coazon de oro
Bronze Member
Hang in there! If your not considering the provenance of the map your thoughts and solution is as good good as the next guy's. There have been dozens of people who have offered solutions to Travis's stone carvings with the same results.
I hesitate to offer this information as it is simply my word. Travis authored a manuscript and it has not been made public but Clarence Mitchell (aka Travis Marlowe) follows the story line in his book fairly close. Travis allegedly found the horse-priest stone first. He then studied that stone and returned a year later and dug up the trial maps and the heart insert.
In Travis's manuscript he includes around a hundred treasure symbols and one is the symbol of the flying bird sign (3) in conjunction with the E (Near the back legs of the horse). He defines it as meaning change direction. He writes that after failing to initially locate the trail maps (on his second trip) he reversed the direction and walla, He figured out that he had to reverse the horse-priest map and with other information on the map he was able to dig up the trail maps. (BTW, Mitchell tried to improve the story in his version by taking into account the magnetic variation). The actual story has additional detail and certainly stretches credibilty to most people but it makes sense in his attempt to create a story of finding the stones that he carved.
I'm not here to argue with anyone. I'm just saying that until all the stones are turned over, you shouldn't get stampeded.
Howdy Garry,
I have heard a lot of good things about you, I never imagined you for a troll.

As I understand, your research, or documents are mostly based on the opinions of others, and your witnesses have proved to be unreliable, by Mike M. So your conclusion is really just your opinion is it not?
Please prove me wrong, and show just one document that is not the opinion of someone else, that would just hint the PSM's as the work of Travis.
If they were the work of Travis, they would not lead to anything of real value, would they, so why encourage Hal in trying to figure them out?