never lost mines. I am curious is Mr. Ely a reliable source and is the lost dutchman mine still being looked for.
Also is there any museum, etc., in the Pheonix area that might be interested in this material. I would be happy to donate it once I finish reading the material.
I just stumbled across this website today.
What about this one?
[The book was signed by Mr. Ely. There is a personal note to a Mr. Tom Watson. I finished up the book today and really enjoyed his story. He seems quite the story teller and it seems like he knew what he was talking about. There are 17 letters of correspondence between Mr. Ely and Mr. Watson. From what I can tell Mr. Watson was a banker in Tonopah Nevada, and years ago was involved in the opening of unclaimed safety deposit box at the bank. Anyway Mr. Watson wrote Mr. Ely about something in the box and the two of them apparently prospected your area and did quite well with the material. One of the letters indicated they covered up the entrance to a I believe mine shaft once they had removed some ore. I really don`t understand a lot of what I am reading but they seem to be well acquanted with each other. Anyway hope this adds to you material and given the nature of this material any idea of who might be interested in this bit of history. Whoever receives this stuff I only want it to made available to anyone who is interested.
Late 49er
Just a thought given the book and material is it pretty likely that this mine is mined pretty much out?]
Did you mix a few fib's in there with some small bits of true historical people?
I have many, many more examples of why I might say something about the truthfulness of some posters, but it would get pretty boring.
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo
For anyone interested in the subject, you can find Late49ers posts, starting with the oldest here:
[Mr. Ribaudo,
I should not share this with you but why not.
The heart in Boulder Canyon is not important because of the mineral vein in close proximity or the trinkets that have been discovered there or the oil based substance there identical to the substance found on the Tucson Artifacts. What is important there is the burial site of for a lack of a better word the husband of the lady who created the Trail Maps. The head stone reads in hebrew, "May the stars shine brightly on this spot and keep you safe" The folks who ventured into the Superstitions in search of the holy mine were from the middle east. They were sent there by a family. After burying her husband, her heart, she and several others created the monuments, high above Boulder Canyon, left two trail maps in them and left America.
Perhaps you would do better spending less time calling folks liars and spend more time trying to understand the truth of what you have been given. After all you have known the truth since your discoveries in Boulder Canyon. The Heart was only a small part of what is there and we all know it.]
That's always the question with you, isn't it? Why not share a little more, and then you make up something new and even more fantastic.
As for me calling people "liars", would you say this post is truthful?
[Recently I was in Downieville, California and came across a hardback book by a gentlemen named Sims Ely. The book and a number of letters from the Pheonix area were being sold at a yard sale by an elderly lady who was cleaning out her garage. Seems her husband had passed away recently. Her family was from the Pheonix area and the material had belonged to her husband. Anyway I bought the books and letters, for five dollars. I have read a bit of the book and have to admit it is quite good. Haven`t looked at the letters yet but they seem to be addressed to Mr. Ely.
I have prospected for gold in california for many years. Moved here 10 years ago from georgia. My grandad use to prospect a lot in the Dahlonega area of n georgia. Anyway we have our share of lost mines up here and i have never done much but just look for gold never lost mines. I am curious is Mr. Ely a reliable source and is the lost dutchman mine still being looked for.
Also is there any museum, etc., in the Pheonix area that might be interested in this material. I would be happy to donate it once I finish reading the material.
I just stumbled across this website today.
What about this one?
[The book was signed by Mr. Ely. There is a personal note to a Mr. Tom Watson. I finished up the book today and really enjoyed his story. He seems quite the story teller and it seems like he knew what he was talking about. There are 17 letters of correspondence between Mr. Ely and Mr. Watson. From what I can tell Mr. Watson was a banker in Tonopah Nevada, and years ago was involved in the opening of unclaimed safety deposit box at the bank. Anyway Mr. Watson wrote Mr. Ely about something in the box and the two of them apparently prospected your area and did quite well with the material. One of the letters indicated they covered up the entrance to a I believe mine shaft once they had removed some ore. I really don`t understand a lot of what I am reading but they seem to be well acquanted with each other. Anyway hope this adds to you material and given the nature of this material any idea of who might be interested in this bit of history. Whoever receives this stuff I only want it to made available to anyone who is interested.
Late 49er
Just a thought given the book and material is it pretty likely that this mine is mined pretty much out?]
Did you mix a few fib's in there with some small bits of true historical people?
I have many, many more examples of why I might say something about the truthfulness of some posters, but it would get pretty boring.
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo
For anyone interested in the subject, you can find Late49ers posts, starting with the oldest here: