The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

That photograph from 58' is great. What is that large dog carrying on its back?
Hope your well.


It's our entire camp. Everything we would need for my dad, Uncle Chuck and myself. By 1999, I was using the Feldman's to pack us in. We had worked our way up to 9 pack horses. In the intervening years, it was strictly backpacks. 80#s was not unusual.

Once I graduated to pack horses, camp style clicked up a notch......or two:

Take care,



No one knows for a fact, but my brother and I did look for markers up on the ridge that separates East and West Boulder Canyons, and found two large, well built monuments, just where I expected them to be. That fact makes me believe that all eighteen places were identical monuments.

Tell us about your trail markers.

Joe Ribaudo


You have found two of eighteen " lugares " . The second and the third . Keep searching .

cactusjumper,trails are looking west look for rabbit feathers marked by stone pile that are who are these people?

cactusjumper, talking about making a living and being in the supes, I will share something that's not in any of your books about the supes,and you've never heard anyone discuss this on these sites, theres a real secret about the supes that people don't know about, one day while prospecting in a canyon,I came across an unusual formation,it was solid white,I didn't know what to make of it,I took several samples of it,and the next time I went to mesa I had it tested,it turned out to be pure diatomaceous earth, after doing some inquiry's on this I was informed to go see a herbologist in mesa,after looking at one of the samples I had,he was amazed,he said he would buy all I had,we had worked out a deal,and from then on we would meet at first water trailhead, after two months I had been introduced to several more herbologist that were friends of the first, this went on for several years, and everyone was happy, who would figure that you could make a very good living out of diatomaceous earth, I could take it out as fast as I could stick a shovel in the


Around 40-50 years ago, I had placed the Stone Map trail on a topographic map. Around 1999-2002, while looking for the circle in a circle in the area where I had placed it on the map, we found this unusual rock formation:

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper,you really didn't answer my question about the trail markers,so I will answer it for you, the dragon fly petroglyphs are what point the way, and they start at hieroglyphic canyon, the trail takes you to superstition mnt,to freemont saddle, to east side of west boulder canyon,to the end of the trail at horse mesa, this is the oldest trail in the supe's, and not all of it is on the stone tablets, only part of the trail is shown, the end of the trail is actually, two different sites located at horse mesa, in order to find both sites when there you have to think like a mountain goat, and you will only find them on a clear night, you will also have to find and understand the petroglyphs,np:cat:


Around 40-50 years ago, I had placed the Stone Map trail on a topographic map. Around 1999-2002, while looking for the circle in a circle in the area where I had placed it on the map, we found this unusual rock formation:

Joe Ribaudo


What you have think when you saw this formation ? You have understood the meaning ?


What you have think when you saw this formation ? You have understood the meaning ?


I'm a pretty simple man. Since I was looking for the circle in a circle, I thought........It'a a circle in a circle.:o

Joe Ribaudo


I'm a pretty simple man. Since I was looking for the circle in a circle, I thought........It'a a circle in a circle.:o

Joe Ribaudo


Your explanation seems to be correct . Is a simple and logical meaning . :icon_scratch:

cactusjumper, that's nice,but show me what that got you, were's the treasure, that's the proof, if you think you solved it show it,np:cat: ps, im just a simple person also,its easy just show us. thank you have a nice day
im not trying to give you a hard time, im trying to help, if that's as far as you were able to go,tell me, im sure I can

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Your explanation seems to be correct . Is a simple and logical meaning . :icon_scratch:


There is no reason that it can't be simple AND logical. It could also be correct.....or wrong.


Most people should recognize the possibility that there might not be a treasure, and that the Stone Maps could still be an accurate map of a specific location in the range. I knew that 40-50 years ago. Each year, when others went in with me, I warned them that the maps could be a hoax. Better to have your eyes wide open in these kinds of things.

Joe Ribaudo

G'd morning Cactus mi compadre (He is Oirish also - in heart, if not in linage, heheheh I have one remark to say on the last picture that you posted, unfortunately the pile of rocks is Mom Natures work, not mans' how ever it IS a fascinating thing.

Don Jose de La Mancha

G'd morning Cactus mi compadre (He is Oirish also - in heart, if not in linage, heheheh I have one remark to say on the last picture that you posted, unfortunately the pile of rocks is Mom Natures work, not mans' how ever it IS a fascinating thing.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose,

I have always called it an unusual formation. Never said, or even thought, it was man made. Does it matter?:dontknow:

Take care,


Sabres or foils Joe ? relax, and drink your coffee :coffee2::coffee2: I mentioned this for those that might immediately jump to their version of TLDM map to fit it in as man made, and you know there will be many. Personally I would say that 99.97 % of such things that have been posted in TN are the same - Natures work. I gave up long ago attempting to teach them how to easily determine if the object was man of Nature's handiwork.


Don Jose de La Mancha


Don Jose,

I was relaxed, and had already had my coffee. Thought I was just making a comment. As for it's location, consider this.......We found it exactly where I had placed the circle in a circle on my original topographic map of the Stone Map trail Went to the spot, not having any idea what I was actually looking for. Likely it was just a coincidence.:dontknow:

Take care,


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Frankly Joe, it makes more sense to me to simply uses one of Natures' works for identifying points. Any new work.would be glaringly visible for many, many years until it acquires a patina, and automatically alert anyone in those days and arouse their curiosity

I can see no logic in carving up a bunch of rocks to look like a bear, coyote, bird, etc. etc. After all, any indication is supposedly a note to oneself, not a paper to a treasure hunting society.

In truth Nature can easily provide any number of out of place or normal materiel to be used as needed.

Don Jose

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Don Jose

As I wrote many times , the symbols in the stone tablets are physical landmarks and shapes .

when I was a child...and said those rocks look like Indians or turtles, people told me to shut up and watch where I put my feet..."stupid kid"

now, people want me to believe the same rocks are Indians an turtles...and it is so safe out there, "watch the trail monuments", since other people walk around out here an have no problem with their feet.

when I was a child...and said those rocks look like Indians or turtles, people told me to shut up and watch where I put my feet..."stupid kid"

now, people want me to believe the same rocks are Indians an turtles...and it is so safe out there, "watch the trail monuments", since other people walk around out here an have no problem with their feet.

Seems some of the "markers" I have found answer some questions........................but they quickly raise more questions than when I started.

Coffee anyone.
This is a little off subect. There are alot of clues marking the ldm. Stone house for example. Many are supposed to be at the mine. What if we are working on a misunderstanding. Maybe the stone house isnt at the mine. Instead down the trail a bit, but visible.
Everyone is trying to fit the stone maps to a location. Example. The horse map. Is it possible that the maker put the location on stone. Then realized what he had looked like a horse and added the outline.
If we did away with the out line. Would whats left line up in anyway with the trail map or heart.
Just a curious thought.

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