Bronze Member
Now there's a thought. Have any of you stoners traveled up the creek looking for other things? Perhaps the dotted trail on the stones is a combo of creek and land trails and the X's mark burial locations
EB I should have said I've seen the area where it is said they were found.
Why the Creek? Im sure during your desert travels you spent time driving up creeks and washes. They are the roads. Why would Queen Creek not have been used as a road back then. Clear and easy path through the desert.
You wrote " And it's said there was a carving of an Indian Head and two hearts somewhere there as well..... "
I post a part of Perfil map picture which I took in GE . In the yellow circle is the Indian head or " ESCARDADIA " and just to the left is the " HOYO " which has an heart shape . To the left of this heart is another same heart but can't seen in this picture .
The ground outline below the head is the same with the line in Perfil map .
View attachment 794567
Hal my eyes don't lie. What I find hard to believe is the story on how the stones were found. I've seen the area and its the last place they would have been buried. The only way is if they were dumped there by someone fleeing the mountains using the creek as a reference.
There may be an extra stone. Look at my last posting on my thread. thx, npMight pay to have a look at whats above and below.
And there might be another stone somewhere, because while Tumlinson had the stones, he didn't have the answers necessary to get to the end.
That which I wrote and you quoted came from sources who were close to Travis Tumlinson.
It relates to the area where the Stone Maps were discovered. Not to the area shown in the Perfil Mapa, which is somewhere within the range.
And trying to relate any of the various treasure maps to terrain features seen on Google Earth is an exercise in futility.
Likewise, trying to draw comparisons between the Stone Maps and any of the others may be hazardous to your mental well being.
Can you translate the word "ESCARDADIA" for us ? What would be seen at that location ? Is it in your G/E "picture" ?
We all know that "HOYO" means a hole in the Spanish, but how would you know whether it's a mine or just a hole ?
Your explanations are becoming increasingly easier to follow. I agree with most of what you wrote in that last post except that washes were followed by early explorers/prospectors. Perhaps not for travel, but following color to the source. Sgtda is doing exactly what the early Mexican explorers did when they reached an area with potential. I do this myself following washes that intersect my area. It is exhausting and time consuming. But can be rewarding... washes are always changing.
One thing about the discovery site. It was a construction area and the holes that are visible seem to be along the bank. They might simply be test holes for the construction of the bridge foundation. Just a thought.
You wrote " And it's said there was a carving of an Indian Head and two hearts somewhere there as well..... "
I post a part of Perfil map picture which I took in GE . In the yellow circle is the Indian head or " ESCARDADIA " and just to the left is the " HOYO " which has an heart shape . To the left of this heart is another same heart but can't seen in this picture .
The ground outline below the head is the same with the line in Perfil map .
View attachment 794567
Escarda dia or ESCARDA DIA translated from Spanish means "weeding day" which is referring to a certain time of the year. You must get out your garden tools and weed the garden or they will soon take over the crop. It doesn't make any sense though does it? The term is specifying a time period that occurs every year. It is a major clue that is used to solve this map.
Ellie B
Escardar means to separate the good from the bad, such as separating the gold from the worthless rock. Escardadia, may be referring to the tailings.
Escardar means to separate the good from the bad, such as separating the gold from the worthless rock. Escardadia, may be referring to the tailings.
So, if it's a major clue, what date would that be ?
A certain day, sorta like Independence Day ? Or do you have to hang around for a while and look at a certain spot to see "something".
Most of the places I have lived and travelled to, the weeds never stopped growing except when it dropped below freezing. To cut them one day a year wouldn't make much difference, so I don't think anyone ever invented a "weed day". Seems a stretch to associate it to any time frame, strictly by literal translation as you have done.
If I was working on the "perfil map", I'd probably be looking for something different....and somewhere else.
Hal Croves,
The section of road where the stone maps were said to have been found was a two lane road in the late 1940's, early 1950's. Today it is a four lane divided highway about three and a half times the right of way of the old highway. An old dutch hunter, Al Reser took me down to where he said the stone maps were found before the four lane hiway was built. Today that old site is gone, part of the new highway and right of way. Al Reser got his location from Clarence Mitchell and later from a man named Charlie Miller whom Al said was present at the Superstition Mt. Service Station in Apache Junction when Travis Tumlinson brought the stones in and cleaned them off. The Superstition Mt. Shell Service station was Cal Morse's gas station in the 1930's and is the same building where Dirtwater Springs Restaurant is today in Apache Junction. It would seem from Al's account, the place where the original stone maps were discovered is now destroyed and part of the new hiway. I don't know where any later stones or maps may have been located in the area. For what it's worth, that is what Al told and showed me.
Matthew K. Roberts
Hal my eyes don't lie. What I find hard to believe is the story on how the stones were found. I've seen the area and its the last place they would have been buried. The only way is if they were dumped there by someone fleeing the mountains using the creek as a reference.
"One thing about the discovery site. It was a construction area and the holes that are visible seem to be along the bank. They might simply be test holes for the construction of the bridge foundation. Just a thought."
If you suspect that there was ongoing construction of the bridge in 1948-49, see if you can find out the start-finish dates.
Travis was on his way back home after spending Christmas with his relatives in Texas in 1948, when he stopped at the bridge.
I will give it a try and post the results.
I do want to ask about the photo of the cave. Looking at the "plug", I see rock that was fractured and filled with something that looks like flow material. How can this be man made? You have examined the plug. Are there any tool marks or hand/finger prints? Are you sure that it is not a work of nature?
What would you do if you learned that the stones were a modern work? Would it matter?