The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Hal. I already knew the name. I've known it for months. If you do your research you will find it. It's been out there for years. If you can't find it your in the wrong hobby. Don't put the cart before the dead horse I don't start a project until I do my homework. Homework includes checking around to confirm what I suspect. I'm not done yet but can see where things are heading. I did not care for your response and will not share additional information with you. Avoid the tilt Hal when you don't get your way.

Well, I did not expect that kind of response, but I got your point.
I will just have to be content to watch your quest unfold from the sidelines.
They are great seats anyway.

Since this is goodby, I wish you well and best of luck on the trail!

A pessimist believes all treasure stories are false.
A treasure hunting optimist hopes everyone else is a pessimist.


The way I would put it is, 'A realist knows that nearly all treasure stories are false. A treasure hunting optimist hopes that he can change the disinformation into truth.'

Knowledge of human nature is the most important tool in your ditty bag.


Perhaps he is frustrated with all of the pointless posts.

Take care,


You are a gate keeper of reason, no matter how spicy you may be.
It could just be a coincidence.
But in the larger picture, it does not look that way.

That left ear trail can be dated. Do you know it? If this is correct, it would make the stones "modern".
The trick is to identify the exact aerial image that was used and to compare the scale.
Not an easy task.

View attachment 811463

View attachment 811464

Just a note about this last image. Each "Untitled Placemark" represents a general search area, not specific, to the inch locations.
But it will get you close.

Look at the trail system in this area.
See how the "mines" (if that is what they are) are connected?
We can explain some of this small network of trails with the arrival of the power lines, but what about the others. Why are they there?

The sampling was done "right between the horses ears" so to speak.
No matter what one thinks of the theory, silver is found there.

But not gold.

By the way, anyone familiar with the design and construction of power-line towers?
When a hole is drilled for a post, should it look like this:

View attachment 811480

...or this.

View attachment 811481

I honestly do not know, which is why I am asking.
There is a connection.


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If you can get a drill or auger to it, and it's possible to drill, you wind up with something like the bottom photo.
If you can't get the drill to the site, and/or it's too rocky, ya blast it like in the top shot. Then they back fill it with whatever came out of the hole.
It's the guy wires that do most of the work of holding the pole upright. The tension of the hydro lines and their supporting cables is also factored into the design.
I've watched the SRP doing this work out there. They sometimes use a Huey to carry the poles and drop them into the holes. The noise of the hovering chopper can get to be annoying after awhile, although I've always liked the unique sound of the UH1.


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The way I would put it is, 'A realist knows that nearly all treasure stories are false. A treasure hunting optimist hopes that he can change the disinformation into truth.'

Knowledge of human nature is the most important tool in your ditty bag.

Got one of those...keep it handy in my shirt pocket.
But I keep the toilet paper in the ditty bag...for all that disinformation stuff.

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Two sides of the same coin. Somewhat like Mary and WRM1. Two sides of the same coin. :dontknow:

Take care,


NOW:laughing7: NOW:laughing7: JOE!

Sticks and Stone's "LOVE???

Two sides of the coin huh! Lets flip the coin Joe, Heads you Loose, Tails I make you loose!:headbang:

Your theory against mine, You pick the judge since your connected with all the big shots in the dutch world, Ron F./ Tom K./ Bob S. and the list goes on, Or the SMM. But if they say there both no good, There's no Winner. Only the Losers, Get lucky sometimes, (Tom Petty)
Dam the Torpedo's, Me and Joe got another Bet.

You Loose I would like A BIG DAKOTA GROWN SWEET BEEFY T_BONE! W/all fixings! emmm!
You choose what you want!


You have the wrong man. If I had any courage I would just post the name that I believe carved the stones. But I know the repercussions of doing so because of who this man was and the group(s) this man associated with. The conversation is moving forward and I am happy to see that we are exchanging ideas. I want to keep that momentum. That name will bring this free exchange to a halt and I will again be in the dog house... hiding from the dogs. I want to avoid that for now.

Whomever you are, thank you for the kind words.

Hal - you suggested in an earlier post that Tom K. (or anyone else who believes they know the name of the person who carved the stones) should come forward and name the person. However, in your post above, aren't you guilty of also keeping a name secret? Perhaps Tom, Joe, Matthew and others have their reasons for not naming the name publicly - perhaps they are friends with the families associated, perhaps they don't want to be known as the person who "ratted someone out," or perhaps they aren't really as convinced as they have been led to believe. There are numerous other reasons why a person might not want to share that name.

You mentioned that the engraver is probably long dead - what makes you think that? I didn't go back and read it, but I thought one of the posts suggested the person was an aquaintence of Tom K. - he/she could very well still be alive, and at the very least, their families may not want to deal with the hassle. I've heard it mentioned a few times that the Tumlinson family has grown tired of the "pestering," so I would imagine other family's may feel the same way.

By the way - you're in good company with my wife and family who would likewise be pissed if I died out there :). I suspect it's not a very large company, but it's always good to know I might be missed. For what it's worth, I do try to be careful - not as careful as some, but more careful than others I think.

Hal - you suggested in an earlier post that Tom K. (or anyone else who believes they know the name of the person who carved the stones) should come forward and name the person. However, in your post above, aren't you guilty of also keeping a name secret? Perhaps Tom, Joe, Matthew and others have their reasons for not naming the name publicly - perhaps they are friends with the families associated, perhaps they don't want to be known as the person who "ratted someone out," or perhaps they aren't really as convinced as they have been led to believe. There are numerous other reasons why a person might not want to share that name.

You mentioned that the engraver is probably long dead - what makes you think that? I didn't go back and read it, but I thought one of the posts suggested the person was an aquaintence of Tom K. - he/she could very well still be alive, and at the very least, their families may not want to deal with the hassle. I've heard it mentioned a few times that the Tumlinson family has grown tired of the "pestering," so I would imagine other family's may feel the same way.

By the way - you're in good company with my wife and family who would likewise be pissed if I died out there :). I suspect it's not a very large company, but it's always good to know I might be missed. For what it's worth, I do try to be careful - not as careful as some, but more careful than others I think.

Yeah Hal I must agree,

Guilty, To the rubber room with Marry!

Just post the name so you can join the rest of them in the room full of CRAP!

Now if they know who made copies before they were turned over to the muesum, Then that makes the Stone's real, Doesn't it! It would make there word true too!

Tumlinson found them like he said! The one's at the muesum are NOT!

BB':tongue3: ohh I mean Wrmickel1 :laughing7:

You once said "Somero", rather than "Someo".
Do you remember why ?


Somero, what is the 3rd pic suppose to show, or be?
I just can not make anything out.
I have rocks around here that look like that also. Of course we are in the same territory.

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Somero, what is the 3rd pic suppose to show, or be?
I just can not make anything out.

A very large arrow carved in a mountainside, pointing left. If you can make out the Saguaro's it give's an idea of it's size. Definitely not a one man job. Funny thing is we did not see it while in the field, just happened to catch it on picture review.


" Like a small unassuming hill that you might not even take notice of "

It's an apt description for something on the mountainside below the "R" in one of the photos I posted previously.
Reminded me of what you had mentioned back then.

A very large arrow carved in a mountainside, pointing left. If you can make out the Saguaro's it give's an idea of it's size. Definitely not a one man job. Funny thing is we did not see it while in the field, just happened to catch it on picture review.


Did not even notice the saguaros until now.i thought they where streaks in the rock.



You have a rare gift for both being honest and acting on that honesty. Unlike the men who posted this you understand the difference between right and wrong.

Originally Posted by sgtfda
Had to go to the Apache Junction fruit market today so I decided to meet up with Tom K at the Blue Bird. By the way they have a set of the stones on display in the front window. Copies just like the museum. God everyone has them. Tom told me a acquaintance made the stones in the 30's and placed them in the FJ spot. I asked why there and he said the guy was working in the area. This person also worked as a tombstone engraver. Which explains a lot. I wanted to ask him about the Burns from Burns Ranch and the pitt mine. The stones came up after I noticed the window display. I will still keep a open mind as its fun to play with the issue.

Tom told me this story some time ago. Not much chance he will ever divulge the name. I believe it to be true.

Take care,


I live in Mesa and going forward I will make sure that every time I found out that someone has been hurt or god forbids worse out there searching for the end of the Stone Map trail this will be sent to them. I am sure you children will be happy to explain to their loved ones why doing nothing is the right thing to do. You may even have to come out of your rubber room to speak with them. You are all shameful.

Maybe Tom K. can do an article explaining your actions and his.


"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The brave experience death only once."

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If you can get a drill or auger to it, and it's possible to drill, you wind up with something like the bottom photo.
If you can't get the drill to the site, and/or it's too rocky, ya blast it like in the top shot. Then they back fill it with whatever came out of the hole.
It's the guy wires that do most of the work of holding the pole upright. The tension of the hydro lines and their supporting cables is also factored into the design.
I've watched the SRP doing this work out there. They sometimes use a Huey to carry the poles and drop them into the holes. The noise of the hovering chopper can get to be annoying after awhile, although I've always liked the unique sound of the UH1.


Thanks. What is confusing is that they were both taken in the same location (same material to drill). I am at a loss to explain it.

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