The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Hello Hal,

Thank you for the kind words. I am who I say I am. Grew up in Arizona dirt poor. Put myself through College where I met my husband and we raised two wonderful children. He passed away a few years ago and now I just travel around go through my families papers and hike a lot in the mountains. Mostly when I can get my son to take me.

This ODD business. That word is running me crazy. I heard it a lot as a child. I can`t remember if the family was talking about a place or a name. Let me see what i can find. I am trying to put stuff together to send to NP. I could tell you stories.

I was lucky my daddy was a fine man, reminds me a bit of you. Some of these people need to act like the men they somehow believe they are. Tom K. is not a god he makes mistakes and right now he is in my dog house. He needs to grow up so these children have a better example to look up to. I have two of his books that I just pitched in the trash can. I will not have my grandchildren read the words of such a person. He is not what Arizona is about, if Sarge and Humper are to be believed.


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Nothing of the horse ( eye or ear ) of the stone map have relation with the target . The key is the symbol " Omega " which is in all the stone maps . Only the right ear of the landmark horse shows the target .



Until you or I walk out of the mountains with a treasure, it's all theory. Right now, no one is RIGHT or WRONG.:dontknow:

Take care,



I’m a TV casting producer at Crybaby Media in NYC. Currently we are looking for passionate treasure hunters with a unique skill set and big personality. Specifically investigators who are familiar with the Lost Dutchman! Is this you? If so, we want to hear about your flair for finding buried treasure!

In this show, we would visit a different historical treasure hunt each week - then speak to the history of it and of course try to find some treasure! Whatever your method, we are interested in hearing the stories of how you search for and excavate these left behind riches. If interested please email or call anytime. We look forward to speaking! Thanks!

Hello Hal,

Thank you for the kind words. I am who I say I am. Grew up in Arizona dirt poor. Put myself through College where I met my husband and we raised two wonderful children. He passed away a few years ago and now I just travel around go through my families papers and hike a lot in the mountains. Mostly when I can get my son to take me.

This ODD business. That word is running me crazy. I heard it a lot as a child. I can`t remember if the family was talking about a place or a name. Let me see what i can find. I am trying to put stuff together to send to NP. I could tell you stories.

I was lucky my daddy was a fine man, reminds me a bit of you. Some of these people need to act like the men they somehow believe they are. Tom K. is not a god he makes mistakes and right now he is in my dog house. He needs to grow up so these children have a better example to look up to. I have two of his books that I just pitched in the trash can. I will not have my grandchildren read the words of such a person. He is not what Arizona is about, if Sarge and Humper are to be believed.


Mary that is a very sad story. I feel for you. Your parents saying the odd word around you like that. Something like that can have lasting effects on a child. Try not to think about it. We are all special!


I’m a TV casting producer at Crybaby Media in NYC. Currently we are looking for passionate treasure hunters with a unique skill set and big personality. Specifically investigators who are familiar with the Lost Dutchman! Is this you? If so, we want to hear about your flair for finding buried treasure!

In this show, we would visit a different historical treasure hunt each week - then speak to the history of it and of course try to find some treasure! Whatever your method, we are interested in hearing the stories of how you search for and excavate these left behind riches. If interested please email or call anytime. We look forward to speaking! Thanks!

Cry baby you may have trouble with this one. People watching TV treasure shows want to see a treasure at the end of the show. Your too late anyway. Kevin Hoagland from the GPAA already has a show in production doing the same thing.

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Mary that is a very sad story. I feel for you. Your parents saying the odd word around you like that. Something like that can have lasting effects on a child. Try not to think about it. We are all special!


The fact that "Mary"/WRM doesn't know who Odd was, speaks volumes regarding the people who don't know the history of the LDM and the Superstition Mountains. Beyond that, I doubt many know the connection between Halseth and one of the key players in this story.

Take care,


Hello Hal,

I checked Grannie`s papers and the phrase meant something else. Just a place in the Superstitions.


You just keep getting deeper and deeper. Why not just do the right thing and tell the truth. in 2009 Tom K. in the Kollenburn Chronicles writes 2 specific articles addressing the Stone Maps. In neither article does he suggest what you and Humper says is the truth instead he just runs through a list of possible creators of the maps and concludes:

"As you can see this is just another explanation for the infamous and notorious Peralta Stone Maps. The stone maps have created as many enemies as they have friends. The Peralta Stone Maps will survive as long as there are those who follow in the “Footsteps of Coronado’s Children.”

Now comes along the two amigos and what do you two tell us.

Originally Posted by sgtfda
Had to go to the Apache Junction fruit market today so I decided to meet up with Tom K at the Blue Bird. By the way they have a set of the stones on display in the front window. Copies just like the museum. God everyone has them. Tom told me a acquaintance made the stones in the 30's and placed them in the FJ spot. I asked why there and he said the guy was working in the area. This person also worked as a tombstone engraver. Which explains a lot. I wanted to ask him about the Burns from Burns Ranch and the pitt mine. The stones came up after I noticed the window display. I will still keep a open mind as its fun to play with the issue.

Tom told me this story some time ago. Not much chance he will ever divulge the name. I believe it to be true.

Take care,


Sarge the problem is Mr. K`s concluding sentence is true. Those maps will be maiming and killing folks," as long as there are those who follow in the “Footsteps of Coronado’s Children.”

It is one thing for people to die and be injured if knowledgeable people don`t know the truth but you do. So Sarge who is telling the truth you and Humper or Mr. K. My money is on you. That is why what`s going on is so dangerous. It is not just a lie it is a lie that is allowed to live and is being given credence by those who know better.


Mary please join me in the rubber room. Don't fret about those getting lost in the mountains. It's natures way of thinning the herd. I understand. I know the odd word keeps sounding off in your head. Your parents are at fault. Besides its safe now. We all know that ODD made the maps for all of the odd to play with. So lets again give a special warning to all the odd. Do not enter the wilderness following the ODD stone map. Bad things can happen go you. Now go take your little pill and try not to think about it. All the odd folks are safe from the nasty mountain.

Mary how come you only show up online when NP is active online but both of you are never online at exactly the same time? Are you taking turns on the computer? What size is that pink dress? Where is the photo you promised?
This is all just a little odd. Don't you think Mary a man should be enough of a man not hide behind a pink dress.

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Odd S. Halseth was an archaeologist and Director of the Pueblo Grande ruin/monument from 1929-1934.
He directed many excavations of Hohokam/Salado and other pueblo ruins throughout the southwest for many years.
He was also a prolific writer of reports, pamphlets and books on these and other topics, as well as a frequent lecturer.
It was during one of his expeditions "The Survey", guided by Brownie Holmes, that the skull of Adolph Ruth was discovered. Halseth identified it as being ancient indian, but Holmes and the other members of the party disagreed, due to the presence of dessicated skin and flesh present on the skull. Halseth was wrong.
Although Halseth did make use of aerial photography in his search for undiscovered ruins,(Air Survey Reveals Ancient Ruins - Odd S. Halseth - Google Books)(,d.aWM), as did/do many other archaeologists, I see no conceivable connection between Halseth and the Stone Maps.
I don't see where he was ever a "tombstone engraver"... perhaps I missed something...and he doesn't seem to have been a "practical joker".
So unless someone can come up with a viable motive, and some kind of documentation to back it up, I'd suggest he be removed from any list of possible suspects.


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The fact that "Mary"/WRM doesn't know who Odd was, speaks volumes regarding the people who don't know the history of the LDM and the Superstition Mountains. Beyond that, I doubt many know the connection between Halseth and one of the key players in this story.

Take care,



Are you saying 'DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY' Not me Joe! But I do agree there connected but there not the same person, Np's IQ runs about a 3rd grade writting skill, Marry,s odd IQ is much higher! It makes up for NP'S small thingy, One would believe,
But I do feel np is the brains of the operation so it should'nt last to long.
Beside why would I team up with anyone when there's already 6 people in my head, I no, back to the rubber room.

It is nice to sneak out once and a while!

Hey Joe, before I go, I heard a little girl at the DQ singing london bridge is falling down, could you look out your window and see if thats true for me, gotta get my facts straight or Fur-ness will be all over this!

Well Take Care BB/JOE



Since you will not answer my question you need to understand this will not go away. This is about what is in your heart and what you are all about. You can insult people and label them stupid whatever, it doesn`t change the fact that you, Tom K. and Humper are all doing a disservice to the people of Arizona. Each day that this festers your integrity goes down the toilet just a bit more and eventually you will have nothing left but the rubber room.

You three are sitting on a volcano and it is your behind that is directly set to blow. What a tragedy. This is about who all three of you are. Never again lace your conversations with integrity or question another person`s sense of right and wrong. When you had the chance to do the right thing you slithered off with you buddies to hide under a rock.



slithered off with you buddies to hide under a rock.



Nobody told me there was a "ROCK ROOM" Not even the Dirty Rocker Dirty Dutchman!



I did not measure but they are from the same structure as shown below. GE has a measuring tool.

View attachment 812384

Note the dots that surround the "5" symbol.
The ones below the "5" align to the power-line towers.
Plot the towers on GE. Then compare to the dots.
An impossible coincidence?

Well,im not sure about the poles being in different back filling techniques, but newer ones could have been put up around an older one.
I have seen the power companies or others not change out al poles at one time.
Now them being there by maybe an old trail would make common sense.
I know a lineman for APS and they will always use an existing trail, or flat place to install poles,or run lines.
So, yes the poles would or could very well follow a set of marks on any map.
A lot of our roads nowadays where earlier pack mule trails, and indian trails.
There are 2 tracks all over the place over here by Queen creek and superior.
Since people where traveling from Phoenix to Globe. And all over.

I did not measure but they are from the same structure as shown below. GE has a measuring tool.

View attachment 812384

Note the dots that surround the "5" symbol.
The ones below the "5" align to the power-line towers.
Plot the towers on GE. Then compare to the dots.
An impossible coincidence?

Who knows ?
Maybe it was simply a bored SRP employee who made the stones.
I could see where such a person might see the heart as a hydro electric plant, pumping electricity along wires strung from eighteen poles.
The symbol with two vertical lines would be the wall outlet at the user end. He could have added some wiggly lines from his topo map, and a few "symbols" taken from any aerial black and whites which I'm sure the SRP had on file.Even a few electrical symbols for good measure. When he was done adding whatever fueled his imagination, he may have buried them out near QC, when he was installing the hydro lines out there. Drill an extra hole or two, and drop them in....done. Sit tight for a few years...then all he had to do was swing into the restaurant at FJ for coffee, and initiate the rumor cycle. Maybe Tumlinson was within earshot. I would think that Tom knew a few of SRP's people.....:icon_scratch:
Some may have even been well known prospectors/LDM hunters who worked for the SRP from time to time.


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Who knows ?
Maybe it was simply a bored SRP employee who made the stones.
I could see where such a person might see the heart as a hydro electric plant, pumping electricity along wires strung from eighteen poles.
The symbol with two vertical lines would be the wall outlet at the user end. He could have added some wiggly lines from his topo map, and a few "symbols" taken from any aerial black and whites which I'm sure the SRP had on file.Even a few electrical symbols for good measure. When he was done adding whatever fueled his imagination, he may have buried them out near QC, when he was installing the hydro lines out there. Drill an extra hole or two, and drop them in....done. Sit tight for a few years...then all he had to do was swing into the restaurant at FJ for coffee, and initiate the rumor cycle. Maybe Tumlinson was within earshot. I would think that Tom knew a few of SRP's people.....:icon_scratch:
Some may have even been well known prospectors/LDM hunters who worked for the SRP from time to time.


Quite a bit of doubt in your post. Why not think of it in another way. If those towers were there in 1947 (or the origionals), than perhaps they were used simply as points of registration (markers) by the map maker. SRP might have nothing to do with it, but their placement of the poles is something to think about... if you are keeping an open mind and considering all possibilities.

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It may be coincidence, it may be something more. But in the larger picture it looks intentional. There is a pattern here that matches something on the stones.
So, it needs to be considered.

And this.

View attachment 812907

Not a joker, but he had a sense of humor and I am told that it was a dry one.
Avoid the Apache trail... west-bound!

You will know this trail.

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For those who believe how the stone tablets leads to a treasure or gold mine ( or gold mines region ) .
The dots in the horse stone map are mines . To accurately , is two different gold veins . The three dots follow the one , and the two dots the other . This mines are some of the Peralta mines on this mountainside . The LDM is little below and in the same direction with the two dots . The LDM is not in this map . Waltz knew about two of the five Peralta mines , but about the LDM knew only Waltz and Apache . The first lower of the three dots is a golden ledge , and the upper third is the mine which at times took advantage to other folks . The upper third it's shows in the Waltz map with a black arrow .
If you like to hunt ghosts , I don't care , but if you want to find something you must adopt a new vision in your theory .



Just curious......How many times have you been in the Superstition's?

Take care,


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