The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


You wrote " I am simply passing through, this world is not my home. My treasures have been stored somewhere else and that my friend is ALL I need to know. "

Be careful , you are just a step to become a " gatekeeper ".

You wrote how "Sara monument " or " R- rock " is carved on the horse stone map . You are the first who interpret the word " R " rock and not river ( RIO ) . You don't forget how on the horse stone map the words are written in Spanish and maybe because you are from other world you gave an English meaning in a Spanish map .
In a previous post ( maybe in NP thread ) you wrote how the stone tablets was made in 1890 . What happened now and the stone tablets became ancient ? Tomorrow will become medieval ? You must decide .

I wrote and you answered " Exist a record or a map which refered to where is this monument (the horse map, 1900 Florence Quad and the Sara combined)?
Put a little orange juice and you have a nice cocktail .


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"You are the first who interpret the word " R " rock and not river ( RIO )."

"R" is also used to represent "reverso" or "reverse"... either the map/image, the direction, or both. Many treasure symbols have duel meanings. Think about it. If one could date the historical use and development of this "system", the system of treasure symbols, one might be able to date the stones. The stones can only be as old as the system.

The person who created the stones had a solid understanding of the system. This can not be ignored. Ask... what is the earliest published work on treasure symbols? Published. If the stones were found sometime between 1947-1953, and are a hoax, where would the hoaxer have learned the system? What was available before 1947? To the public & to academics?

Have you ever wondered why so many people intuitivly look for answers in Google Earth and the 1909 topo? Some don't, yes, but for many, the aerial view feels intuitive. That compulsion needs to be explained.

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"You are the first who interpret the word " R " rock and not river ( RIO )."

"R" is also used to represent "reverso" or "reverse"... either the map/image, the direction, or both. Many treasure symbols have duel meanings. Think about it. If one could date the historical use and development of this "system", the system of treasure symbols, one might be able to date the stones. The stones can only be as old as the system.

The person who created the stones had a solid understanding of the system. This can not be ignored. Ask... what is the earliest published work on treasure symbols? Published. If the stones were found sometime between 1947-1953, and are a hoax, where would the hoaxer have learned the system? What was available before 1947? To the public & to academics?

Have you ever wondered why so many people intuitivly look for answers in Google Earth and the 1909 topo? Some don't, yes, but for many, the aerial view feels intuitive. That compulsion needs to be explained.

Why do you think there is a 'system' that has become known? Why would a particular 'treasure symbol' on a map possess a permanent meaning, or permanent dual meanings or permanent mirror-image meanings?

If you decided to hide 50 gold coins somewhere and create a map defining its whereabouts, would you use known 'treasure symbols' on your map? If you decided to hide another 50 gold coins in a different location, would you use the same symbols on map 2 as were used on map 1?

You are correct Springfield. Assume nothing. If you develop a theory investigate it. If it does not pan out review and try a new approach.

Why do you think there is a 'system' that has become known?
Are you suggesting that there is no system of treasure symbols? Or, are you questioning my belief that the system was once less known and that at some point it became known to the general public via archival research and publishing? The works that I have collected on the subject all support the concept of a "system". It is a system that adapts to the individual using it.

Why would a particular 'treasure symbol' on a map possess a permanent meaning, or permanent dual meanings or permanent mirror-image meanings?
By "permanent meaning" I am guessing that you mean "system". It is a language and all languages have structure.

If you decided to hide 50 gold coins somewhere and create a map defining its whereabouts, would you use known 'treasure symbols' on your map?
That would depend on what my motivation was. It is also one of the red flags. So many perfect examples of the system, almost like showing off ones skills.

If you decided to hide another 50 gold coins in a different location, would you use the same symbols on map 2 as were used on map 1?

Why not? Then I would remember what it was that I had hidden.

There are very few people who could have made the stones in the late 1940's, hoax or no hoax. I am 100% certain that Tumlinson did not carve the stones. He was IMHO not capable of conceptualizing them.

Hi All,

What I have learned from the Stone Maps;

1. You can use any symbol that you want and it will mean whatever you want it to mean.
2. The symbols chosen by this group were meant to be understood by those who were and are a part of this group.
3. Anyone outside of this group has no idea what these symbols represent: They want us to believe that we do know what these symbols represent because that will throw us into complete and utter confusion. IMHO I rest my case.
4. If the group members that hid the caches are deceased the new members and initiates will be quite able to locate these caches.
5. Outsiders were never meant to recognize the Sara and if so they would not be able to learn the techniques of how to decipher the Sara.
6. The Stone Maps, Sara and the 1900 Florence Quadrangles and other pre-selected maps all share the same creative techniques. They were all produced by the same creator and were specifically designed to function as one with many other parts like a strand of DNA. If one part is missing failure would result.
7. There is too much information out there and can drive one insane. One must check each clue in three different ways or methods and only one may be correct, or not any of them, or all of them. Witness marks will and do document all known facts. This seems to be a standard truth.
8. This group never intended for one person to know the complete system used to hide the cache(s). This prevented them from working on their own or in small groups to go back later and recover what they had cached. It was necessary to have each of the sciences available which represented 14 different professions if I am correct.

If I had anything of value to hide I would use this very same system. I would give each one of my children a specific clue and there are five. Some have never been to Arizona, but I will guarantee you that they could and would find it if they worked together and followed my doggone instructions.

This quest is far from over and that much I am certain. I will need the help of many in the near future to find all of the cache sites. I think I have located three (think).

"Decipher", Solving the World’s Greatest Treasure Maps, Volume 1: The Peralta Stone Maps; the Horse Map

It has taken me 25 years to choose the proper title for my book.

Back to the gold mine...

Ellie B

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I know how the word " Rio " has a double meaning . But the letter " R " have an independent meaning ( in Spanish ) . Everybody interpret what it like them .
The stones trail map has not a system code . Are very simple . Erase everything are around the trail . Use the clue which says how the mine lies in a circle with 5 miles diameter and in the centre is Weavers Needle ( the stones fit in ) . Look at the orientation of the heart which is carved on the latin heart and ...the other is in your hand .


You are combining legends which may be a mistake. The stones (I believe) together represent an area from the Salt River to Weavers Needle (which represents the southern boundary of the area). I walked into the SMM a few weeks ago and was completely impressed by the collection of treasure maps depicting the Salt River. There are features on the Horse stone that represent man-made objects in the environment. Those object can be dated which, in effect, kills any hope of the stones being old. But what they describe may be old.

Hi All,

What I have learned from the Stone Maps;

1. You can use any symbol that you want and it will mean whatever you want it to mean. Yes!
2. The symbols chosen by this group were meant to be understood by those who were and are a part of this group. Yes!!
3. Anyone outside of this group has no idea what these symbols represent: They want us to believe that we do know what these symbols represent because that will throw us into complete and utter confusion. IMHO I rest my case. Yes!!!
4. If the group members that hid the caches are deceased the new members and initiates will be quite able to locate these caches. What group was this?
5. Outsiders were never meant to recognize the Sara and if so they would not be able to learn the techniques of how to decipher the Sara. The jury's still out.
6. The Stone Maps, Sara and the 1900 Florence Quadrangles and other pre-selected maps all share the same creative techniques. They were all produced by the same creator and were specifically designed to function as one with many other parts like a strand of DNA. If one part is missing failure would result. We're waiting for you to demonstrate this.
7. There is too much information out there and can drive one insane. One must check each clue in three different ways or methods and only one may be correct, or not any of them, or all of them. Witness marks will and do document all known facts. This seems to be a standard truth. The jury's still out.
8. This group never intended for one person to know the complete system used to hide the cache(s). This prevented them from working on their own or in small groups to go back later and recover what they had cached. It was necessary to have each of the sciences available which represented 14 different professions if I am correct. We're waiting for you to demonstrate this.

If I had anything of value to hide I would use this very same system. I would give each one of my children a specific clue and there are five. Some have never been to Arizona, but I will guarantee you that they could and would find it if they worked together and followed my doggone instructions.

This quest is far from over and that much I am certain. I will need the help of many in the near future to find all of the cache sites. I think I have located three (think).

"Decipher", Solving the World’s Greatest Treasure Maps, Volume 1: The Peralta Stone Maps; the Horse Map

It has taken me 25 years to choose the proper title for my book.

Back to the gold mine...

Ellie B

Last edited: around 1965, sitting in the café at Florence junction...I heard this ran out the door to look where the stone were found...
to this day, can not understand why someone would make stone maps, and then hide them in the ground, in one of the most desolate spots in Arizona{at the time}...
no reason for anyone EVER to find water there, no food there, no reason why a sane person would even bend over at that spot...

big disbelief set in....and made a nice little home... around 1965, sitting in the café at Florence junction...I heard this ran out the door to look where the stone were found...
to this day, can not understand why someone would make stone maps, and then hide them in the ground, in one of the most desolate spots in Arizona{at the time}...
no reason for anyone EVER to find water there, no food there, no reason why a sane person would even bend over at that spot...

big disbelief set in....and made a nice little home...

Correct me if I am wrong, but the discovery site is located near a highway, more specifically a bridge structure. If that is the location, seems a convenient place to pull over. The wrinkle is Tumlinson's connection to treasure hunting. It was either a once in a lifetime coincidence (the discovery) or his experience allowed him to see something no one else could see half buried in the earth. Not the men who surveyed that site, or the bridge construction workers who must have spent weeks at that location. Isn't there a story of Tumlinson buying the stones from some road worker?

Correct me if I am wrong, but the discovery site is located near a highway, more specifically a bridge structure. If that is the location, seems a convenient place to pull over. The wrinkle is Tumlinson's connection to treasure hunting. It was either a once in a lifetime coincidence (the discovery) or his experience allowed him to see something no one else could see half buried in the earth. Not the men who surveyed that site, or the bridge construction workers who must have spent weeks at that location. Isn't there a story of Tumlinson buying the stones from some road worker?

Wrinkle? Coincidence? Gorillas in the room?

Your making a conclusion. Tumlinson's involvement should not invalidate the entire story. If I wanted someone to find them, planting them in that location seems very reasonable. Along a major highway, on a close-by hill with a view of Weavers. But I must admit that Travis finding them on his own is a HUGE leap of faith. I do not believe that intellectually, Travis was capable of making the stones. They are a bit more complicated than simple carvings in a chimney.


As I have said numerous times, whoever created the Stone Maps either spent years in the range, or had the help of someone who had that kind of experience.

Good luck,


Your making a conclusion. Tumlinson's involvement should not invalidate the entire story. If I wanted someone to find them, planting them in that location seems very reasonable. Along a major highway, on a close-by hill with a view of Weavers. But I must admit that Travis finding them on his own is a HUGE leap of faith. I do not believe that intellectually, Travis was capable of making the stones. They are a bit more complicated than simple carvings in a chimney.

I'm not making a conclusion because I don't have a strong enough opinion about the true provenance of these stones. Based on my limited, and fortunately ambivalent interest in them, I am making a judgement - there's something fundamentally wrong with the whole shebang as it's been presented. Reading the lengthy collection of letters between Bernice McGee and several correspondents from the 60's and 70's, especially those with Milton Rose, is helpful, and should be troubling to objective observers.
The Bernice McGee Collection

Yes. How many people had that type of relationship with the "range" in the late 1940's. I would bet that they can be counted on two hands. Which of those men had the skill set to conceive and to carve the stones. Your own solution to the map ultimately point to just one man.

"Between 1946 and 1952, a number of projects were undertaken to rebuild U.S. 60, with the most notable ones between Superior and Miami/Globe. Over 144 miles were rebuilt during this time frame."

Someone with experience in the Superstitions, someone who understood the system of treasure symbols, someone who was familiar with (or had access to) the highway system, perhaps involved in the construction or promotion of it. Someone who had a degree of artistic skill and perhaps training. There is so much more to add to this list. As this list grows, it becomes ever more clear that we have a man with "extra" ordinary skills.

It is not difficult to imagine the stones being planted.

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Although anything can happen, I cannot imagine planting or losing encoded stone maps that, once correctly deciphered, detail the exact location of great riches. Unless, they were some kind of damage control, misleading would-be hunters from any known legends that describe said "riches" existence.

Or, if an encoded map that was accurate once correctly deciphered was somehow lost, It is easy to imagine that once it resurfaced it would then be confiscated and altered to prevent decryption.

But to Imagine that the stone maps have been both a 100% accurate map to actual "riches" (when correctly deciphered as intended) and at the same time on public display unaltered for years and years is truly amazing. Anything can happen I suppose.

Cleavland B.
Great riches? Who knows, but they do lead to very specific locations. These locations were NOT protected when the stones were made. They are now, for the most part. So perhaps the creator/artist was leaving behind a record for a future generation. Think about how many people have struggled with those stones. Now we have two more things to add to the list. Someone with a knowledge of history, someone who worked to preserve history.

Hal. There are reports the stones were found by either WB Morris, Nobel Dwyer, Bob Ward, Johnny Steel or Tumlinson. Steel or Tumlinson were said to have made them. We know Tumlinson ended up with them and they exist. Not where they were found unless you believe Tumlinson.

Printing comparisons of Tumlinson.

This comparison of Travis hand writing also.
And also stated, who saw the person pick these up, and where did they pick them up at.
I drive past the spot 3 times a week. And even when I was drinking the only reason anyone would ever stop there would be to take a pee.
And I would not even do that as there are no trees around at all.
Unless there was before the road work was done.
And before the road work was done, there was no place to even pull over around that bridge.

If it even was cut through the hill back then.
Maybe the road just went over it.

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