coazon de oro
Bronze Member
I hear that jerky has a little "kick", but I wouldn't want to go on the trail nibbling on Don Jose's a..
Hal, and the Canadian buzzard!
If your content on that area, you best be useing the stone cross maps, there the only one,s that pretane to that area.
Cause I,m most certain they were found just like he said they were, I'll bet cha both a trip to don,s pad for bitter taste of sock coffee and a sweet taste of that donkey he braggs about. (I think I,m in love) That he found them like he said.
Everyone changes paths in there lives what happened later in his, has no factor on the stone crosses.
Yes, I am familiar with the area. While we disagree with the dating of the stone maps cipher, I believe that you are dead on concerning what took place there. In fact, my last five hikes into the Superstitions all began there, as they naturally should.
What are your thoughts on the symbolism of the horse inscription?
I might have a little something to add to your already extensive file, but in order to appreciate it, you would have to put aside your beliefs on the placement of the stones... if only long enough to give it consideration. That is a tall order for someone like you who is obviously passionate about your ideas.
All journeys have their beginning.
Even spiritual ones.
I have no issues with the man who discovered the stone crosses and I think that guilty or not, the man has served his punishment. Everyone who stumbles in life deserves a second chance, which is what makes this country so great. I only wish that someone would post a clear picture of both crosses, and both sides. I have never seen one that is clear enough to work with.
The symbols that can be found at the entrance to Peter's.... if you believe that they are real, and not just some illusion, then a wider, more careful look at the area might be smart. Here is one that appears next to one of the "dots" on the corresponding stone. There are more.
Ever heard of the "Mormon Map" Hal ?
I've never gone out to see it, but I've got a pretty good idea where it is. If it hasn't been destroyed by now.
I'm not really interested in it, being sure it's post dating to both the stones and Waltz.
I haven't the time to go through my notes right now, but I'll PM the co-ords over the weekend some time.
It's too bad Tortilla Flat and Mormon Flat have been torn up so much and paved over, with most of M/F under the waters of Canyon Lake as well.
I have zig-zagged my way from T/F to the Marina without finding anything but tons of old scrap metal and tin cans. If there were arrastres near the creek in that stretch, I'm sure they were washed away long ago. But there's still lots to see if you hike any of the trails that begin at T/F. It's a bit difficult to find the beginning of some of them, and some are hard to follow even when you do get your bearings, but once you are on them you are walking in the footsteps of many of the original Dutch Hunters.
I don't consider very many of the things which are carved, chipped , or scratched into the stones to be symbolic. At least not more so than any "picture map" such as this one of Washington, DC happens to be...USA Sightseeing Tours of Top US Travel Destinations - Old Town Trolley Tours® - Our Tours...
In other words, if you were to be dropped in the middle of DC during the day with nothing but this maps in hand (no compass or other aids), how difficult would it be to find your way around...or even to a specific location such as "Ben and Jerry's". That's how the stones work for me.
That things like the Heart, the Horse, and the Priest had a special meaning for the individuals who made the maps seems evident in the way our attention is drawn to each by the written inscriptions on the stones. The use of the word "YO" on both faces of the H/P Stone emphasizes that the Horse and the Priest was meant to be synonymous, and the "Mapa" and "Coazon" on the Priest side emphasizes the connection with the Map Stones IMO. In that sense, the Horse is definitely symbolic.
Sigh, what a sacraligeous buncha unwashed desert rats. Ya gotta eat me first before I let ya eat my lovely, faithful mule with the sexy, softly rounded tummy. And as for those beautiful, long, velvety, expressive ears, no 'human' could possibly think of food.
Tell me honestly, after gazing into those huge, beautiful, sexy, expressive eyes, could you actually make machaca / jerkey out of the lonely prospectors best friend
Don Jose de La Mancha
Sigh, what a sacraligeous buncha unwashed desert rats. Ya gotta eat me first before I let ya eat my lovely, faithful mule with the sexy, softly rounded tummy. And as for those beautiful, long, velvety, expressive ears, no 'human' could possibly think of food.
Tell me honestly, after gazing into those huge, beautiful, sexy, expressive eyes, could you actually make machaca / jerkey out of the lonely prospectors best friend
Don Jose de La Mancha
Ever heard of the "Mormon Map" Hal ?
I've never gone out to see it, but I've got a pretty good idea where it is. If it hasn't been destroyed by now.
I'm not really interested in it, being sure it's post dating to both the stones and Waltz.
I haven't the time to go through my notes right now, but I'll PM the co-ords over the weekend some time.
It's too bad Tortilla Flat and Mormon Flat have been torn up so much and paved over, with most of M/F under the waters of Canyon Lake as well.
I have zig-zagged my way from T/F to the Marina without finding anything but tons of old scrap metal and tin cans. If there were arrastres near the creek in that stretch, I'm sure they were washed away long ago. But there's still lots to see if you hike any of the trails that begin at T/F. It's a bit difficult to find the beginning of some of them, and some are hard to follow even when you do get your bearings, but once you are on them you are walking in the footsteps of many of the original Dutch Hunters.
I don't consider very many of the things which are carved, chipped , or scratched into the stones to be symbolic. At least not more so than any "picture map" such as this one of Washington, DC happens to be...USA Sightseeing Tours of Top US Travel Destinations - Old Town Trolley Tours® - Our Tours...
In other words, if you were to be dropped in the middle of DC during the day with nothing but this map in hand (no compass or other aids), how difficult would it be to find your way around...or even to a specific location such as "Ben and Jerry's". That's how the stones work for me.
That things like the Heart, the Horse, and the Priest had a special meaning for the individuals who made the maps seems evident in the way our attention is drawn to each by the written inscriptions on the stones. The use of the word "YO" on both faces of the H/P Stone emphasizes that the Horse and the Priest was meant to be synonymous, and the "Mapa" and "Coazon" on the Priest side emphasizes the connection with the Map Stones IMO. In that sense, the Horse is definitely symbolic.
Yes, that is a poor image of one stone. What I don't understand is why no quality image exists of both and both sides. We have so many images of the stone maps, some which are actually beautiful. I have not spent mouch time studing the crosses, but that would change if someone would share a few decent images. Do you know where they are right now? The crosses I mean. I would appreciate learning the story of what happen to them from the time of their discovery until now. Where are they? and who has them?
Hal, markmar,
The stone crosses, latin heart are gone, completely destroyed. No (good) original photos of them are in the public access. Good photos of the stone crosses do exist but are in the private hands of Mike Bilbry. Good reproductions (plaster) of the stone crosses do exist and there are good photos of them. Some years back, Steve Creager and I were in the mountains and one of the places Steve wanted to see was the site where Mike Bilbry found the crosses, artifacts, and had his mining claims. At that time, there were still a few corner monument markers on the Bilbry claims and you could see where Mike had trenched across a couple places and where he found the crosses. The markers are gone today but you can still see the remains of those trenches.
To locate Bilbry's claims, from the Tortilla Ranch trailhead take the Peters trail to the high saddle overlooking Peters canyon below. Once you reach the bottom and are in Peters Canyon, immediately look to your right up a sloping area with some cliffs just to the north of it. Head for that sloping area and you will find the claims and trenches from the debris piles. I have a good photo of the area I took when Steve and I were there but the system won't allow me to post photos.
Mike Bilbry told me the story of how he discovered his claims and the crosses and other artifacts. He is still living in Arizona and doing well.
I don't know much about DMSO other than it is highly effective. Mike said he knows he made a mistake and paid his debt to society and has moved on.
Matthew K. Roberts
Some comments about the Stone Crosses can be found here:
Lost Dutchman Gold Mine - Arizona Superstition Mountain Wilderness - Gold Mining ? View topic - Travis Tumlinson and the Stone Maps
In my opinion, any posts by Kraig Roberts should be viewed with caution. If there is anything he posts that you feel worthwhile, you should copy it somewhere, as he has a tendency to delete them.......all of them.![]()
For the true history of Bilbrey and his crosses, I would suggest asking Tom Kollenborn. I imagine he will be at this year's Rendezvous.
Take care,
Joe Ribaudo