Let's keep politics out of thread per our rules...
Can't blame anything but the actions of selfish, greedy, Evil people, for the actions you mentioned. That stuff goes on and will continue to go on regardless of any substance.Either you don't understand my point or you like a few others are only twisting the truth and facts to make your point of view look better to others. Have you ever fathomed just how many people have been killed, murdered, dismembered, made handicapped, disfigured, lives destroyed and families destroyed all because of Marijuana. Also, whether anyone wants to admit it or accept it or not, users of Marijuana when it was illegal wherever they live or have lived, are partially responsible. I am not even going to mention the same for Heroin, Cocaine, Crack and other illegal drugs.
It's just pot, not these people in the pic lol
Let's keep politics out of thread per our rules...
Darn it, who woke up Treasure Hunter?!?!?
I swear, I think he's got some sort of program that allerts him every time the word "politics" is used.![]()
It's amazing how many people will call you ignorant just because you don't agree with their stance. What amazes me is all of the opinions being stated as fact. Admit it, the only argument being mad is you want to get high.
I guess I missed the part where it was bad to want to get high. There are always Self Appointed Moral Guardians out to make sure that there is judgement passed if someone doesn't conform to the norm.
Off to have a beer, and (gasp) have a toke.
Regardless of moral compass, yes technically it is wrong to want to get high. It
just means you've got nothing better to do. That argument says it's ok to do crack, meth and heroin. After
all, the addicts just want to "get high". <snip>
Regardless of moral compass, yes technically it is wrong to want to get high. It just means you've got nothing better to do. That argument says it's ok to do crack, meth and heroin. After all, the addicts just want to "get high". Kinda like people that curse in every sentence. Research says they do that due to a limited vocabulary. People that feel the need to want to get high do so because they have nothing better to do. I know because I was once one of those people. Then I found true happiness. Don't get me wrong, I'll have a few drinks on special occasions. It's just I don't have to do it on a regular basis to take the edge off. I don't need to pick up a 12 pack every day when I get off work.
It's just I don't have to do it on a regular basis to take the edge off. I don't need to pick up a 12 pack every day when I get off work.