The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


Thanks, but, Starman talked about it before that.

Starman wrote:


It is good to see you made it back from Fish Creek Canyon. I have been told some very strange folks live in the area

And, I'd simply like to know how he knew we were in Fish Creek Canyon.


BTW: post #136

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

I see that the Mrs has already pointed out Starman's comment on the 14th, which struck me as odd that he would know about that visit when I had not mentioned it. Still waiting for his answer to that question.

Springfield wrote
Nice pictures - looks like a great hike.

Have fun! :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

EE THr said:
I should add that at least one person on this fourm, Cactus Jumper, has followed the trail on the Stones to the end, and has very well documented that.

If thats true, tell me how start begins, one word is all it takes for me to believe ya.

Babymick 1

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

wrmickel said:
EE THr said:
I should add that at least one person on this fourm, Cactus Jumper, has followed the trail on the Stones to the end, and has very well documented that.

If thats true, tell me how start begins, one word is all it takes for me to believe ya.

Babymick 1

...That he has very well documented it on this forum? Or that he has mapped the correct trail?

Either way, I'll leave it to Joe to provide the response.


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

...That he has very well documented it on this forum? Or that he has mapped the correct trail?

Either way, I'll leave it to Joe to provide the response.

Well under what topic, I wish to be inlightend

Point me in the right forum please

Babymick 1

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Cubfan64 said:
..... It takes a GREAT DEAL to get me truly angry about anything, but when someone deliberately lies about a situation I am/was involved in, that does the trick...

You know, using that IGNORE button (permanently, no peeking) is a lot like installing a bug zapper on your patio. Even better - nothing to clean up.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

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Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Thank you FP

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

people have tried to ignore the truth for hunderds of year why stop now .. lol :hello:

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

HIO: for you LDM hunters --> From Klondikes posts in ",409879.0.html"

When I first started looking at going to Alaska.... I went to several Universities...(remember, there wasn't an Internet back then)...and using there Libraries, read and copied a lot of USGS reports on the various areas I wanted to prospect... You'll find that the USGS started doing these reports, depending on the area in the late 1800's almost yearly up to the beginning of WWII (1942)....These reports were made by geologist hired by the US Government to report on the natural resources of various states and territories...and the organized work being done at each creak and river and so can glean a lot of good information from these reports...keep in mind these reports were made when most of the work being done in the gold fields was of the hand work variety...

Back then we didn't have Google Earth... and while Google Earth is good, it still isn't enough..... I took a trip to Moffit Field near San Francisco, California and met a fellow who I had made an appointment with to visit his office.... there I found a complete library of U2, low altitude (10,000 to 25,000 feet) Infra Red fly by photos cover ALL of the US....and I mean ALL of the US....

We found the areas I wanted to prospect....and purchased 2 color IR photos (different altitudes) and 1 Black and White IR photos..... each taken at different times of the year and each at a different years...

Comparing each photo.. which each is 3 ft by 3 ft in size.... I was able to see EVERY buried channel and hanging benches on the outside curves of the creeks we wanted to prospect...

Why is this important..? Because gold accumulates best on the inside of a curve...and since these hanging channels and benches are up hill from the current river, usually on the outside curve...... as each one of the benches erodes...the gold continues accumulate on the next down stream inside curve of the current river.. thereby enriching the current gold source of the current river.... So even if you were not going to work the up hill hanging channels... this IR vegetation information will give you a great place to start your prospecting on the current river....

JUST BECAUSE THERE IS AN OUTSIDE BEND..DOES NOT MEAN THERE ARE HANGING CHANNELS ABOVE EACH OUTSIDE BEND... this is why you need to see the IR eliminate the inside curves you may not want to work initially...there may be good gold on any inside bend... but the better gold will be where there may be an eroding up hill channel at the next up stream outside bend, where the river once ran before working it's way to there it is now...

Why Infra Red?... Infra red shows HEAT.. and vegetation gives off HEAT....and therefore you can EASILY see each hanging bench or channel by the outline shape and density of the vegetation that shows up on the IR Photo... In an IR photo.. more of the deep RED color.. more well watered and healthy vegetation... and these old hanging channels, because of their gravel make up, hold water much better than the surround surface dirt and base rocks...therefore the vegetation shows up best in IR and is very easy to see it in an IR Photo..

On the ground you cannot see these channel or where it is hidden... but from the air.. with IR .. they stick out like a sore thumb...

At one location we found 5 hanging benches above the current river..... which means.. if there are only 3 hanging benches on other river bends... but there are 5 at another bend...which one of the current bends would be the best place to start prospecting..? The one with only 3..since 2 of then have most likely already eroded into the current river...thus the next down stream inside bend would be a good place to start...

With IR, it doesn't make a difference if the vegetation made up of pine trees or sage brush... if there is a channel... the vegetation will clearly show where the river once ran..leaving behind a high or hanging channel...

So YES.... Vegetation can be a very important clue to finding "Virgin" ground to work...

Here is a link to the USGS site where you can down load IR for FREE.... yes for FREE....This is a different IR program in which I used in AK.. and has a different color scheme... it isn't the easiest site to use, like most Government site seem to be poorly built and not user friendly..but it is a good site for some quick reference info... But the best is to get the actual 3ft x 3ft photo in front of you where you can really see all the detail you need ....

Here is another site that I believe has similar IR photo mapping as I have used in the past...

If you order, be sure to get the 36 in x 36 in... the best resolution.. and you will be so surprised as to what you will see...once you get the photo in your hands and have time to study it...

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


Very good info. I've thought that this stuff would produce valuable data for prospecting and other things, but I haven't seen it detailed out like this before.

Thanks for posting it.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Well, I wanted to keep the Peralta Stones and the LDM separate, but the worst has happened.

I was staring at pictures posted recently of the Stone Maps, and I got to looking at the "trail." I had always thought that the bottom wiggly line, on the bottom Trail Stone, was the Gila River, and the dotted "trail" line represented a path across the river, around the mountains below the Superstitions, over to the Fremont pass or somewhere around there, and upward into the Supers.

Then I saw CJ's trail map, and it's very convincing.

But, as I stared at the Trail Stones today, that trail reminded me of something. I thought it might be one of the paper maps from my other thread, which is just on the LDM theories. I purposely left out any references to the Stones (except for one post where I showed the similarity of the needle outline on the Stones to the one on a map).

But now I've seen a couple of things which could link the two, and I just have to say what they are.

It's the general shape of the Stones "trail."

It starts off going upward, somewhat to the right, makes a loop to the left and back, then goes up a little ways and hooks to the left.

So, I looked through my hard drive, and guess what?---


(This map appears to be a rough copy of the Julia Thomas map, only with North and South reversed, so that in this map, North is at the top.)

The trail on this paper map is not in the exact proportions as on the Trail Stones, but it takes all the same turns. Except that instead of stopping after the top "hook" to the left, this map continues upward a little ways, and ends with a similar circle, with a dot in the middle. This would make, what I first thought was the Gila River, on the Trail Stones, instead the lower edge of the Supers.

Here are the Trail Stones, to compare this with---


OK, it seems like stretching a coincidence, right? But wait---there's more.

Look at where the "X's" are located on both this "unnamed" and the Trail Stone maps. If you omit the one on the paper map, which says "Maybe Water," the other three are approximate matches to the "X" locations on the Trail Stones. And the triangle with the line coming out, on the Stones, is about where the "Maybe Water" "X" is on the paper map (what that might mean, I don't know).

But wait---there's even more.

Look at where the "teepee" looking symbol is on the Trail Map, then look at what's in that area on the original Julia map---

(Remember, the top of this one is South.)

Julia Thomas - Robert Blair Map 1892.webp

And then, of course, there is the same needle on the Stone Heart, that appears on the "Unnamed" map---

Heart Stone Needle.webp



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  • Trail Stones - Comparison.webp
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Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Oroblanco said:
Jola amigos,

....Yes I know where Atlantis is, Plato describes it so well that it surprises me that many others have not already identified it. .....

:coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

EE ther

The one 'issue' I would see - in comparing anything to any map Julia made, is that Julia made dozens upon dozens of maps.

Plus, she obviously had something wrong, since, she gave up trying to find it, so she made money selling those dozens of maps.

I don't know if one of her maps is worth comparing anything to.


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

mrs.oroblanco said:
EE ther

The one 'issue' I would see - in comparing anything to any map Julia made, is that Julia made dozens upon dozens of maps.

Plus, she obviously had something wrong, since, she gave up trying to find it, so she made money selling those dozens of maps.

I don't know if one of her maps is worth comparing anything to.


I totally agree with you. I mentioned the same thing, a few times, about any of the publically available maps, which I was comparing with each other, on my other thread.

But that's not the point that I was trying to make in the post to which you are referring.

My point was, what a coincidence it was, that so many things on those two maps, Julia's and the apparent copy, roughly matched up with the Stone Trail Maps. How could that possibly be? It just seemed very, very strange to me. Know what I mean?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Springfield said:
Oroblanco said:
Jola amigos,

....Yes I know where Atlantis is, Plato describes it so well that it surprises me that many others have not already identified it. .....

:coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Well if this was intended as 'bait' I don't think I will bite. Of course if you would like to have a chance to debate/ridicule Atlantis and-or anyone who "believes" you could start a new thread, just a suggestion of course.

Still waiting for Starman to answer a simple question. :read2:

:coffee2: :coffee2:

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

EE THr said:
mrs.oroblanco said:
EE ther

The one 'issue' I would see - in comparing anything to any map Julia made, is that Julia made dozens upon dozens of maps.

Plus, she obviously had something wrong, since, she gave up trying to find it, so she made money selling those dozens of maps.

I don't know if one of her maps is worth comparing anything to.


I totally agree with you. I mentioned the same thing, a few times, about any of the publically available maps, which I was comparing with each other, on my other thread.

But that's not the point that I was trying to make in the post to which you are referring.

My point was, what a coincidence it was, that so many things on those two maps, Julia's and the apparent copy, roughly matched up with the Stone Trail Maps. How could that possibly be? It just seemed very, very strange to me. Know what I mean?

The "unnamed" map was probably based on the 1892 JT map.If made after was
likely authored by someone who also had seen and thought the carving on the Heart Stone was Weavers Needle.
So he simply copied it onto his version.
If the "unnamed map" existed before 1949 it would,of course raise other questions.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

somehiker said:
The "unnamed" map was probably based on the 1892 JT map.If made after was
likely authored by someone who also had seen and thought the carving on the Heart Stone was Weavers Needle.
So he simply copied it onto his version.
If the "unnamed map" existed before 1949 it would,of course raise other questions.

Right. But look on who's map the Apache Camp is, which roughly corresponds to the teepee-looking symbol on the Trail Map.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Oh, yeah....And did you see the "needle" depiction on both the "Unnamed" map and the Heart Stone? That turned out to be the similarity that I had commented about earlier, on my other thread! But I hadn't noticed these other similarities to the Stone Maps at that time.

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