Pot Head Detectorist

Either you don't understand my point or you like a few others are only twisting the truth and facts to make your point of view look better to others. Have you ever fathomed just how many people have been killed, murdered, dismembered, made handicapped, disfigured, lives destroyed and families destroyed all because of Marijuana. Also, whether anyone wants to admit it or accept it or not, users of Marijuana when it was illegal wherever they live or have lived, are partially responsible. I am not even going to mention the same for Heroin, Cocaine, Crack and other illegal drugs.

Can't blame anything but the actions of selfish, greedy, Evil people, for the actions you mentioned. That stuff goes on and will continue to go on regardless of any substance.

Let's keep politics out of thread per our rules...

Darn it, who woke up Treasure Hunter?!?!?

I swear, I think he's got some sort of program that allerts him every time the word "politics" is used. :notworthy:

Darn it, who woke up Treasure Hunter?!?!?

I swear, I think he's got some sort of program that allerts him every time the word "politics" is used. :notworthy:

No, I do not think that is what he is saying. The key word he used was Politic. So with all politics you can not take it for what is said exactly; it is all up to interpretation. So I decoded it and here is what it says.

Free Pot for everyone who signs up for a Charter Member package by midnight.

Now I could be off a little on the time frame, but I am pretty sure that is what it says.

Uneducated means ignorant. Stupid means, well, stupid. So yes, uneducated means ignorant.

It's amazing how many people will call you ignorant just because you don't agree with their stance. What amazes me is all of the opinions being stated as fact. Admit it, the only argument being mad is you want to get high.

I guess I missed the part where it was bad to want to get high. There are always Self Appointed Moral Guardians out to make sure that there is judgement passed if someone doesn't conform to the norm.

Off to have a beer, and (gasp) have a toke.

Sounds good! Maybe you need to be called TokeGuy! Lol

I guess I missed the part where it was bad to want to get high. There are always Self Appointed Moral Guardians out to make sure that there is judgement passed if someone doesn't conform to the norm.

Off to have a beer, and (gasp) have a toke.

Regardless of moral compass, yes technically it is wrong to want to get high. It just means you've got nothing better to do. That argument says it's ok to do crack, meth and heroin. After all, the addicts just want to "get high". Kinda like people that curse in every sentence. Research says they do that due to a limited vocabulary. People that feel the need to want to get high do so because they have nothing better to do. I know because I was once one of those people. Then I found true happiness. Don't get me wrong, I'll have a few drinks on special occasions. It's just I don't have to do it on a regular basis to take the edge off. I don't need to pick up a 12 pack every day when I get off work.

Regardless of moral compass, yes technically it is wrong to want to get high. It
just means you've got nothing better to do. That argument says it's ok to do crack, meth and heroin. After
all, the addicts just want to "get high". <snip>

All due respect, but.....Horsehockey.

Meth and Heroin addicts are just that..addicts. Once addicted, there is
a serious physical/mental penalty for non-use. Yes, they were stupid
and got themselves addicted, but from that point of addiction onward
it's not much of a choice..it's either use, suffer the consequences until
you do use, or get into rehab.

People use caffeine to make them energetic, nicotine for it's effect, as
well as sugar, etc. You drink a cup (or more) of coffee every morning just
to get yourself in gear. Caffeine is just as much of a drug as any other
substance that changes our perception or motion.

Addicts of dangerous drugs (alcohol/heroin/meth, etc) need medical treatment
in order to effectively quit. Quitting without medical help can kill a person.

I have enough life-experience to know that my "moral compass" is properly
aligned. If I choose to smoke a bowl to make it easier to live with the disease
I have, it's my choice to do so, and it certainly isn't anyone else's business,
nor do they have a right to "pass judgment" regardless of where their moral
compass is pointed.

What kind of crap is this. I have never heard of any creditable research done on cursing. Was this some sort of Discovery Channel research. I have 3 PhD's and most likely speak more languages than anyone on this forum and I curse so much it is not even funny. Some of my most common professional phrases are:

(Deleted by mod for language)

Dealing with HR:
Kiss my a**
Go to hell
your a ******

Now yes I was not exactly hired for my personality skills, but professionally speaking my Team and I always get the job done.

Weed being smoked because you have nothing else to do; that I can not really speak on but from the post of other users on here from what I can tell they use it as part of their normal culture, for medical reasons and to relax. Does it make it bad, no, its just something that grew naturally that fell under a BS law.

Something else that falls under a BS law is oral tobacco. In the EU it is illegal to buy, sell or use because it causes cancer. Now you can smoke all you want, just do not chew. I can not even count how many beat cops I have checked and put in place with my credentials that have attempted to take my chew. I will let them know real fast that they do not want to play with me and my agency over some chew.

Its a BS law. A BS law is a law that was created for personal profit or gain. Some tards could not profit from pot so they made it illegal. Some EU tards had an issue with chew so they made it illegal. Now I will not go into BS laws, but I am sure if a thread was started for such then this forum could certainly provide a platform well that would make congress in any nation seem like a bunch of NAZI's.

So lets not be so fast to judge folks who smoke a little pot. I was only sharing what I felt was a funny experience to me. I do not often get to see someone high, let alone converse with them. I guess that is a professional hazard of working for Interpol, we deal with criminals and not people who brighten our day.

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Nothing better to do?

It used to mean for me that I had a lot to do.....I always have a lot to do, with out a little self medication tasks are not as much fun.

Regardless of moral compass, yes technically it is wrong to want to get high. It just means you've got nothing better to do. That argument says it's ok to do crack, meth and heroin. After all, the addicts just want to "get high". Kinda like people that curse in every sentence. Research says they do that due to a limited vocabulary. People that feel the need to want to get high do so because they have nothing better to do. I know because I was once one of those people. Then I found true happiness. Don't get me wrong, I'll have a few drinks on special occasions. It's just I don't have to do it on a regular basis to take the edge off. I don't need to pick up a 12 pack every day when I get off work.

First... Marijuana is NOTHING like "crack meth and heroin"...
They are so far apart in comparison you might as well be talking about night VS day.
They are not even in the same arena.

In fact the ONLY "similarity" Marijuana has to those drugs is the fact that it must be ingested / inhaled.
But this applies to everything ... including the alcohol you said you enjoy occasionally.
Also applies to food and air. (heh)

This is a fact...
You are educated in this.

As far as "nothing better to do"... which also applies to your drinks...
It is my belief that it is a natural basic human need to "escape" the "pressure / stress" that ones life can bestow upon each person...
The variation here is that each persons life is different than the next...
Each persons life experiences or pressures or stresses vary.
The choices vary.

But because it is different than your own...
Does not make it necessarily "wrong"...
It just makes it different.

Marijuana is in a "class" all its own...
And in my opinion...
Was put forth on this earth FOR humans... as a medicine.

Compared to ALL other medicines. it is the safest and most versatile...
Able to combat everything from seizures to stress.
It has been shown to aid / help in almost ALL areas of medicinal needs.

NOW ! ... Name one other thing on earth that can claim this ?
Name anything that can name more that 3 ?

It is WELL OVER 600,000 times safer than alcohol... For this is LOW amount of deaths per year it claims.

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I have to add this...
Why in the hell do humans feel the need to police other humans PERSONAL choices ?

I am talking about the choices that only affect that individual.

They must have missed the memo...

"Luke 6:37 KJV - Judge not, and ye shall not be judged"

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hmm...this WAS a funny thread - what happened??

-- -- -- -- -- -- crickets chirping -- -- -- -- -- --

Well, let's try this - see if it might happen to be contagious....

ROFL Donald Duck - Copy.gif

It's just I don't have to do it on a regular basis to take the edge off. I don't need to pick up a 12 pack every day when I get off work.

The same thing applies with pot, they don't need to smoke, it is a choice unlike crack and heroin which is an addiction....

The only difference between smoking pot and drinking beer is beer is legal, well that and you don't throw up on your feet when you smoke too much..[emoji12]

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Many here may have (in earlier threads on this) or are currently wondering "why" I am so "gung ho" on this subject...

Well... Simple...

I watched both my grandmother AND my mother die slow painful deaths from cancer.
BOTH wanted and wished they could ingest marijuana when the pills and pain got too much.

And they refused...
Because it was illegal.

I regret this.

And after they were gone...
I realized...
The truth.

How stupid the laws against this amazingly useful plant are... ESPECIALLY after it was SUGGESTED to them BOTH...
BY TWO separate doctors.

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They are not "at war" against marijuana...
They are at war against a persons choice to a tolerable / livable life.

And WE... OR YOU... have no right... to judge OR stop someone from that.

ESPECIALLY when talking about a drug that is SAFER than aspirin.
Aspirin alone claims over 10,000 lives per year.

When speaking of marijuana... IMO...
They are at war against humanity.

PS... Marijuana has also been PROVEN to help aid in the addiction RECOVERY from other drugs.

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