Yes. How many people had that type of relationship with the "range" in the late 1940's (Not the 40's; the late 1890,s). I would bet that they can be counted on two hands. Which of those men had the skill set to conceive and to carve the stones (Many of the carved Sara monuments were already there). Your own solution to the map ultimately point to just one man (no way, many men).
"Between 1946 and 1952, a number of projects were undertaken to rebuild U.S. 60, with the most notable ones between Superior and Miami/Globe. Over 144 miles were rebuilt during this time frame."
Someone with experience in the Superstitions (yes), someone who understood the system of treasure symbols (yes), someone who was familiar with (or had access to) the highway system, perhaps involved in the construction or promotion of it (US 60 did not exist in 1890). Someone (many someone's) who had a degree of artistic skill and perhaps training. There is so much more to add to this list. As this list grows, it becomes ever more clear that we have a man (many men and women) with "extra" ordinary skills.
It is not difficult to imagine the stones being planted (yes) IMHO.
I put a list together of professional fields that were necessary to produce some of the many parts of the DNA strand. I may have left a couple off by accident.
We know from the Infrared data performed by George Stephen III back in 1982-83 that over 2,500 people existed on one particular site
(in and around the Soups) over 400 years ago. They were there long enough to build European style structures with foundations. You can find some information dedicated to George Stephen in the book, "Mountain of God", please see below.
- Astronomer; one who can describe a lunar standstill
- Navigator; one who could travel the sea and the earth
- Cartographer, one who makes maps
- Surveyor; one who can accurately measure distances, elevations and document locations of landmarks
- Mathematician; one who can produce and solve highly technical problems
- Architect; one who understands every type of building construction technique known by man
- Stone mason; one who can accurately produce anything having to do with rock
- Geologist; someone familiar with the earth’s entire crust
- Chemist; one who can do anything with chemicals
- Botanist; a specialist dealing with desert type plants (primarily) and other world plants
- Artist; one who can create any form on any surface
- World Historian; familiar with man and all his achievements recorded throughout world history
- Native American expert; Expert knowledge of all Native Americans and their histories
- Pre-Columbian expert; Expert knowledge of all known types of early man
- Religious expert; Expert in all fields of religious beliefs
George Stephen III, he and Kathy were some of the nicest people I have known.
Dr. Shockey writes:
Early spring of 1988 brought some astounding new information concerning the physical remains of a manmade
structure on the northeast section of Mt. Ararat. It began very unexpectedly as I was eating enchiladas at a restaurant in
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico where I was introduced to
George Stephen III and his wife Kathy.
During the course of our meal together, George asked a simple question: "What are your hobbies,
Shockey?" It was
an easy question and my answer was immediate. "My number one goal is to verify the existence of Noah’s Ark." I
continued by giving George a summary of the historic searches and the problems in obtaining any help from our
government regarding U-2 and/or satellite photos. George's reply shocked me. "Don", he said, "I have access to special
technology, and can within two weeks have information on any square foot of land anywhere on the globe!"
I challenged his statement, and he backed up his claim with information about his military background and the newer
technology, which he had helped develop for our government in the area of infra-red analysis from satellites located 240
miles in space. He then asked me for some coordinates pertaining to my area of search. He said he would get back to me
within two weeks.
George kept his word. It was two weeks to the day when he called from California. Using the technology, he had
analyzed the area on Mt. Ararat and found two man-made objects in the Abich II glacier. He determined these objects to
be definitely man-made.
"Are you sure, George?" was my next question, and one I should not have asked. He reminded me that this is his
area of expertise, then went on to explain why he was so sure. The two pieces are rectangular, and approximately one
thousand feet in separation. He said that natural formations are not so specific in shape, and he emphasized his certainty
that the shapes were not background rock. He then gave me the approximate elevation and also the depth, which the
objects were covered with ice and snow.
Aware that he was "sticking his neck out" to help me, I asked him if I flew out to his base location, bringing a map of
Mt. Ararat could he, without compromising any secret information, mark the two locations with an "X." He agreed that this
was acceptable and would not compromise any classified material.
I met with George a few days later, and the mission was accomplished. George Adams
, Robin Simmons, and Chuck
Aaron were invited to join me at this meeting where Stephen gave his information. The date was June 30, 1989.
Now for the first time we had hard scientific evidence of something large and foreign on the mountain. Was it the ark?
There was no way of verifying it without an expedition to reach the area and examine the two objects. If they were
found to be anything other than the biblical description in Genesis, they could not be remains of the ark. The ark's
dimensions would be the first criteria of identification.
The ideal time to explore the mountain is the last two weeks of July through the first two weeks of August when
optimum melt down of the snow and ice normally will have occurred. Even this "window" has no guarantee of success.
Armed with Stephen's information, hasty preparations were made for a climb to the location. The necessary
equipment was collected. Ahmet Arslan was contracted to be the primary guide for a considerable amount of money, and
Don Shockey 355
George had later actually given me a piece of the Ark (gopher wood) which I in turn later had given to David Bagley of Angel Fire Water fame located in Angel Fire, New Mexico in 2006. I gave him my auditioned copy of the book. I still have the VHS recordings that George had given me. I received these items from George in 1996 after my Father passed away.
We spent a lot of money as we hired the best people available for the job. It takes money to make money and knowledge can be expensive.
Catch you all later,
Ellie Baba