The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

The Peck/Brower/Love correspondence contains information relating to other carvings.
This may have been what was discussed, IMO.

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That is quite a small area being represented by the two stones. Most people think of miles for a scale and here your solution looks to be a few feet. I would like to see a better photograph if you have one. Still very curious.

The question is, was Tumlinson on his way south or returning north when he pulled the car over. Makes sense that the travel direction would have placed Travis on the east or west side of the highway. From where they are believed to be found, Travis must have been heading north... unless he walked across the highway after parking. But again, why Tumlinson? The odds were incredible.

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Hal. There are reports the stones were found by either WB Morris, Nobel Dwyer, Bob Ward, Johnny Steel or Tumlinson. Steel or Tumlinson were said to have made them. We know Tumlinson ended up with them and they exist. Not where they were found unless you believe Tumlinson.

There is very little that I believe concerning the stones. Bob Ward & Tumlinson were simply not capable of conceiving the stones. Morris, Dwyer, and Steel I dont know much about. Do you know the story of Tumlinson buying the stones from a construction worker? I can not find it again, but I am still searching. As a law man, do you have anything to add to the list of skills/traits? Thanks.

It seems to me that if someone created the H/P Map why would they stop there? A person that talented, knowing the lay of the land could also have created any number of trail signs and even incorporated signs in the Superstitions that he/she knew about that were already there. Maybe the maps were created to lead away from something instead of to something. Just something to think about.

It has always appeared to me that the trail maps are real and the H/P Map is not.


I've grown tired of the constant rehashing of old information for the umpteenth time with folks who don't do their own research. Also gotten tired of reading so many outlandish claims of being the "sole finder" of the LDM by numerous folks every year - with absolutely no viable proof ever presented. In light of all that, I've dropped back to checking in on the forums once a month at most.

That said, I'd love to do an experiment... everyone who thinks they know (or even have heard) where the Stone Maps were found, please use a map program, do a cut and past and post here a map image of exactly where you think they were found.

I'll take a wild guess here... I bet there will only be a few that match closely.

It seems to me that if someone created the H/P Map why would they stop there? A person that talented, knowing the lay of the land could also have created any number of trail signs and even incorporated signs in the Superstitions that he/she knew about that were already there. Maybe the maps were created to lead away from something instead of to something. Just something to think about....


This theory is certainly on the short list of explanations for the stones. Well stated too.


You can not criticize me because you did not follow my theory . A theory is true untill somebody prove how is not . In my theory I combined three stones maps (four if include the heart in the trail map ) and one clue . Are many other clues which show the same point but from other directions .
If you have a theory to solve the stone map , tell us , or if you have not , you still searching when and who made the stones tablets . Maybe if you will find who is , he/she will tell you how to solve the map .


I've grown tired of the constant rehashing of old information for the umpteenth time with folks who don't do their own research. Also gotten tired of reading so many outlandish claims of being the "sole finder" of the LDM by numerous folks every year - with absolutely no viable proof ever presented. In light of all that, I've dropped back to checking in on the forums once a month at most.

That said, I'd love to do an experiment... everyone who thinks they know (or even have heard) where the Stone Maps were found, please use a map program, do a cut and past and post here a map image of exactly where you think they were found.

I'll take a wild guess here... I bet there will only be a few that match closely.

Hi Paul,

Hope all is well with you and your bride.

When I came on the Internet back in 2002, things were already stale in these discussions. Because most of the people I had been around had not published any books or been even written about, I managed to inject a little new information and excitement into the discussion, but eventually folks got tired with my unyielding certainty. Can't really say I blame them.

That being said, I try to stay involved hoping to disseminate some of the hard earned information I have gathered over the last 50 + years. Spent a few shekels doing that, but feel rewarded by helping some of the newbies to shortcut the process. Imagine you feel the same way.

Been a long time since I have heard from Garry. I probably made him mad somewhere along the way.:dontknow:

Take care,


the stone tablets were all found in one place and all together,they were not buried,or hidden ,they were in the process of being taken to a place,the person probably had them on a pack animal,was attacked,and killed,and the pack animal pilfered,stone tablets were of no value, and just left in that one spot.just because they were found in that area,does not mean they have anything to do with that area, np

well then...a metal detector would solve that
cause I can bet that no one has picked up the brass an iron buckles an shoes.

I am with you cubfan...'beating a dead horse', comes to mind...

Not Peralta

I agree with you . Is the most reasonable possibility . Also , doesn't matter where was found , when was made and who made them . The matter is where lead the trail map . The trail map ( the two stones ) alone don't tell anything . But , first with the priest stone map and after with the latin stone map , is easier to understand where lead the trail map . The horse stone map is to confirming if the place is correct . All the symbols , except numbers and phrases , are there only to confuse .
I know how seen easy to be true , but the hard way ( which you like ) don't exist .


Should Barry Storms account of how the stones were found be considered?


Everything which is unique , is original . You can paint a portrait and this for sure is original . But if you paint a Mona Lisa is not original . Is better to named this copy ... Sara .


I was under the impression that tunmlins neighbors said they saw him making the stone maps based on a paper map.

I'm curious. Has anyone heard of another example where this type of information was chiseled into such a cumbersome, heavy set of rocks? The Hopi Prophecy stones and the Ten Commandments don't count.

Hate to be simplistic, but the alleged reason for the stone maps' existence (treasure clues) has never made sense to me. Stone carvings? Yes, permanently done at some accessible location. Portable maps? Yes, on any number of convenient media - leather, vellum, paper, cloth, etc. Why four heavy rocks?


Because the stones are more resistant . If you keep the stones away from wind , rain and sun , still unchanged forever .



Because the stones are more resistant . If you keep the stones away from wind , rain and sun , still unchanged forever .


So are the other media - plus you can easily make copies. Do you know of other examples where they lugged around four tombstone-sized maps?

Cubfan64 wrote:

"I've grown tired of the constant rehashing of old information for the umpteenth time with folks who don't do their own research. Also gotten tired of reading so many outlandish claims of being the "sole finder" of the LDM by numerous folks every year - with absolutely no viable proof ever presented. In light of all that, I've dropped back to checking in on the forums once a month at most.
That said, I'd love to do an experiment... everyone who thinks they know (or even have heard) where the Stone Maps were found, please use a map program, do a cut and past and post here a map image of exactly where you think they were found.
I'll take a wild guess here... I bet there will only be a few that match closely."


Hello Paul. I feel your sentiments. Everyone has their own theory or idea about the Stone Maps when and where they were found. 100 people will give you 100 different version.
Since Travis Tumlinson did not want to be publically involved with the maps, and never gave his account, the best we have to go on is the account of Clarence Mitchell (aka. Travis Marlowe), the man who was a long time friend of Tumlinson and later obtained the maps from his widow Aileen.

In MItchell / Marlowe's book, Superstition Treasures, he tells the story of how and where his friend Travis (he calls him Jack in the book) found the Stone maps. On pages 23-42 Mitchell tells how he obtained the maps from the widow of Jack (Travis Tumlinson). This is the best account we have of the finding and early history of the stone maps. You can argue the validity of the story but it remains how Mitchell/Marlowe told it.

Mitchell / Marlowe writes in the books forward,..... " The maps were taken for study to a professor of Geology at a well known University and I hold in my possession a letter from him stating that the stone maps are authentic and that they were carved over one hundred years ago. Further he (the University professor) stated that none can dispute the antiquity of the stones because of the natural weathering process of the stones."

This is the basis for the many differing stories that appear concerning the analysis of the stone maps by Universities and the FBI. You may not agree with Marlowe's book but at least it is his account in his own words.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Matthew Roberts

THANXS for sharing Do the stone maps have anything to do with gold??????? Do the stone maps have anything to do with J Waltz ??????

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