The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

I've seen it, and it looks like a coloured concrete slab someone formed up.
He put a few classic clues on it, just to make it interesting I suppose....treasure behind a waterfall, three teepees, heart and triangle, three peaks (red hills maybe?) and of course a window rock (what every treasure map needs). Oh, and a trail, with dots of course.
I made one up myself awhile back, two sided on a $15 slab of sandstone for my garden. Just noticed a couple of weeks ago it was gone.
Might make another one later this year.

Did a quickie sketch of Tom's "stone"...

View attachment tom's stone.bmp
Mine was a lot more complicated


Wayne I posted it for anyone who has not seen it. I felt sure you and dome of the other stoners were aware of it. You don't miss much.

Sometimes I miss with the first shot.
Not too often with the ones that follow.
Didn't mean it as a "I know,I know", bud.
Just tossing my thoughts out there. Do enjoy seeing all that Tom has to share, and I also read his column every week.
I may not agree with everything he says, and I say so when I don't. But I like hearing it from the old horse any way he wants to tell it.
Same goes for all my friends.


Photo of the stone I did up a couple of years ago...

View attachment 100_0715 sm opposite.bmp

That's a different stone than the one on Toms fb page. Love all the photos he posted.

What's funny Toms photo of Weavers Needle look just like a giant heart looking from Pinto

Probably why some think it's the Heart of the Stone Maps.
Who knows ?, they could be right.


Couldn't agree more with you on that. Its what the carver saw as he sat and and carved the stones, There's no scale to the maps as hal suggests' Just a reasonable way to go back and retrieve what they left.


I would disagree with this entire post. If there were no scale, then there would be no need for the use of treasure symbols. OK, I am calling them "treasure symbols" because symbols identical to the ones used on the stone maps are used in the system. I think that we can agree on this as fact. I know that other theories have been presented suggesting that they are something else.

Here is an example that may help you to see just how these "treasure symbols" are used and how they involve the use of scale.

If one knows how this symbol is used in the system...

...then this image will be a logical idea. The red arrow points north.

These are directional symbols, telling the reader to change directions, twice. I submit to you that when superimposed at the correct scale and onto the correct location of a corrisponding topographical map or aerial photo, what I have posted above will lead the reader exactly to post #892.

That would also be TK's monument trail.

To help you understand scale... this symbol itself represents approximately 700' in length. Based on that information, one can estimate the scale of the stones.

The stones are an exercise in the system of treasure symbols. That is obvious once one studies the system.

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Hal your dead wrong. The 3 is a 3. Not my place to say but as I said before my eyes don't lie. Right Wayne.

Absolutely !
And obviously I have to be careful of what I say, but you've seen both the "E" and the "3"s as they are on the stones.
How the 2 (3)s on the Horse Stone are replicated on the Priest Stone, and once again on the lower Trail Stone....all with directional offsets.
He had good reason to do it like that and used perception and visual perspective,as your own eyes have seen, but not scale.


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Hal your dead wrong. The 3 is a 3. Not my place to say but as I said before my eyes don't lie. Right Wayne.

sgtfda, somehiker

Our eyes lie to us every and everyday. I would argue more so in the Superstitions, but that is another topic. Someone with sgtfda's professional background would understand that fact and obviously set the bar higher than most for what one considers to be actual proof or evidence of an ability to read the stone map cipher. So, I am guessing that somehiker is sitting on some incredible find. I sincerely hope that is so, but as everything and anything to be found in the SWA is protected, why not share some visuals and an interpretation of that visual. If it is a "3", will you explain how it is used and if you can, please explain the positioning of your number "3". That is, why are they spaced and angled as they are on the stones? and in your solution?

Cropping an image helps if your concerned about disclosing somehiker's locations. Oh, and yes the location. Will either of you explain why that particular location in relation to the stones?

These are very specific questions that, in my mind, can make or break ones ideas about the stones.

It is obvious that I am skeptical, but I would drop my ideas in a heart beat for conclusive proof. About that, my idea of conclusive has not been shared here, by anyone. I am not even convinced that my own ideas lead to something of value other than that of a historical value.

Hal. I'm not a stoner. I keep a open mind. Went on a hike with Wayne and gave my opinion on something. It is his site and his decision on what he will do with it I offered to help if it was needed. Wayne does ok on his own. I've not been back there not will I unless Wayne needs a hand. You need to direct your questions to Wayne. However there is no question the 3 is a 3. That was the first thing out if my mouth. Look at that 3. After years of hard work Wayne has nailed the location. Who ever made the stones used that location. Personally I don't know what the target is. Not at this point. This I'm not a stoner. That part is solved. I'm a digger. I just like to know what I'm digging for.

I would disagree with this entire post. If there were no scale, then there would be no need for the use of treasure symbols. OK, I am calling them "treasure symbols" because symbols identical to the ones used on the stone maps are used in the system. I think that we can agree on this as fact.


The so called treasure symbols are the geological features that your looking for in the field.
But I highly agree with the direction switch so your red arrow should be south and switch to the east. The marks are in the field to see them. Its not persay a tresure symbol system but a geological feature system. But a three is a three, a one is a one, and the 2 missing from the copy cat stones is up on, Not gonna say yet.

The big knife points to no river it points to the skyline. The other trail off the main trail map puts you on top of a vantage point where you can see the horse and the mine there. It curves back in the mountain about 120 ft or so then small branch outs at the end and slightly down.

I believe the sight somehiker is working on is from the stone crosses other wise I,m sure we would have bumped into eachother out there.


I would disagree with this entire post. If there were no scale, then there would be no need for the use of treasure symbols. OK, I am calling them "treasure symbols" because symbols identical to the ones used on the stone maps are used in the system. I think that we can agree on this as fact.


The so called treasure symbols are the geological features that your looking for in the field.
But I highly agree with the direction switch so your red arrow should be south and switch to the east. The marks are in the field to see them. Its not persay a tresure symbol system but a geological feature system. But a three is a three, a one is a one, and the 2 missing from the copy cat stones is up on, Not gonna say yet.

The big knife points to no river it points to the skyline. The other trail off the main trail map puts you on top of a vantage point where you can see the horse and the mine there. It curves back in the mountain about 120 ft or so then small branch outs at the end and slightly down.

I believe the sight somehiker is working on is from the stone crosses other wise I,m sure we would have bumped into eachother out there.


Can you provide an example of another use of these symbols as descriptors for "geological features"? I am not familiar with that system.

That "E" (which represents east) is not in the reflective area. Hence, east is east and north, north.

Hal. I'm not a stoner. I keep a open mind. Went on a hike with Wayne and gave my opinion on something. It is his site and his decision on what he will do with it I offered to help if it was needed. Wayne does ok on his own. I've not been back there not will I unless Wayne needs a hand. You need to direct your questions to Wayne. However there is no question the 3 is a 3. That was the first thing out if my mouth. Look at that 3. After years of hard work Wayne has nailed the location. Who ever made the stones used that location. Personally I don't know what the target is. Not at this point. This I'm not a stoner. That part is solved. I'm a digger. I just like to know what I'm digging for.

I would not expect you to disclose somehiker's information. That part of my question was directed to somehiker. But when you use phrases such as "Wayne has nailed it.", is it safe to assume by that you mean that he has solved the cipher? That is an amazing thing to read and you are fortunate to have had the chance to witness the discovery first hand.

Something that you should be able to comment on... what is your understanding of the use of the number three? I am not asking you to comment on somehiker's numbers, but what does the number mean to you?

Hal I would guess the 3 was placed on the stone because it was there along with all the other symbols. All the other symbols! As I said I only went on the hike to give a opinion on something. To me 3 is the number of times Hillary hit Bill in the head with the bedroom lamp when she found out about Monica. The maps are Wayne's thing. He is a good friend from a area I used to visit in Canada. I have some good Masonic friends who live a few miles up the road. Thus I understand how their brains work. They are not normal and can't hold onto a woman. Every time I would go up that way a new gal. When I asked why I was told nothing else to do up there.


Hang in there! If your not considering the provenance of the map your thoughts and solution is as good good as the next guy's. There have been dozens of people who have offered solutions to Travis's stone carvings with the same results.

I hesitate to offer this information as it is simply my word. Travis authored a manuscript and it has not been made public but Clarence Mitchell (aka Travis Marlowe) follows the story line in his book fairly close. Travis allegedly found the horse-priest stone first. He then studied that stone and returned a year later and dug up the trial maps and the heart insert.

In Travis's manuscript he includes around a hundred treasure symbols and one is the symbol of the flying bird sign (3) in conjunction with the E (Near the back legs of the horse). He defines it as meaning change direction. He writes that after failing to initially locate the trail maps (on his second trip) he reversed the direction and walla, He figured out that he had to reverse the horse-priest map and with other information on the map he was able to dig up the trail maps. (BTW, Mitchell tried to improve the story in his version by taking into account the magnetic variation). The actual story has additional detail and certainly stretches credibilty to most people but it makes sense in his attempt to create a story of finding the stones that he carved.

I'm not here to argue with anyone. I'm just saying that until all the stones are turned over, you shouldn't get stampeded.


Can you provide an example of another use of these symbols as descriptors for "geological features"? I am not familiar with that system.

That "E" (which represents east) is not in the reflective area. Hence, east is east and north, north.

Sure Hal

Calvery hill is the upside down U on the stones, The Arch the sight of the (cruel a fiction).

So how do you get back to the sight in the middle of nowhere, you mark it with a ARCH.

There all over the us and mexico and everyother country, its the key to all the maps.

So there you go hal another treasure symbol tied to a geological feature. There all like that

But I,m not saying which order to use them in, or where, quite yet.

All I,m saying is Tom K. and Scott W. have some crow to eat and Joe owe's me a bet.

But I have one last trip to make, I like to be 100 percent dead on, Before I release all the imfo on the maps. And all will be free, no charge.

A system the great Hal no's nothing about: Not to many do Hal, Its My system and a few close to me.


Hal I tell you a little trick. Show up at the rendezvous with a hot gal with pointy boobs. Have her make the rounds and those guys will tell her everything. Wayne would be first in line. You don't need to bring one to Az. Plenty of rentals in the city. You may think I'm joking. I'm not. I've used this method on a few criminal investigations.

After all these years, why do you think Travis' manuscript has not been released for publication ?
There seems to be little reason to hold it back, especially if it proves the family's claims of his having made the stones himself.
Any new book about the history of the Stone Maps, which included the manuscript, especially one by an author such as Dr. Glover or Tom Kollenborn would be a decent seller at the least. Interest in the stones remains high, and it would seem to be as good a time as any for the family to do so.
Unless they are waiting for something substantial to be found and publicized as having been discovered with the aid of the stones. Then, when the iron is hot, would be the time to strike...and that is when I would also place my bet on Travis' manuscript and any other materials he had to work with, being brought forward by them.
There may be photographs as well, held back in anticipation of such an event, at which time the value of anything they have, relating to the stones, would be highest. This is what I would recommend, if I were in a position to advise them.
There is also the possibility that they have received legal advice re: the value of Travis' materials as evidence pertaining to any claim they may wish to file, if a discovery of significant value is made and a Treasure Trove Permit, based partly on the stones, is granted.

IMO, if Travis was attempting to use treasure symbol interpretation to understand the stones, and find his way around, that is where he went wrong.
I have found such symbols to be of no use, and as Frank has stressed, those letters, numbers and other markings which I had time to point out to him last fall, were exactly where they are shown on the various stones themselves. Not only that, but they have the same shape and perspective as those carved and scratched on the stones.


Hal I tell you a little trick. Show up at the rendezvous with a hot gal with pointy boobs. Have her make the rounds and those guys will tell her everything. Wayne would be first in line. You don't need to bring one to Az. Plenty of rentals in the city. You may think I'm joking. I'm not. I've used this method on a few criminal investigations.


Why I would take'm and latter them up and make motor boat sounds with them!
But I would not tell! Ok what you want to know!


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