This was a really funny post. It's interesting to read about different views and laws. What was kind of funny to me, and perhaps it shouldn't be, was the guys reaction to your side arm. I live in Wisconsin and we have open carry here and concealed carry as well. Around here one wouldn't even flinch to see a holstered firearm, however they would probably raise an eyebrow if someone just lit up in public. This isn't to say that people around here are opposed to weed, I have had plenty of conversations with people whom I would never suspect of smoking only to find out they prefer it over beer or booze. Pharmaceuticals are the real problem here in Wisconsin.
Speaking of side arms though does anyone carry while detecting or is this against a code of conduct? I carry while hiking because there have been big cat sightings in some of the areas I hike. Some people might say that's nonsense, however I'd rather not risk it.
I was really doing my best to keep a very straight face; but when he said he thought I got my Interpol windbreaker at a flea market I nearly pissed my self and had more trouble holding in my laughing. I thought that part was so funny because having grown up in South Texas, some times folks would take me to the city. They would ask where I wanted to go and it was always to the flea market. I used to see FBI and Police wind breakers for sale there every time and I would always ask the vendors if they had that many police who liked shopping at the flea market. I was young.
So this guy being American I could see his point totally.
In regards to open carry or carry while MDing. Our Agency policy states that our Team guys must always carry, if on foot then we need at least our side arm and 3 extra mags but are not limited to only that. If driving then we need to have our riffles or shotguns. If we are invited or needing to enter another country (which is a weekly thing) then the host nation must allow us to carry, if they do not then we OFFICIALLY leave the country.
Another policy we have is that we can not Drink. I check my Team before we roll out anywhere and the Host Nation has the right to check us as well but that does not happen very much. In Russian we have to take an Alcohol and Drug test before starting.
Seriously though, having grown up in Texas it was a normal thing back in the 70 and 80's to see riffle racks stacks in the rear window of high schoolers pick up trucks. Too often our old Ag teacher would leave his revolver on his desk or the hood of his truck. So even if I did have this job I would still carry not matter what country I live in because it is part of my cultural and it is my US Right.
If other nations do not like my US Rights, well then perhaps they should go screw them selves or stop asking our country for help every time they step in a pile crap.
To the rest of you who posted in this thread and the MODs
I am sorry that the tread turned out to such a political debate. This was not my intentions, I just experienced something I felt was very funny and wanted to share but also ask if others here could MD while on Pot. It would appear that I may have broken up some MD partners but also perhaps joined a few extra ones as well.
For those of you who feel it is such a bad thing, that is your respected opinion, and I will respect it. But surely from the title of the thread you could not have thought this was going to be a Pot Heads Are Evil & Weak thread. Fact is I only shared an experience that happened to me, the guy was not a bad person and for all I know most folks who smoke are not bad people.
Something tells me that if you have a thread of 400 years combined smokers that a couple of your will not get them to change, they do not want to change you, so why try to change them.
I am sorry for the minority on here who has experienced devastating life changing events based on pot. But please keep in mind that some of the people on here have experienced more time with their terminally ill loved ones because of pot, some on here are able to manage pain better, some on here it is their lifestyle and cultural way of living.
You can not walk into a gay bar with your preacher and not expect to be asked to either pipe down or leave at best when your ranting starts.
Sorry again folks, I did not intend for this to turn out like this.