Pot Head Detectorist

Marijuana has been used by humans for 1000's of years.
It is the only mass used drug that is not made by humans.
Out of all drugs it is statistically the safest drug ever used by humans... safer than aspirin.
Out of all known drugs on earth it carries the least risk of side effects than any other drug.
It has been shown to be non addictive yet can be a dependent for some.
It has more therapeutic and medicinal properties and uses than any other drug on earth and cannot even be compared to any other drug for its uses for they far exceed any comparable.
It has been shown to be the ONLY drug that can combat certain illnesses.
Crime associated with this drug is lower than any other widely used drug.
Accidents and casualties associated with marijuana are rarer than bigfoot sightings.
The plant itself has more uses than the top three plants on earth used by humans in any way shape or form COMBINED.
It is superior in all ways shapes and forms than any other plant known.

Guess this is why it scares / has scared so many... WHO STAND TO LOSE IF IT WERE LEGAL.

There has always been more money to be made by keeping it illegal.
This is why it was made illegal to begin with.

The following ARE the three MAIN industries who stood to gain in 1937 when it was made illegal... and were very interested in pushing a political funded "kill" on Marijuana.

Alcohol - eliminate the only competition = Only controllable legal choice of high. (why have only half the pie when you could have it all)
Pharmaceutical - eliminate the only competition = Only legal choice in medicine. (forces the "free" drug out)
Fiber / Textile - eliminate the only competition = Timber and cotton fibers become the only legal choices. (and we all know about those guys greed)

Nailed it!

I don't use, don't care what others do as long as they aren't hurting or endangering anyone. Like everything else, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF MDing, moderation is the key. I also don't drink while MDing for fear I might miss a signal for a pull tab or bottle cap. Hopefully by the end of the year, I will have found enough clad to buy a six-pack (probably have to be the really cheap stuff)

Hey Digger,

When I was in the USAF back in the 80's, I was stationed in Louisiana. They actually had drive through daiquiri huts with about 100 different flavors of alcoholic slurpees. Sizes were like small, medium, large cups and even 1/2 gallon and gallon size. I tried one called JP4 (jet fuel) once. It just amazed me you could drive through and get a drink like that and they were not light on the alcohol.

Ahhh, the good ole days. Where alcoholic rights meant something and sheep were nervous. (No offense to sheep, those who like sheep, or those who take offense when no offense meant.)


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It's not prohibition. Has never been legal. Again, there are better things to do in life than drink or partake in drugs. The question is what can be detrimental to society. Like another said, when govco needs money they will continue to legalize things to make money. Other drugs will be next. After all, it's none of their business if you want to use cocaine in your house!
Who mentioned legalizing cocaine? You did. Your lack of knowledge on the subject tells us a lot. Marijuana has a long "legal" history in this country and many others. Prior to 1937, cannabis had enjoyed a 5000 year history as a therapeutic agent across many cultures, including the new world. In this context, its "blip" being labeled an illicit and dangerous drug is dwarfed by its role and use as a medicine. The reasons "govco" keeps it illegal are the exact reasons you have stated for it's illegalization, profit, pure and simple.

Why is Marijuana Illegal? « Drug WarRant

The history of marijuana’s criminalization is filled with:

Protection of Corporate Profits
Yellow Journalism
Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators
Personal Career Advancement and Greed

Doing cocaine while metal detecting kind of changes the term "humming birding"!

Now do the same figuring for alcohol.

Now do the same for spilling coffee or dropping your sandwich or texting while driving. Is not illegal to drink coffee or eat a sandwich while driving, yet those two things have caused lots of accidents. ....It's kinda like the "gun control" debate, even though there is no gun in the world that is dangerous in the hands of a "normal" person. It's the maniacs, haters, killers, abusers, and wrong-doers in general that give guns a bad name. It's the people who dig holes they don't fill in that give MD'ers a bad name. Likewise, I believe it's the people who "abuse" pot that are the cause of the accidents you mentioned. Some may just be accidents - like dropping one in a lap, then squirming around trying to get it while traveling back and forth across 6 lanes of traffic going in 2 different directions.

My wife was permanently injured in an auto accident - actually twice. Once from a drunk driver, another time from a woman putting on makeup while driving. I do not take your comments lightly!! But for people who understand that it is a mind-altering drug and don't cross that line, ......I've been a harda$$ most all my life when it comes to drugs. Had a sister who got into drugs really bad. She used and took advantage of my folks to the point where I finally disowned her. Drugs have had a TREMENDOUSLY negative impact on my life!! There's nothing I would like more than to see all of these mind-altering drugs just up and disappear!!

Now realistically, I also have to acknowledge that there are LITERALLY millions of people in the US at any given moment who are using pot. Many of those people are going to be stoned. Some will have pot laced with even worse drugs, and/or mixed with alcohol (I'd also like that to disappear!). But as mentioned, marijuana is a natural plant that has been placed on this planet by God. It is up to each and every one of us 1) whether we use it and 2) whether we abuse it. That's the difference between pot being "evil", an abused substance, or just another substance in nature.

That said, I'm sure God didn't put marijuana on the Earth with the intentions of us rolling it into joints and smoking it. All boils down to where you draw the line. Yes, it's a natural substance, but no, it's not "meant" for getting high. That's just the primary reaction of using it.

Sorry if I've started rambling. Has been a long day and WAY past my bedtime!


Sorry, I should have placed alcohol with the others but once I realized I should have, my' computer was mid-way in running an Anti-Virus scan with a shutdown mode when finished and I was on my way to bed! Yes, alcohol has been a great contributor to all that I mentioned for thousands of years but probably more so in the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. While the calamities I mentioned have happened to good and bad folks alike due to accidents, I was mainly referring to the victims of Drug Smugglers and Dealers who protected/protect their' shipments, stashes and life styles at all costs with little to no regard for life, limb or property. Thousands if not millions of innocent people have been victims of the violence associated with the smuggling and sales of the drug as well as the Law Enforcement Officers, informants and the Drug Smugglers/Sellers themselves that were killed, murdered or maimed because of it and other drugs as well.

There has been lots of tragedy on this earth from alcohol abuse and like you, I have seen my fair share of the tragedy caused by it. Hell, even my' own dad was an alcoholic. Luckily, he never killed or injured anyone when he drove while drunk! However, when I was eight years old, he would take me with him when he went to get a couple of bottles of whiskey and would have me drive him home. I did my share of drinking when I was in the U.S. Army and later while dealing with a bad Supervisor at work but I decided that I was not going to let this AH turn me into an alcoholic like my' dad. I pretty much quit drinking for over 15 years and nowadays, I still go months without a beer or drink of hard liquor and at the most, I might have a couple of drinks of liquor and/or maybe a six pack of beer over a month or two time period.

Yes, God put Marijuana as well as all plants upon this earth for a reason! Mankind just hasn't figured out what God truly intended us to use it and most of the others for. Some were put here to cure or alleviate ailments in man, some to cure or alleviate ailments in animals...especially livestock and some were put here for consumption and nourishment.


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I saw a documentary on the illegalization of hemp back in the day. It was not made illegal due to the drug aspect. It was made illegal because hemp was hurting the cotton industry.

I don't necessarily buy into propaganda just because it is a public service announcement that Drugs are Bad Mmmkay.

If people didn't want the substance, they wouldn't use it. Since there is such a demand, it only makes logical sense to this old Texan that it should be made legal and heavily taxed. Seriously, our country has all this debt, governments are in debt. Why not create another taxation revenue source? People who want it will still get it.

It would probably have an ancillary impact as well since those border drug wars with the cartels would no longer take place. The cartels would just become different corporate suppliers. God knows that preventing mass killings in the streets of Mexico border towns would not be a bad thing.

I forget which politician said he tried it but didn't inhale. Yeah, Right. People will always have their methods of self medication. Illegal substances, alcohol during prohibition, etc. If anything, having it illegal mystifies it and makes youngsters more curious to try it when they hit the rebellious teenage years.

Maybe if congress and the senate smoked before each session meaningful things would get passed instead of hidden agendas supporting self re-election. That arguing between parties like spoiled children who only seek to block their adversaries might be interjected with some common ground cooperation. They have become like the barnyard dog that doesn't eat the hay but won't let anything else eat it either. Personally speaking, I don't really like politicians telling me that everything is fine when they haven't personally shopped in a grocery store in years. And, they don't have a better solution to increase taxation.

Although, the last treasure hunter fun club hunt would have been funnier if they required smoking before metal detecting. Just sayin.

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This was a really funny post. It's interesting to read about different views and laws. What was kind of funny to me, and perhaps it shouldn't be, was the guys reaction to your side arm. I live in Wisconsin and we have open carry here and concealed carry as well. Around here one wouldn't even flinch to see a holstered firearm, however they would probably raise an eyebrow if someone just lit up in public. This isn't to say that people around here are opposed to weed, I have had plenty of conversations with people whom I would never suspect of smoking only to find out they prefer it over beer or booze. Pharmaceuticals are the real problem here in Wisconsin.
Speaking of side arms though does anyone carry while detecting or is this against a code of conduct? I carry while hiking because there have been big cat sightings in some of the areas I hike. Some people might say that's nonsense, however I'd rather not risk it.

I was really doing my best to keep a very straight face; but when he said he thought I got my Interpol windbreaker at a flea market I nearly pissed my self and had more trouble holding in my laughing. I thought that part was so funny because having grown up in South Texas, some times folks would take me to the city. They would ask where I wanted to go and it was always to the flea market. I used to see FBI and Police wind breakers for sale there every time and I would always ask the vendors if they had that many police who liked shopping at the flea market. I was young.

So this guy being American I could see his point totally.

In regards to open carry or carry while MDing. Our Agency policy states that our Team guys must always carry, if on foot then we need at least our side arm and 3 extra mags but are not limited to only that. If driving then we need to have our riffles or shotguns. If we are invited or needing to enter another country (which is a weekly thing) then the host nation must allow us to carry, if they do not then we OFFICIALLY leave the country.

Another policy we have is that we can not Drink. I check my Team before we roll out anywhere and the Host Nation has the right to check us as well but that does not happen very much. In Russian we have to take an Alcohol and Drug test before starting.

Seriously though, having grown up in Texas it was a normal thing back in the 70 and 80's to see riffle racks stacks in the rear window of high schoolers pick up trucks. Too often our old Ag teacher would leave his revolver on his desk or the hood of his truck. So even if I did have this job I would still carry not matter what country I live in because it is part of my cultural and it is my US Right.

If other nations do not like my US Rights, well then perhaps they should go screw them selves or stop asking our country for help every time they step in a pile crap.

To the rest of you who posted in this thread and the MODs

I am sorry that the tread turned out to such a political debate. This was not my intentions, I just experienced something I felt was very funny and wanted to share but also ask if others here could MD while on Pot. It would appear that I may have broken up some MD partners but also perhaps joined a few extra ones as well.

For those of you who feel it is such a bad thing, that is your respected opinion, and I will respect it. But surely from the title of the thread you could not have thought this was going to be a Pot Heads Are Evil & Weak thread. Fact is I only shared an experience that happened to me, the guy was not a bad person and for all I know most folks who smoke are not bad people.

Something tells me that if you have a thread of 400 years combined smokers that a couple of your will not get them to change, they do not want to change you, so why try to change them.

I am sorry for the minority on here who has experienced devastating life changing events based on pot. But please keep in mind that some of the people on here have experienced more time with their terminally ill loved ones because of pot, some on here are able to manage pain better, some on here it is their lifestyle and cultural way of living.

You can not walk into a gay bar with your preacher and not expect to be asked to either pipe down or leave at best when your ranting starts.

Sorry again folks, I did not intend for this to turn out like this.

Oddjob and to everyone else that posted in this thread... I want to apologize for helping get this funny story Thread sidetracked and for having such a negative and different view on the subject, Marijuana and it's use! I am also sorry if I offended anyone whether a user or non-user of Marijuana! While anyone can read some of my reasoning behind the negativity of it in my posts, I have other reasons of which I cannot divulge the specifics. Just understand that I worked with (not for) a Law Enforcement Agency many years ago that put my' life and my family's lives at risk and that ever since, I look over my' shoulder and own a lot of guns that are ready at a second's notice.

This will be my last post concerning this topic and Thread as I do not want to risk further offending any members of TNET.


It's amazing how many people will call you ignorant just because you don't agree with their stance. What amazes me is all of the opinions being stated as fact. Admit it, the only argument being mad is you want to get high.

I apologize to the sheep and to the politicians that were commented about.

This will be my last post concerning this topic and Thread as I do not want to risk further offending any members of TNET.
I doubt seriously you've offended anyone here. ....Unless your last name happens to be Burns! :tongue3:

Get it? Army veteran, first name Frank, last name Burns......oh, c'mon, doesn't anyone remember watching MASH?? :laughing9:

Seriously though, I'm sorry for the frightful times you've had to go through due to drug dealers. I've never had the displeasure of being associated with the BIG ones! Just got my belly full of "small fry"-sized users.

This thread wouldn't be complete without a showing of this film!


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I love the story, you handled the gent like a true professional. It's folks like him that gives partaking in herb a bad rap.


Oddjob and to everyone else that posted in this thread... I want to apologize for helping get this funny story Thread sidetracked and for having such a negative and different view on the subject, Marijuana and it's use! I am also sorry if I offended anyone whether a user or non-user of Marijuana! While anyone can read some of my reasoning behind the negativity of it in my posts, I have other reasons of which I cannot divulge the specifics. Just understand that I worked with (not for) a Law Enforcement Agency many years ago that put my' life and my family's lives at risk and that ever since, I look over my' shoulder and own a lot of guns that are ready at a second's notice.

This will be my last post concerning this topic and Thread as I do not want to risk further offending any members of TNET.

Please Frank, offend away! That's what this country is all about. Speak your mind without fear of offense. Don't fall into the PC trap. Many crimes that were committed in the name of marijuana would not even have been "crimes" if it had not been for the unjust laws that have criminalized it for so long to begin with. Everything affects everyone differently, no matter if it's alcohol, marijuana, aspirin, ice cream or peanut butter. That's genetics.

It's amazing how many people will call you ignorant just because you don't agree with their stance. What amazes me is all of the opinions being stated as fact. Admit it, the only argument being mad is you want to get high.

I see no posts on here calling anyone ignorant. Besides, being uneducated on a specific subject does not mean someone is stupid, it just means they are uneducated on that subject. Everyone is ignorant in one way or another. It all depends on the subject matter at hand. Your bias and lack of knowledge is what makes me believe you are uneducated on the subject of marijuana, it's history, effects and legality. It's easy to say people just want it legalized because they want to get high. That's what I would expect from someone who hasn't done a real academic study of the subject. This is sheep mentality. The same type of thinking that got many a black man beaten and/or hanged for no particular reason during the Jim Crow years.

BTW- There is no need for anyone to argue because they want to get high. They can get high anyway, without an argument, legailly or otherwise, so that statement is pointless. You're entitled to your opinion just as others are, just don't put words in people's mouths that were not spoken. It's your perception that sees this name calling, nothing else. See what I mean?

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HOLLY COW this thread is still up at the top of the list lol. You started a topic now! It's going to be as long as the lost Dutchman Mine thread. Maybe if smoked a joint I would get Jesuit stoned. Lol just kidding LDM followers, you keep looking your almost there.

It's not hurting anyone……….. ummmm, forgot what I was going to say…………..:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Yeah dont get offended!

Please Frank, offend away! That's what this country is all about. Speak your mind without fear of offense. Don't fall into the PC trap. Many crimes that were committed in the name of marijuana would not even have been "crimes" if it had not been for the unjust laws that have criminalized it for so long to begin with. Everything affects everyone differently, no matter if it's alcohol, marijuana, aspirin, ice cream or peanut butter. That's genetics.

I see no posts on here calling anyone ignorant. Besides, being uneducated on a specific subject does not mean someone is stupid, it just means they are uneducated on that subject. Everyone is ignorant in one way or another. It all depends on the subject matter at hand. Your bias and lack of knowledge is what makes me believe you are uneducated on the subject of marijuana, it's history, effects and legality. It's easy to say people just want it legalized because they want to get high. That's what I would expect from someone who hasn't done a real academic study of the subject. This is sheep mentality. The same type of thinking that got many a black man beaten and/or hanged for no particular reason during the Jim Crow years.

BTW- There is no need for anyone to argue because they want to get high. They can get high anyway, without an argument, legailly or otherwise, so that statement is pointless. You're entitled to your opinion just as others are, just don't put words in people's mouths that were not spoken. It's your perception that sees this name calling, nothing else. See what I mean?

It's just pot, not these people in the pic lol


  • image.webp
    24.9 KB · Views: 106
I agree with KCM, this has been a very good thread. Although all are not in agreement, we are still able to have a polite discussion about the topic. ALOT of forum would have yanked the thread from the start and many others would have ended up with a few members going way overboard and suspensions and bans handed out.
Thank you Oddjob

Nice polite thread which I enjoyed reading - and the OP story was a hoot!!!

Alcohol is verboten to me for medical reasons, so have enjoyed herbal relaxation for years in moderation to unwind.

I found MDing while mellow that it slows me down, not trying to cover a acre a hour - which leads to better coil coverage.

But then I find myself at the riverbank watching nature happily - so not as much time swinging the coil.

I don't think I would be as relaxed about it if I was not living/detecting in the sticks. City MDing, I would want my creep radar on high, so pass on mellow.

HH all - just don't get lost - :)

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