Pot Head Detectorist

It's not prohibition. Has never been legal. Again, there are better things to do in life than drink or partake in drugs. The question is what can be detrimental to society. Like another said, when govco needs money they will continue to legalize things to make money. Other drugs will be next. After all, it's none of their business if you want to use cocaine in your house!

It's not prohibition. Has never been legal. Again, there are better things to do in life than drink or partake in drugs. The question is what can be detrimental to society. Like another said, when govco needs money they will continue to legalize things to make money. Other drugs will be next. After all, it's none of their business if you want to use cocaine in your house!
At one time it was legal. You better check your history.

Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using Tapatalk

I beg to differ because I have had too many friends that went down the bad paths that started with Marijuana use! I know a lot of folks believe as you do but I know better from details of my life and the lives of those I know or have known.

There are a million variables which ultimately lead to hardcore drug abuse. I personally know several people who have never smoked weed who got hooked on pain pills after a surgery or an injury and ultimately ended up on heroin. I also know a few women who started using while dating a user.

But I do understand - it's much easier to blame that evil Devil's weed. After all, it makes women sleep with black men, right? It also makes them gyrate uncontrollably to The Devil's music and makes men violent and want to murder people. You know what I smell? I smell a little bit of that old-time Reefer Madness up in here. Anybody got some air freshener?

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk

It's not prohibition. Has never been legal. Again, there are better things to do in life than drink or partake in drugs. The question is what can be detrimental to society. Like another said, when govco needs money they will continue to legalize things to make money. Other drugs will be next. After all, it's none of their business if you want to use cocaine in your house!
Has never been legal? Might wanna check your facts...


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The one substance that has done more damage to the human race than all the others put together is already legal.
Damn near tore this country apart when they tried to prohibit it. But people always want to take personal responsibility out of the equation. Just take away some freedom, that will make us all safe. Bunch of sheep. There is always a segment of every society who think they know what's best for the rest of us. To bad we can't legally shoot those people.

Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using Tapatalk

Same here, I'm 67, grew up in the 60s, USAF vet, worked 40 years telcom, lived all over this country and I'm speaking from details of my life and lives of those I know or have known...

Did you ever think that the differences between my life experiences and yours is because of where we both have lived, where we both have worked, where we both have served in the military and the people that we have had interactions and/or friendships with? No two places, locales, States or countries are the same and thus there are differences in the people and in the laws as well as peoples views and morals.


There are a million variables which ultimately lead to hardcore drug abuse. I personally know several people who have never smoked weed who got hooked on pain pills after a surgery or an injury and ultimately ended up on heroin. I also know a few women who started using while dating a user.

But I do understand - it's much easier to blame that evil Devil's weed. After all, it makes women sleep with black men, right? It also makes them gyrate uncontrollably to The Devil's music and makes men violent and want to murder people. You know what I smell? I smell a little bit of that old-time Reefer Madness up in here. Anybody got some air freshener?

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk

Either you don't understand my point or you like a few others are only twisting the truth and facts to make your point of view look better to others. Have you ever fathomed just how many people have been killed, murdered, dismembered, made handicapped, disfigured, lives destroyed and families destroyed all because of Marijuana. Also, whether anyone wants to admit it or accept it or not, users of Marijuana when it was illegal wherever they live or have lived, are partially responsible. I am not even going to mention the same for Heroin, Cocaine, Crack and other illegal drugs.


Either you don't understand my point or you like a few others are only twisting the truth and facts to make your point of view look better to others. Have you ever fathomed just how many people have been killed, murdered, dismembered, made handicapped, disfigured, lives destroyed and families destroyed all because of Marijuana. Also, whether anyone wants to admit it or accept it or not, users of Marijuana when it was illegal wherever they live or have lived, are partially responsible. I am not even going to mention the same for Heroin, Cocaine, Crack and other illegal drugs.

Wow. Just wow...

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk

Either you don't understand my point or you like a few others are only twisting the truth and facts to make your point of view look better to others. Have you ever fathomed just how many people have been killed, murdered, dismembered, made handicapped, disfigured, lives destroyed and families destroyed all because of Marijuana. Also, whether anyone wants to admit it or accept it or not, users of Marijuana when it was illegal wherever they live or have lived, are partially responsible. I am not even going to mention the same for Heroin, Cocaine, Crack and other illegal drugs.


Now do the same figuring for alcohol.

Now do the same for spilling coffee or dropping your sandwich or texting while driving. Is not illegal to drink coffee or eat a sandwich while driving, yet those two things have caused lots of accidents. ....It's kinda like the "gun control" debate, even though there is no gun in the world that is dangerous in the hands of a "normal" person. It's the maniacs, haters, killers, abusers, and wrong-doers in general that give guns a bad name. It's the people who dig holes they don't fill in that give MD'ers a bad name. Likewise, I believe it's the people who "abuse" pot that are the cause of the accidents you mentioned. Some may just be accidents - like dropping one in a lap, then squirming around trying to get it while traveling back and forth across 6 lanes of traffic going in 2 different directions.

My wife was permanently injured in an auto accident - actually twice. Once from a drunk driver, another time from a woman putting on makeup while driving. I do not take your comments lightly!! But for people who understand that it is a mind-altering drug and don't cross that line, ......I've been a harda$$ most all my life when it comes to drugs. Had a sister who got into drugs really bad. She used and took advantage of my folks to the point where I finally disowned her. Drugs have had a TREMENDOUSLY negative impact on my life!! There's nothing I would like more than to see all of these mind-altering drugs just up and disappear!!

Now realistically, I also have to acknowledge that there are LITERALLY millions of people in the US at any given moment who are using pot. Many of those people are going to be stoned. Some will have pot laced with even worse drugs, and/or mixed with alcohol (I'd also like that to disappear!). But as mentioned, marijuana is a natural plant that has been placed on this planet by God. It is up to each and every one of us 1) whether we use it and 2) whether we abuse it. That's the difference between pot being "evil", an abused substance, or just another substance in nature.

That said, I'm sure God didn't put marijuana on the Earth with the intentions of us rolling it into joints and smoking it. All boils down to where you draw the line. Yes, it's a natural substance, but no, it's not "meant" for getting high. That's just the primary reaction of using it.

Sorry if I've started rambling. Has been a long day and WAY past my bedtime!

Either you don't understand my point or you like a few others are only twisting the truth and facts to make your point of view look better to others. Have you ever fathomed just how many people have been killed, murdered, dismembered, made handicapped, disfigured, lives destroyed and families destroyed all because of Marijuana. Also, whether anyone wants to admit it or accept it or not, users of Marijuana when it was illegal wherever they live or have lived, are partially responsible. I am not even going to mention the same for Heroin, Cocaine, Crack and other illegal drugs.


Like gangs dealing pot?
I'm sure you have had a bad experience with weed, and/or know someone whom has. I have never considered pot to be the ...break into your house/rob/steal to get it. Meth heads, heroin and coke users, are very unstable. Pot legal here now, I see people I have know for YEARS in the pot "store" never would I have guessed they smoked. Business owners, loggers, commercial fisherman etc. The thing is most of them (like me) don't go to work stoned, drive while stoned....just like the demon alcohol. Same rules. I don't have a beer or a scotch until 5 o clock! If I might need to drive I wait even longer.
One thing I have noticed, some of the pot haters are heavy drinkers!:icon_scratch:

I was up early and saw this thread. It had me laughing. Thanks so much for the funny story.

Personally speaking, I prefer a clear head. I don't judge though. People self medicate with all kinds of substances. I mean, its legal in Washington D.C., right? (Confirms my personal thought that you would have to be on drugs to be in politics.)

Of course, I live in Texas. This story would have ended up sounding like a version of Alices Restaurant Massacree song lyrics if it happened in this state.

For those unfamiliar with it, here is a youtube.com link to it. Worth listening to once:

I knew a guy who did smoke and metal detect. One particular time I ran across him detecting some empty lots where ghetto houses had been demolished. I didn't see him smoking but could smell something on him.

Don't remember much of our conversation other than one comment he made. He said he had a habit of never picking up a penny on the street but he would sure dig for 45 minutes to find one.

Thanks again for the laugh.


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Either you don't understand my point or you like a few others are only twisting the truth and facts to make your point of view look better to others. Have you ever fathomed just how many people have been killed, murdered, dismembered, made handicapped, disfigured, lives destroyed and families destroyed all because of Marijuana. Also, whether anyone wants to admit it or accept it or not, users of Marijuana when it was illegal wherever they live or have lived, are partially responsible. I am not even going to mention the same for Heroin, Cocaine, Crack and other illegal drugs.

Hi Frank, saw you were in Tennessee. Isn't Tennessee known for whiskey and moonshine? Nothing bad ever came from those substances. I think I would rather be around someone who smoked instead of heavy drinking, doing crack, meth or stuff like that. Had a family member get addicted to so many pain meds after a surgery he started seeking them out. Doctor finally told him he needed a psychiatrist instead of a doctor.

I have heard those drugs are illegal. Not really because the government doesnt want you doing those drugs, they want everyone doing their drugs so taxes can be collected. The biggest drug dealers in this country are not the cartels, its the doctors.

There was a study I saw one time about Amsterdam where they legalized all recreational narcotics and made the harder stuff readily available. Almost overnight, all crimes, including violent ones, stopped. I think petty theft went up. Its an interesting topic for sure.

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Now do the same figuring for alcohol.

Now do the same for spilling coffee or dropping your sandwich or texting while driving. Is not illegal to drink coffee or eat a sandwich while driving, yet those two things have caused lots of accidents. ....It's kinda like the "gun control" debate, even though there is no gun in the world that is dangerous in the hands of a "normal" person. It's the maniacs, haters, killers, abusers, and wrong-doers in general that give guns a bad name. It's the people who dig holes they don't fill in that give MD'ers a bad name. Likewise, I believe it's the people who "abuse" pot that are the cause of the accidents you mentioned. Some may just be accidents - like dropping one in a lap, then squirming around trying to get it while traveling back and forth across 6 lanes of traffic going in 2 different directions.


Good points. I agree too. A moving vehicle is not a restaurant, beauty salon, internet cafe or phone booth. Not sure of the statistics but intexticated driving (texting while driving) has to be a major cause of wrecks. They can't seem to stay in one lane around here.

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There are a million variables which ultimately lead to hardcore drug abuse. I personally know several people who have never smoked weed who got hooked on pain pills after a surgery or an injury and ultimately ended up on heroin. I also know a few women who started using while dating a user.

But I do understand - it's much easier to blame that evil Devil's weed. After all, it makes women sleep with black men, right? It also makes them gyrate uncontrollably to The Devil's music and makes men violent and want to murder people. You know what I smell? I smell a little bit of that old-time Reefer Madness up in here. Anybody got some air freshener?

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk

LOL, was wondering when the old Reefer Madness Propaganda flick was going to come up. I remember seeing that and wondering what the hell were they smoking! Certainly wasn't what we were. I guess Zombieism goes way back. Now I'm talking about a time when you could have a beer in your cup holder in your car.

Been smoking pot since I was 13-years-old. I love smoking a hooter and then detecting. Relaxed, focused on the headphones, and pulltabs don't bother me as much. :skullflag:

Oddjob, funny thread! But see what you went and started:laughing7:

TS, Thanks for coming out of the woods first. Agree with you. (Maybe not a whole hooter tho, LOL) By the way, I think you left your metal detector on the beach???:laughing7:

I was a daily smoker for 25 years, until the random drug tests at work became too much of a pain to cheat on.

I seldom got "fuzzy" on pot, in fact it helped me concentrate, focus on one task without all of life's little troubles nagging me in the background.

I work 7 days per week most weeks, and have multiple projects going at the same time, Smoking a joint after working 9 hrs., and getting ready to work another 4, always helped my attitude. Without it, working after work was a real drag, but a few big puffs and the next few hrs would just glide by.

Alcohol is toxic to the human body, you can swig enough to kill yourself on the spot. If you don't die, you can be sick for days.

Smoke pot as hard and as fast as you can, all you do is drift off to sleep, and wake up feeling like a million bucks.

It's been 9 yrs since I smoked, and I miss it, I also miss all of my friends that I used to smoke with.


Good points. I agree too. A moving vehicle is not a restaurant, beauty salon, internet cafe or phone booth. Not sure of the statistics but intexticated driving (texting while driving) have to be a major cause of wrecks. They can't seem to stay in one lane around here.

And then maybe the worst of all distraction's. It's called the "Head's Up Display!"

The local "store" sells edibles, low THC, high CBD and you don't get high, the medical part of pot.
They also have 10-15 varieties (recreational) and can tell you what kind of "high" you will get.
They have Sativa, Indica, and Hybrids. Different effects. Weed that gives you energy...sounds strange but it's true. This is a very good article. It's hard to believe how far this plant has advanced. Cannabis Science!
They sell clones and you can grow your own, it's a very beautiful plant, and thrives very well in the greenhouse...right next to the tomatoes....

10 Perfect and Potent Strains for Special Occasions | High Times

Check out this article.....And remember...puff, puff, pass.

Marijuana has been used by humans for 1000's of years.
It is the only mass used drug that is not made by humans.
Out of all drugs it is statistically the safest drug ever used by humans... safer than aspirin.
Out of all known drugs on earth it carries the least risk of side effects than any other drug.
It has been shown to be non addictive yet can be a dependent for some.
It has more therapeutic and medicinal properties and uses than any other drug on earth and cannot even be compared to any other drug for its uses for they far exceed any comparable.
It has been shown to be the ONLY drug that can combat certain illnesses.
Crime associated with this drug is lower than any other widely used drug.
Accidents and casualties associated with marijuana are rarer than bigfoot sightings.
The plant itself has more uses than the top three plants on earth used by humans in any way shape or form COMBINED.
It is superior in all ways shapes and forms than any other plant known.

Guess this is why it scares / has scared so many... WHO STAND TO LOSE IF IT WERE LEGAL.

There has always been more money to be made by keeping it illegal.
This is why it was made illegal to begin with.

The following ARE the three MAIN industries who stood to gain in 1937 when it was made illegal... and were very interested in pushing a political funded "kill" on Marijuana.

Alcohol - eliminate the only competition = Only controllable legal choice of high. (why have only half the pie when you could have it all)
Pharmaceutical - eliminate the only competition = Only legal choice in medicine. (forces the "free" drug out)
Fiber / Textile - eliminate the only competition = Timber and cotton fibers become the only legal choices. (and we all know about those guys greed)

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