Grab a dictionary Roadrunner and look up CROOK.
There is also an emphasis placed on all of the words that start with a capitol "R" like ROOK. What does a rook tell us? What is a rook people? The line on the map intersects three of the bowls of the plotted Capitol R's on the map; Rogers twice and Reavis once. The county line completes the pyramid, but only on the 1902 edition of the Florence Map,
look at the County Lines when compared to the other Florence Quads 1:125000; Take a look and see the difference, there is a reason why and the Horse Tablet tells us how to do this exercise my friends. The 5th "r" in the word "creek" is a witness mark.
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Again, what does a ROOK refer to and REST, what does it mean? STUDY THE MAP, follow directions, SEARCH THE MAP, look for the clues. Do you not recognize the KEY? The KEY begins with the 1902 Florence Quadrangle 1:125000!
All of us need to be on the same page, let's start with M111 and P33.3, Meridian = Longitude and Parallel = Latitude, now look at the 1900-02-12-17-55, etc. Florence Quadrangle maps and compare the Longitude and Latitude positions W 111 00'00" to W 111 30' 00" and next we take N 33 00' 00" to N 33 30' 00", it's as simple as that once you know how to figure it out.
This gets very deep, the book will be available soon (this is a preview, so to speak) in a step-by-step format.
Still taking questions.
Hope this helps,
Ellie B