The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Wayne, you have provided excellent information and often up close valuable pictures of areas of interest. Its much appreciated and provides valuable insight. You deserve every accolade and praise for that.

Having genuinely commended you on that.........I find it ironic that somehow you are so angry, jealous, hurt??? (something?) that you won't even give credit to Ryan for the quality of his voice. That takes away from your credibility which is otherwise impeccable. Its petty.

You know darn well that's Ryan's voice. He shot the film, wrote the dialog, edited it, and produced the final. It involved a lot of work on Frank's part and Ryan's. It takes nothing away from you. It was produced with a lot of work and skill and freely provided for all to enjoy. Take it or leave it. It doesn't harm you in any way.

We all have faults and are imperfect. He may be a lot of things (as we all are) but untalented isn't one of them. Why can't you just enjoy the footage and overcome the urge to tear someone down for no reason.

Huh????? :dontknow:

I enjoyed the videos immensely, and have said so publicly. I have never taken that back, although I do and have disagreed on many points of his and your conclusions.
But I have no doubt that Ryan narrated the episode, or that was really Frank's voice in the vid as well. Or... that the filming and production of the video required a lot of effort. Never said otherwise, and if you think I did, feel free to post a quote to that effect.
So, angry, jealous, hurt ? way !

Oh geez, here we go again.

From a different thread: Somehiker wrote: "It's a computer generated male voice......LOL
Starting to wonder about you guys....." Paul chimed in also, which I really find out of character.

Why so bitter?

Was this just bait?

From a different thread: Somehiker wrote: "It's a computer generated male voice......LOL
Starting to wonder about you guys....." Paul chimed in also, which I really find out of character.

Why so bitter?

Was this just bait?


I JUST knew it !!

Oh geez, here we go again.

Yup......that's what quality research and an equivalent level of comprehension gives ya.
I'm crackin up here.....really :occasion18:

Wayne, you have provided excellent information and often up close valuable pictures of areas of interest. Its much appreciated and provides valuable insight. You deserve every accolade and praise for that.

Having genuinely commended you on that.........I find it ironic that somehow you are so angry, jealous, hurt??? (something?) that you won't even give credit to Ryan for the quality of his voice. That takes away from your credibility which is otherwise impeccable. Its petty.

You know darn well that's Ryan's voice. He shot the film, wrote the dialog, edited it, and produced the final. It involved a lot of work on Frank's part and Ryan's. It takes nothing away from you. It was produced with a lot of work and skill and freely provided for all to enjoy. Take it or leave it. It doesn't harm you in any way.

We all have faults and are imperfect. He may be a lot of things (as we all are) but untalented isn't one of them. Why can't you just enjoy the footage and overcome the urge to tear someone down for no reason.


Hope all is well with you.

Having spent some time talking with Wayne, I think the highlighted portion of the above quote is a far, far cry from his personality. On the other hand, it conforms with my own opinion of a T. All of that has nothing to do with the quality of his work, which I also enjoy. It would pay huge dividends for both of you to develop thicker skin in this environment.

Have a Happy 4th.


Thanks for the uptick Joe.
Hope you're feeling fine, and will be able to make the next hoedown.
First week of November sounds good to me.

From a different thread: Somehiker wrote: "It's a computer generated male voice......LOL
Starting to wonder about you guys....." Paul chimed in also, which I really find out of character.

Why so bitter?

Was this just bait?

Linda - if you're referring to the post #946 on the other thread, at the time Marius posted that video it linked to something (I don't even remember what it was) where a computer generated voice that didn't sound to me at all like Ryan was narrating something. Evidently Marius thought it sounded like Ryan and he was implying that perhaps Ryan had moved on from the Stone Map story to something unrelated.

It had nothing at all to do with Ryan and the videos he put together and shared in the past - all I was saying is I thought Marius was mistaken in thinking the voice in the video he linked was Ryan. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sorry guys, I just find it ironic. I don't understand the vitriol.

In my feed there is no video in the post that lead to the comments, never was, just a blank black screen. The title of the thread carried the discussion.

The same jive I'm getting in this thread (thin skin maybe) is there's very little (just a tad) of information worth watching. That its a rehash on a 2010 discovery. Kinda akin to stolen glory theme.

If you watch the first part of the video again it goes on for a good bit thanking the dutch hunters that had shared their time and information with the "crew". It couldn't be more clear that the footage was in FURTHERANCE of that effort........that's what the video says. Due credit is given to those that came before.

If you really want to get down to the brass tacks............Charlie Miller was the first to follow up at that site and did quite a bit of digging around. So I think, there's plenty of overlap to go around on that front. All of which was wasted effort. The site and the story that goes with it, IMO, have nothing to do with the reality of the stone maps and their origin ..........early, mid 20 century, or currently.

As to "the rock" in the video; I had that rock in my possession on loan for a time. It was my intention to send it to my contact at Virginia Tech for analysis as to type of stone and trace elements. Unfortunately that was at exam time and I chose not to burden my contact with an indulgence for me. I returned it to its holder untested. In the same shipment I also received some small quartz specimens from the ridge above the pit mine, some of which I crushed and got a tiny amount of flour gold. Also some obsidian local to the area. The obsidian and some quartz I kept for paper weights.

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Sorry guys, I just find it ironic. I don't understand the vitriol.

In my feed there is no video in the post that lead to the comments, never was, just a blank black screen. The title of the thread carried the discussion.

Linda, you're mistaken. Whether it was a video or just audio or whatever it was, I can assure you it was a computer generated voice.

Marius posted it 3 years after the post previous to his on the same thread. His post read...

Seems the " life for life " member found his way to make documentaries

Wayne posted a link to the "life for life" YouTube series which is the same voice Marius' original attached video/audio had. I don't know if Marius was implying that Ryan was the voice for "life for life" and eventually decided to do documentaries, or whether he was suggesting Ryan had moved on from the Peralta Stone project to doing YouTube "life for life" videos - either way he was incorrect in his assumption to both Wayne and I.

Wayne and I both responded that we didn't think the "voice" in Marius' link sounded at all like Ryan - in fact we said it sounded computer generated - NOT RYAN.

There's no vitriol, no irony - go back and read the posts and put things in context with the dates, etc... - you are a very intelligent person, surely you can see that you are mistakenly accusing us of something. You mentioned it was "out of character" for me to respond the way I did - absolutely it's out of character because what you suggested I was responding to is NOT WHAT I WAS RESPONDING TO.

By the way, my "feed" for post #946 shows a screen with an arrow to press to play the video. When you press it, it tries to play a video and eventually a message comes up saying "this video is unavailable." Clearly Marius' original link is broken for some reason.

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I take it then, that you see no possibility of a connection between the configuration of the two connected tunnels, where both upper and lower chambers are laid out in very similar proportion to the stone crosses. That such an extensive undertaking was only done out of convenience ?
What about the other tunnel, with it's series of radial alcoves at the end of the passage, as well as the two opposing alcoves nearer the entrance ?

Yeah, that's about the size of it. The site plan of Teotihuacan looks like a circuit board to me, whereas those tunnels are merely pragmatic, IMO (center aisles, side alcoves and a bulb of niches at the end).
Avenue of the Dead.webp

Since you're sorta juxtapositioning the stone crosses with constructed sites, a natural choice might be to map the placement of the carvings on the stone crosses, then compare with the locations of various shrines, altars, burials, et al on the floor plans of certain Catholic cathedrals. At least it's all within the same religion, and maybe there'll be some sort of message. Besides, maybe you can work in a nice Mediterranean vacation while you're at it.
medieval cathedral.webp


In the " video 4 " thread , the video I have posted which now is broken , was about Celine Dion and was a " Life for Life " production .
Nobody said was Ryan voice . I only asked if that voice sounds familiar , because was close to Ryan's timbre . All those comments were to warm little the thread and to open a new discussion on Ryan's projects .

My apologies to Wayne and Paul. There was no video to view (for me) then or now. It was "assumed" incorrectly by me as the video in the thread header. Perhaps Carroll's post was tongue in cheek and I misunderstood it as well.

But for the record, and as it relates to the current discussion.......Ryan and Franks video DOES give full credit to all enthusiasts that came before them and shared their information and knowledge.

My apologies to Wayne and Paul. There was no video to view (for me) then or now. It was "assumed" incorrectly by me as the video in the thread header. Perhaps Carroll's post was tongue in cheek and I misunderstood it as well.

But for the record, and as it relates to the current discussion.......Ryan and Franks video DOES give full credit to all enthusiasts that came before them and shared their information and knowledge.

For what it's worth, I didn't understand Carroll's post in relation to the video Marius posted at the time. Perhaps he couldn't see the video either for some reason.

For what it's worth, I didn't understand Carroll's post in relation to the video Marius posted at the time. Perhaps he couldn't see the video either for some reason.

Life for Life is a YouTube news site and the news reports are deleted after about a week to 10 days I guess.
Marius posted it on Apr. 11, Caroll, yourself and I all made our replies on Apr. 12., so I think Carroll would have seen it as well.
Ryan Does narrate in a monotone though, as do most of the machines we hear these days.....except maybe 3PO.
Easy to understand, but little or no emotion built in.

Lynda, The best that I could do in WW2 was a quarter of a mile using a sextant and accurate time piece. I doubt that Lat and Long would be oft much help finding TLD

That rio sign I pasto north of the river", is valid, it represents the Rio Norte, the Caballo moutain, the site of three Jesuit depositst,


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Lynda, The best hat I could do in WW2 was a quarter of a mile using a sextant and accurate time piece. I doubt that Lat and Long would be of much finding TLD


Exactly what I was getting at...if you got .25NM with your sextant and chronometer, my hat's off to you...I taught celestial navigation when I ran the ESWS program on a CVN,
and the usual I saw was around a think about the equipment they had back then, maybe get within a half degree if you're good, and I'm thinking it's essentially useless for land nav...all that being said, I'm not sure about how it's used in relation to these stone maps so I'm hoping it will be explained.

EDIT: And I mean useless for land nav as in finding a specific location...I think one would be better off triangulating with a compass on landmarks than using stars, so I think I'm probably still not getting something...

EDIT EDIT: And how about using the sextant to measure the heights of peaks to get distance...much mo' better

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jim...if those stone maps are real (and i dont think they are)..

Dave, of course the stone maps are real!!! You always go against the grain!! 99 percent of the public believes their real, 1 percent (Dave) doesn't....just say'in....There's probably a mine shaft by the highway the maps were found that has a peddle drivin with leather belt dremel type tool and a ash tray.

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Is that the pedal driven one the nasty old troll under the Adolph Ruth Bridge uses to make all them copies of the stone maps with ?
The ones he was sellin down at the gas station ?

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