Hal Croves
Silver Member
I never developed a solid opinion one way or another concerning the stone cross maps, latin artifact, or other things Mike found. I neither promote nor disparage them and his account. I listened to Mike's accounting and thanked him for sharing it with me. I was always more interested in his mining claims as there is some basis to those claims and I have several samples taken from the claims that proved interesting although not rich. The Bilbry site is not hard to get to if you know where you are going and not hard to locate because of the debris piles and trenches stick out once you get up high enough. Everyone is free to view the site for themselves and draw their own conclusions. The mining claims were filed with the BLM and are on record showing their locations. I believe there were 5 or 6 claims altogether. The US Forest Service sent a representative out to Bilbry's claims to analize the minerals and that is also on record. Hope this helps some in your researchings.
Matthew K. Roberts
Matthew Roberts,
Yes, a big help. Thank you again. Looks like you are in California from your member description. Do you still find time to hike the Superstitions? Will you be at this years rendezvous event?