Pot Head Detectorist

We legalized here is Washington. No issues that I have seen, but we have a new job source and another tax stream.

It is nice to live in a place where people have an open mind.

Right on odd job! I got a medical marijuana card and I thought it would pain, it reminded me of why I quit. Maybe it helps some but I can honestly say I see no medical benifits for it except getting stoned. The only time I use it is for a panic attack and if I don't watch it, it will give me a major panic attack! Like I can't breath or something idk. It may work for some but for pain I call BS. Your just high I guess and don't care. I can take it or leave it but you can't make me believe it lol

Worst drug they ever put me on and I'm glad I'm off of it is that darn oxycotin and oxycodone! Worst ever, I will never let a doctor get me started on that junk ever again. Those are the people the need to arrest is those doctors that over medicate people.

Must have been some killer hydro! I don't rember ever getting lost from smoking pot but I have been known to have to help hold up a fence post or lay down in the boat while fishing. Smoking pot after you are way beer buzzed can make you do that sometime.

Been smoking pot (vaporize it now) for 30 some years and will most likely continue to do so for the remainder of my time on this earth. Has never caused me any problems legally or personally. I am an avid marathon runner and triathlete, have a very good job, own my own home as well as many vehicles and toys. Weed did not buy these things, hard work did. I have found pot to be an excellent medicine when I am not feeling well, a great stress reliever when I am under pressure and a nice recreational toke helps make events a little more enjoyable.
I DO NOT believe ANYONE should operate a vehicle or any dangerous machinery under the influence as you need to be 100% capable under these conditions.

Been smoking pot (vaporize it now) for 30 some years and will most likely continue to do so for the remainder of my time on this earth. Has never caused me any problems legally or personally. I am an avid marathon runner and triathlete, have a very good job, own my own home as well as many vehicles and toys. Weed did not buy these things, hard work did. I have found pot to be an excellent medicine when I am not feeling well, a great stress reliever when I am under pressure and a nice recreational toke helps make events a little more enjoyable.
I DO NOT believe ANYONE should operate a vehicle or any dangerous machinery under the influence as you need to be 100% capable under these conditions.

But can you MD on it?

I smoked potttttt once "to day butt I Was not in hale ing iit so it did noot have any efect on m y mine any one see my purple dragon..? I thinks he si lost ANY people nKow were my HOtil is

My cousin lives in Oregon, has cancer through out his body. He was circling the drain about 4 or 5 years ago, when awake he was too medicated to function. Along came their medical marijuana legislation and he got a card. He does the Rick Simpson oil, dropped all his "legal" heavy duty medications, and only uses the oil. He's still alive and is functional, should have been dead for probably 3 years now. Not only does it eliminate his physical pain, he's not so heavily medicated that he can't function. I know what he was going through prior to the RSO, and I know that when we talk on the phone now - he giggles a lot.

And Odd Job, that was a great story!

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But can you MD on it?

I know several people who detect on beach hunting with no problem......Whole lot easier than drinking and detecting...:laughing7:

Been smoking pot (vaporize it now) for 30 some years and will most likely continue to do so for the remainder of my time on this earth. Has never caused me any problems legally or personally. I am an avid marathon runner and triathlete, have a very good job, own my own home as well as many vehicles and toys. Weed did not buy these things, hard work did. I have found pot to be an excellent medicine when I am not feeling well, a great stress reliever when I am under pressure and a nice recreational toke helps make events a little more enjoyable.
I DO NOT believe ANYONE should operate a vehicle or any dangerous machinery under the influence as you need to be 100% capable under these conditions.

Yes, vape is the way to go! Here in Cali the doc gives you a list of MANY ailments that medical cannabis can help with. A man by the name of Rick Simpson cured his melanoma with cannabis oil. Well documented case.

I actually find it more fun to medicate before detecting, hehe.

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Sounds like you bumped into Chong.

I smoked potttttt once "to day butt I Was not in hale ing iit so it did noot have any efect on m y mine any one see my purple dragon..? I thinks he si lost ANY people nKow were my HOtil is

Very funny BE! Lol!

My cousin lives in Oregon, has cancer through out his body. He was circling the drain about 4 or 5 years ago, when awake he was too medicated to function. Along came their medical marijuana legislation and he got a card. He does the Rick Simpson oil, dropped all his "legal" heavy duty medications, and only uses the oil. He's still alive and is functional, should have been dead for probably 3 years now. Not only does it eliminate his physical pain, he's not so heavily medicated that he can't function. I know what he was going through prior to the RSO, and I know that when we talk on the phone now - he giggles a lot.

And Odd Job, that was a great story!

See cases such as that is why it should be legal all over. There is nothing evil or bad about this; the only bad and evil comes from those who screw with the laws and those trying to get around the laws by importing tons

I mean yeah sure Narco Terror is bad, but those guys can easily be shoot. Now cases where folks can drop their zombie meds, pick up this and get a chance to really live longer and make peace, and all because of something God created for us to use. Well not just us, the seeds in Europe are sold at the hardware store as bird feed. So God had more than one good reason.

I personally only ever tried like twice, one time for about 10 months at the university and another time for like 2 years. For me it was just good to relax. That was many years ago.

This is why I was so impressed because when I smoked, while stoned I could not do anything but laugh. A total worthless laughing turd. But I knew when to do it and when not and never allowed it in the way of my studies. Seriously I could not have earned these three PhD's and several languages stoned.

Those who can do it, then great on you. My wife before we had kids she would create some of her best art stoned. Some folks really excel all relaxed, not me, I am one of those who is in their comfort zone with live fire and screaming.

So seeing that fella lug a CTX 3030 and have a conversation was amazing to me.

Happy for your cousin ADS, that is really something man. I hope he gets many more years.

Driving a motor vehicle on alcohol = "Hey get out of my way you're going too slow! Screw you buddy! Friggin A hole! I been driving drunk all my life and know what I'm doing! I drive better when I'm drinking!

Driving a motor vehicle on weed= " Hey, I better slow down. I don't want to offend anyone. Am I driving too fast? I got to be careful. It's a beautiful day out here! I drive better when I'm on weed. :laughing7:

........good, there is a 7-11, I need a giant slurpee, bag of beef jerky, box of twinkies, 2 hotdogs and about 6 donuts......

Great story OddJob!!

My buddies in the Army talked me into trying it but after a couple of tokes, it just put me to sleep and no high. I did not like it and never tried it again.

On another note, I believe that Pot tends to make people do things that they swore they would not do or normally would not do. My best friend in the Army in Germany occasionally smoked a joint after work in his' housing unit as he was married. Another troop in my unit gave him some Skag (badly cut Heroin) to try out and if he had not smoked a joint after he got home, he likely would not have tried it or at the least, he would have waited until his' wife, who was German and worked, got home. He shot up and went to take a shower and while in the shower, he went into convulsions, fell onto the faucet with his' head and died there in the bathtub of a cerebral hemorrhage. Everybody in my unit loved Maurice "Rosey" Grier like a brother, we all knew who gave him the Skag and were going to bring retribution on his' a&# but some higher ups got wind of it and he was transferred back to the States the same day as the Memorial for Rosey.


Living in Colorado has its advantages - Many times people strike up a conversation while I'm hunting public areas and offer to share a bowl, and most of the time I'm game. On occasion I've been the one doing the offering to whomever wants to know about detecting! I helped one person locate their recently-lost earring, which I found; and she went on to offer a couple grams of the good, sparkling green! Of course I couldn't turn that down

I hunt the same whether or not I decide to partake....doesn't seem to affect the finds or my focus. I've been detecting for thirty plus years, and when I have the "game face" on, almost nothing gets in the way of my concentration. I won't smoke and drive because it's treated the same as a DUI here - just have to be smart about it and not partake an hour prior to driving a vehicle. I've talked to a few officers here and there, and for the most part they don't care as long as you show some discretion and maturity about it...

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