The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Another book of fiction, another book of manure to sift out to find the real clues.

GOOD LUCK and Keep spreading the CRAP!


I'll bet that is the same way you treat the Bible. Your attitude suggests that you are not a Christian. Satan will continue to sift you like sand; Repent of your sins and follow the commandments of the Lord or Perish!

I am not here to Judge, if I am wrong forgive me. You have a very negative attitude and should not be allowed to post on this site! Constructive criticism I can deal with, direct condemnation is not acceptable.

Ask me to prove out my statements and I will do that. Continue with your hatred and I too will place you on ignore.

Ellie B

Thank you Joe, Springfield, etal.

You've clearly earned the 'Ignore' button. Adios.

Thanks Springbabajoefield

Its a safe place to be when the three minds meet.

You-all should write the book together and call it The Peralta Maps, Through the BLOW_HOLES
or A trip down the ellie and on for a baba, or DAHHH MAPPS, or the best for last
SPRING a FIELD OF DREAMS. by spring a field of dreams.

Take Care, Be Safe and lay off the crack gen-til-man

You've been schooled Wrmickel1

I'll bet that is the same way you treat the Bible. Your attitude suggests that you are not a Christian. Satan will continue to sift you like sand; Repent of your sins and follow the commandments of the Lord or Perish!

I am not here to Judge, if I am wrong forgive me. You have a very negative attitude and should not be allowed to post on this site! Constructive criticism I can deal with, direct condemnation is not acceptable.

Ask me to prove out my statements and I will do that. Continue with your hatred and I too will place you on ignore.

Ellie B

Thank you Joe, Springfield, etal.

Ellie B

Thats not true either my father was a minister for 39 years and I was by his side, to the end.
He passed 2001 just shy of 90. So I think my sand has been sifted, SO be carefull and don't tell those WHOPPERS. I think your friends there will be sifted come jday.



Well as they say it is always the Preacher's sons that go down the wrong road. Seems to skip from one generation to another. Was your Father's father a preacher too?

I do not know what happened to you but you really have a bad attitude. Your choice of lifestyle not mine. Too bad... that type of attitude will push everyone away from you

and you'll end up all alone, however, you just may have a few friends because misery loves company and birds of a feather flock together. It is so much easier to put you on

ignore than trying to reason with you. Nothing is impossible for God; look what happened to Noah.


Ellie B

I'll bet that is the same way you treat the Bible. Your attitude suggests that you are not a Christian. Satan will continue to sift you like sand; Repent of your sins and follow the commandments of the Lord or Perish!

I am not here to Judge, if I am wrong forgive me. You have a very negative attitude and should not be allowed to post on this site! Constructive criticism I can deal with, direct condemnation is not acceptable.

Ask me to prove out my statements and I will do that. Continue with your hatred and I too will place you on ignore.

Ellie B

Thank you Joe, Springfield, etal.

Ellie Baba,

I would love to see you prove at least one of your statements as you have offered to do. Please, I would like to know how the Jesuits are involved.

I am not challenging your knowledge on the PSM's, only taking you up on your offer to show proof of what you claim. If you can prove this without basing your proof on opinions, I may look forward to your book.

Homar P. Olivarez


Well as they say it is always the Preacher's sons that go down the wrong road. Seems to skip from one generation to another. Was your Father's father a preacher too?

I do not know what happened to you but you really have a bad attitude. Your choice of lifestyle not mine. Too bad... that type of attitude will push everyone away from you

and you'll end up all alone, however, you just may have a few friends because misery loves company and birds of a feather flock together. It is so much easier to put you on

ignore than trying to reason with you. Nothing is impossible for God; look what happened to Noah.


Ellie B

Ellie B

Well ya got that alittle off track to, I'm a uncle 96 times over, a great uncle 12 times over' a godfather 9 times, the 11 in a family of 14 and married over 30 years. So I think I got that covered too. But if I get too lonely I have 30 sheep in the pasture.



Ellie Baba,

I would love to see you prove at least one of your statements as you have offered to do. Please, I would like to know how the Jesuits are involved.

I am not challenging your knowledge on the PSM's, only taking you up on your offer to show proof of what you claim. If you can prove this without basing your proof on opinions, I may look forward to your book.

Homar P. Olivarez


Before answering your question I will gladly share my research with you that I have documented throughout the years. This question must be

answered in a book form.To answer your question based upon the conditions as you noted above would at this time be counter-productive. I have

not yet combined all of my research material (pertaining to the Jesuits) together into a well written flowing form. My first book addresses the Stone

Horse Tablet; the second will address the Heart and Trail tablets. The third will address the Knights Templar, Jesuits and a number of other factors

involved with the movement of the different treasures. I cannot put the cart before the horse so to speak or the whole house may collapse. I must

start with the foundation and build my case upon the cornerstone. You cannot release a movie after giving up the plot or how it is to end.

I will need a little bit of time to prepare an acceptable account of my research. I will start with you in the same way that I started. If this will work for

you then I believe you just may accept the truth exhibited within the research material. This too will help me develop the third book for now is a

good time to begin.

Thank you Homer for your question.

Ellie B


Before answering your question I will gladly share my research with you that I have documented throughout the years. This question must be

answered in a book form.To answer your question based upon the conditions as you noted above would at this time be counter-productive. I have

not yet combined all of my research material (pertaining to the Jesuits) together into a well written flowing form. My first book addresses the Stone

Horse Tablet; the second will address the Heart and Trail tablets. The third will address the Knights Templar, Jesuits and a number of other factors

involved with the movement of the different treasures. I cannot put the cart before the horse so to speak or the whole house may collapse. I must

start with the foundation and build my case upon the cornerstone. You cannot release a movie after giving up the plot or how it is to end.

I will need a little bit of time to prepare an acceptable account of my research. I will start with you in the same way that I started. If this will work for

you then I believe you just may accept the truth exhibited within the research material. This too will help me develop the third book for now is a

good time to begin.

Thank you Homer for your question.

Ellie B

Obliged for your response.

Homar P. Olivarez


Are you here yet? This forum feels like home. I do feel so much more comfortable. Hey guys, we start core drilling next week on the Bee Sting Mining Claims. A Canadian Mining Company is experimenting with a new compact core drill. Initially we will be collecting 400' of core. I will be taking a bunch of photographs and plan to post them on a new thread here at Treasurenet soon.


Check your messages and let me know if you received one from me.


Awaiting your instructions...

Everyone have a great weekend!

Ellie B


Can we assume your book is based on Bernice McGee's Stone Map article ?
With the Horse Map derived from the layout of the 1900 Florence Topo ?

But there is something that keeps drawing me back to the "knight" on the mountain , which you were first to post a photo of.
I've often looked at him, while quenching my thirst at the end of the day, and wondered what travellers in Kino's time would have thought of the sight.
There is even a faint cross visible on his shield.


.... Springfield,

Awaiting your instructions...

Instructions? Hmmm ... Well, regarding posting a photo off your hard drive: 1) Click 'Reply' button; 2) Click 'Insert Image' icon above text window (third from the right); 3) Click 'Choose File' (from computer) button, then locate photo; 4) Click 'Upload File(s) button.

Also, here are links to pdf files of the Nallino papers: ,

.... Kino was making a reference to the fact that the treasures were transported from a French port or French ships. Each clue by itself seems

useless, but once all of them are added together a perfect picture is formed. The truth can be seen once we clear away the clutter. I need to

send a picture depicting this very truth....
Ellie B

I'm not seeing the French Jesuit connection here. The French Jesuits were on the other diagonal side of North America. As far as Marcos de Niza is concerned - Nice was part of Italy when he was born. And he was a Franciscan. I'm not following your storyline.

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Can we assume your book is based on Bernice McGee's Stone Map article ? It will be a pre-requisite read so to speak. My book focuses on other maps and in-the-field photographs and drawings.
With the Horse Map derived from the layout of the 1900 Florence Topo ? Yes and so much more.

But there is something that keeps drawing me back to the "knight" on the mountain , which you were first to post a photo of.
I've often looked at him, while quenching my thirst at the end of the day, and wondered what travellers in Kino's time would have thought of the sight.
There is even a faint cross visible on his shield. I can tell you that Father Kino has seen his share of monuments just like this one. IMHO Frey Marcos had actually seen this knight when he passed through the area. He was not to far away from his primary destination, that at this point in time I can say nothing.

Springfield, etal,

Can you identify any other figures, numbers. letters and symbols within this same photograph depicted in a number of different scales (sizes)? By doing this you will begin the process of re-training the brain. Subtle, hidden figures just like St. Gregory's flock hidden in the mountain; Father Kino wanted us to open our eyes and understand by reading between the lines. Just think how many hundreds of thousands of people have looked at these beautiful cliffs not realizing what is there, just like the enemy army that was searching for St Gregory and his flock and walked right past them not once but twice!

NP, do you now understand what you are missing? The treasure hunters searching for treasure in the soups cannot find anything because they have not understood what they were supposed to be looking for. Instead they were looking for something they could not comprehend!

Kino's statement about the oakum was focused on the French language, France, a location. The ships that carried the treasure came from France. Its that simple. The oakum that he found at this location was identified as being French. How did he know the difference as it could have been Spanish, German or French? He made it plain to us that it was French. Did he actually find oakum at this location? It doesn't matter if he did or didn't because that is not the main point.

I am starved and Kathryn is serving up some home made tapioca pudding, more coffee please!


Instructions? Hmmm ... Well, regarding posting a photo off your hard drive: 1) Click 'Reply' button; 2) Click 'Insert Image' icon above text window (third from the right); 3) Click 'Choose File' (from computer) button, then locate photo; 4) Click 'Upload File(s) button.

Also, here are links to pdf files of the Nallino papers: ,

I'm not seeing the French Jesuit connection here. The French Jesuits were on the other diagonal side of North America. As far as Marcos de Niza is concerned - Nice was part of Italy when he was born. And he was a Franciscan. I'm not following your storyline.

It is not a French Jesuit connection. He merely states that the treasure transported to the Superstition Depository area came from France. How do you think that the French Crown Jewels ended up at Victorio Peak?


EB, your answers only serve to generate more questions. For example, what leads you to believe Marcos de Niza visited the Superstition area? If he did, why, other than convenience, do you speculate he would have seen your landmark? I hope you're not using that hoaxed rock carving found at South Mountain Park as supporting evidence.

Even though I'm quite open to the idea that Pre-Columbian Europeans may have had first-hand knowledge of the American Southwest, it seems quite illogical to me they would have arrived from the west, i.e. up the Gila River. Up the Rio Grande from the Gulf of Mexico? Yes, more likely.

While I believe there is something of great value concealed in the Gila/Salt vicinity, my logic tells me it was here before the Europeans, not brought by them. I put little faith in either the LDM or the stone maps - I think they're diversions. Of course, I could be wrong and am open to convincing explanations of either or both legends, but frankly, I doubt that will be the case. I hope your theories are laid out for readers to judge the evidence for themselves. The pareidolia-based evidence is interesting but very tenuous evidence, IMO.


Can we assume your book is based on Bernice McGee's Stone Map article ?
With the Horse Map derived from the layout of the 1900 Florence Topo ?

But there is something that keeps drawing me back to the "knight" on the mountain , which you were first to post a photo of.
I've often looked at him, while quenching my thirst at the end of the day, and wondered what travellers in Kino's time would have thought of the sight.
There is even a faint cross visible on his shield.

I find it interesting that the shadow of the knight is a dragon. I saw the dragon before the knight. Nice pic.

EB, your answers only serve to generate more questions (and answering these questions will create more questions) . For example, what leads you to believe Marcos de Niza visited the Superstition area? Frey Marcos had to go to a specific landmark and right now I cannot say any more. If he did, why, other than convenience, do you speculate he would have seen your landmark? Let's call the Knight a SARA (shadow animated rock art) monument while the landmark is in itself just that, a specific landmark. I hope you're not using that hoaxed rock carving found at South Mountain Park as supporting evidence. I am not. Is it OK to use four cross hill?

Even though I'm quite open to the idea that Pre-Columbian Europeans may have had first-hand knowledge of the American Southwest, it seems quite illogical to me they would have arrived from the west, i.e. up the Gila River. Up the Rio Grande from the Gulf of Mexico? Yes, more likely. If the stories of the Welsh/Mandan school of thought is in fact true they would have either proceeded from the east coast or the Gulf via the Mississippi. The Viking Templar theory is also plausible as they were supposed to cross the Atlantic and arrive somewhere around Nova Scotia, Oak Island, New England, Minnesota and west to Denver, CO then south to Utah, AZ and NM. My interest has been focused on the Egyptians. We have found elephants in the cliffs and other Egyptian signs and symbols.

While I believe there is something of great value concealed in the Gila/Salt vicinity, my logic tells me it was here before the Europeans (YES), not brought by them (just a few valuable religious artifacts). I put little faith in either the LDM or the stone maps (they are one and the same) - I think they're diversions (very subtle ones at that). Of course, I could be wrong and am open to convincing explanations of either or both legends, but frankly, I doubt that will be the case (after reading my book and seeing the evidence submitted you will be able to comprehend the truth). I hope your theories are laid out for readers to judge the evidence for themselves (without a doubt). The pareidolia-based evidence (the documentation for this type {SARA} of rock art is evolving as we speak) is interesting but very tenuous evidence, IMO.

Been a long day my friend,

Ellie B signing out.

The shadow looks like a dragon to me.
But actually, looking at the rock formation itself, in the pic,looks like a queen or princess.
Its all in the larger yellow square.
Look at the pic, you will see the dark face with the eyes,nose and mouth.
Above these you can see a partial crown.
her hair flows down from the crown to the shoulder,then flows to the southwest.Under her face you can see what looks like an elbow that is formed from a bent arm held out straight in front holding an object.
The face color and the arm color actually almost match.
Under all this is her dress.
Click on the pic to make it bigger.

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I agree 95% with you and I appreciate your work . I find you wrong ( IMO ) to the " R - rock " monument . What is the source which made you to believe how exist this monument ?
IMO , the word " R " on the map is only a ground outline .


Do you have a copy of: Commentary on the Rules of the Society of Jesus - The Summary of the Constitutions, The Common Rules, The Rules of Modesty - By August Coemans, S.J - For the use of Ours only 1942?
I will send it if you have not had the chance to read it. General comments on poverty, beginning on page 182, Very insightful.

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