The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

I am new to this site, however, I have lived around the superstition mountains all my life. My family's business is Goldfield Ghost Town. My familiarity with the superstitions is fairly extensive. In regards to the stone maps, you could make the insciptions fit just about anywhere back there. Everything starts looking the same. I mean, stone horses, faces, crosses, hearts, priests etc. Its like staring at clouds that look like animals or objects. Also the sun shining on certain rocks at certain types of days makes the features look different. there are tons of hearts and stone faces.
Most of the trail marks you see in the supes marks in boulders and saguaros were made by smart asses trying to mess with people. IE kids, and other dutch hunters. I think these maps should have been used back in the 19th century before the wilderness was disturbed too much.
Another thing, you cant be on google maps and expect to match up the stone maps. whoever made the maps, either had a vantage point on high ground, or were on the trail not from a satellite image. as Satellites were not around prior to the 1950's. You gotta be on the ground at the Peralta's highest possible place they or the jesuits can reach. my suggestion is the top of the mountain at ele 5057'.
Not to be a negative nancy, but your chances of finding treasure using the marks scratched on rocks or saguaros are pretty slim.

I am new to this site, however, I have lived around the superstition mountains all my life. My family's business is Goldfield Ghost Town. My familiarity with the superstitions is fairly extensive. In regards to the stone maps, you could make the insciptions fit just about anywhere back there. Everything starts looking the same. I mean, stone horses, faces, crosses, hearts, priests etc. Its like staring at clouds that look like animals or objects. Also the sun shining on certain rocks at certain types of days makes the features look different. there are tons of hearts and stone faces.
Most of the trail marks you see in the supes marks in boulders and saguaros were made by smart asses trying to mess with people. IE kids, and other dutch hunters. I think these maps should have been used back in the 19th century before the wilderness was disturbed too much.
Another thing, you cant be on google maps and expect to match up the stone maps. whoever made the maps, either had a vantage point on high ground, or were on the trail not from a satellite image. as Satellites were not around prior to the 1950's. You gotta be on the ground at the Peralta's highest possible place they or the jesuits can reach. my suggestion is the top of the mountain at ele 5057'.
Not to be a negative nancy, but your chances of finding treasure using the marks scratched on rocks or saguaros are pretty slim.

welcome to the nuthouse:occasion14:

My mistake, I didn't look at date close enough. Thought that Hal and Mike had returned.
Such a disappointment to realize they had not. :BangHead:

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My mistake, I didn't look at date close enough. Thought that Hal and Mike had returned.
Such a disappointment to realize they had not. :BangHead:

Hal's still on Vacation. He'll be back someday, I'm sure of it. RG was just talking about the other guy over on Desert referring to the Tumlinson's and their dealings with a Fake FBI agent / Treasure Researcher that called them attempting to gleam information. I guess he's helping out with the Tumlinson research utilizing his back ground as an FBI agent specializing in Stone Map research and fake character forensic science. As an advanced fakery researcher, he'll deduce whether or not Travis was a real person or fake human masquerading as a Treasure Hunter versus him as an bona fide FBI agent investigating the Stone Maps!

It should prove interesting to say the least!


Hal's still on Vacation. He'll be back someday, I'm sure of it. RG was just talking about the other guy over on Desert referring to the Tumlinson's and their dealings with a Fake FBI agent / Treasure Researcher that called them attempting to gleam information. I guess he's helping out with the Tumlinson research utilizing his back ground as an FBI agent specializing in Stone Map research and fake character forensic science. As an advanced fakery researcher, he'll deduce whether or not Travis was a real person or fake human masquerading as a Treasure Hunter versus him as an bona fide FBI agent investigating the Stone Maps!

It should prove interesting to say the least!


Yeah, I noticed the posts from Hal and Mike above, when I clicked over here for the latest post and got all excited thinking they were both back.
Made 'Welcome Back' posts, then had to delete them when I finally woke up and realized their posts were from Jan 2016 and we are now 2017. (I don't keep up with time much, don't care for it. I enjoy it best when I'm 'lost in time' and don't know the day of the week, absolutely giddy when I lose track of the month.
I also use to like getting 'lost in place' as well when I sometimes woke up and didn't remember where I was for a bit (traveled a lot). ;) )

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Yeah, I noticed the posts from Hal and Mike above, when I clicked over here for the latest post and got all excited thinking they were both back.
Made 'Welcome Back' posts, then had to delete them when I finally woke up and realized their posts were from Jan 2016 and we are now 2017. (I don't keep up with time much, don't care for it. I enjoy it best when I'm 'lost in time' and don't know the day of the week, absolutely giddy when I lose track of the month.
I also use to like getting 'lost in place' as well when I sometimes woke up and didn't remember where I was for a bit (traveled a lot). ;) )

But , we are not in 2017 .... :tongue3:

has someone interpreted the map yet? 945a5-signspage12.webp

did you get those out of a cracker jack box?

no, just using as an example. i have coronado's children but looking for more info and i don't have 50 bucks for Commander's Cacheology Encyclopedia of Treasure Symbols.

no, just using as an example. i have coronado's children but looking for more info and i don't have 50 bucks for Commander's Cacheology Encyclopedia of Treasure Symbols.

Consider yourself fortunate that you don't.

Julia's map come into the area of the mine from the north heading south, same way waltz prefered because it’s eaiser,the stone map comes in from the south and a much longer distance, Julia's map is about 6 miles one way, the peralta map is more in the 35-40 mi ball park. The stone map is not coded with map maker secrets, Julia's map is I see so many things turned around would confuse anybody, weavers needle per my research/investigation concludes has nothing to do with sombrero mine, my research/investigation concludes bluff springs mtn is the Jesuit" minitas de la sombreros"or oro blonco, the Jesuit gold bars coins ect that were stashed in that cave were cleaned out by kenworthy and the us gov long ago, EL Negro Oro De Sombero is still there,most of the gold bar stash indicated on the heart stone map with Roman numerals have been excavated and were gone in the 1900 and later in the 1940 when Tumlinson found the mine. The schlitz cans are still all along the trail, last thing I will say is it's not any where near LDM state park.

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I will lend my interpretation,: T=Tessora, P= Peralta, one I don’t see on your list is R=Revis (That’s Right around 300 years or 3 generations of Spanish Barron’s) when you see them on a trail or near an adit one know who’s work it was and a time frame, tessora came first, peralta was second and revis was third and final, V= 5% or royal 5th tax bars usually around 80 lbs each, didn’t really get bigger till they were combined at a smelter location and sent to port bound for Spain. So When u find V look for stash locations in that area or a map/ symbol in Triangulum and proceed with caution, Deth traps are real! Next the X with the dot to the right the dot indicats not the treasure but the (death trap)with a treasure stash don’t get it backwards it could be the last thing you do.ive come to know the medicine wheel or wagon wheel as a trail marker pretty general and commonly seen, when you get on a mine trail you’re wagon wheel or medicine wheel will seace and will start to see what is best described as a rock pick in its place where you would expect to see a wheel, the point of the pick tip always points at your trail and in the proper direction of travel,crosses when found with or near a deth trap,trail or mine/stash locations will lead you on the safe route.If you find sombrero mine wou will not find a circle with a dot in the center of it to indicat a Spanish mine, what you will find are sombrero monuments carved out of bolders and on to clif face like pictographs, the sombreros strangely enough uncanningly resemble the Arby’s hat On the logo.

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I will lend my interpretation,: T=Tessora, P= Peralta, one I don’t see on your list is R=Revis (That’s Right around 300 years or 3 generations of Spanish Barron’s) when you see them on a trail or near an adit one know who’s work it was and a time frame, tessora came first, peralta was second and revis was third and final, V= 5% or royal 5th tax bars usually around 80 lbs each, didn’t really get bigger till they were combined at a smelter location and sent to port bound for Spain. So When u find V look for stash locations in that area or a map/ symbol in Triangulum and proceed with caution, Deth traps are real! Next the X with the dot to the right the dot indicats not the treasure but the (death trap)with a treasure stash don’t get it backwards it could be the last thing you do.ive come to know the medicine wheel or wagon wheel as a trail marker pretty general and commonly seen, when you get on a mine trail you’re wagon wheel or medicine wheel will seace and will start to see what is best described as a rock pick in its place where you would expect to see a wheel, the point of the pick tip always points at your trail and in the proper direction of travel,crosses when found with or near a deth trap,trail or mine/stash locations will lead you on the safe route.If you find sombrero mine wou will not find a circle with a dot in the center of it to indicat a Spanish mine, what you will find are sombrero monuments carved out of bolders and on to clif face like pictographs, the sombreros strangely enough uncanningly resemble the Arby’s hat On the logo.

any evidence to back this up or are you just pulling this out of your butt like the rest on here? :dontknow:

I originally thought of the dagger as a key of some sort, perhaps the D looking image is a slot that fits over a specially designed bolt that turns,or the dagger may be designed to spilt apart,and each section may be a key for another fitting. Shades of indiana jones.

It is key to find the hidden heart. once u understand what the dagger represents. u would find the map is a double map it has to be turned upside down to find the hidden heart. both mines have a significance to the recovery of gold. Hint Hint.

You have to "Pull" the dagger out of the center of the heart right where the two lobes meet or what's called the "Crack" of the bottom or Butt of the stone.

Once you've completed that task wipe the dagger clean and sight in down the blade of the dagger this called sighting the "Phoobie" . Take a transom and sight or shoot your path to the treasure!

You've just pulled a treasure out of your butt!

At that point your done!


You have to "Pull" the dagger out of the center of the heart right where the two lobes meet or what's called the "Crack" of the bottom or Butt of the stone.

Once you've completed that task wipe the dagger clean and sight in down the blade of the dagger this called sighting the "Phoobie" . Take a transom and sight or shoot your path to the treasure!

You've just pulled a treasure out of your butt!

At that point your done!


You have to "Pull" the dagger out of the center of the heart right where the two lobes meet or what's called the "Crack" of the bottom or Butt of the stone.

Once you've completed that task wipe the dagger clean and sight in down the blade of the dagger this called sighting the "Phoobie" . Take a transom and sight or shoot your path to the treasure!

You've just pulled a treasure out of your butt!

At that point your done!

What about the turtle symbol ? or was it a gerbil?

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