Pot Head Detectorist

The only bad smoke associated with Marijuana is...

The smoke they have been blowing up our arses for the past 75 + years.

Prior to that... No one had a problem.

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I know this thread got off course from the hilarious story shared. But, I actually like the direction as it brings up really good points.

I'm an old USAF vet and have a buddy who saw combat. This was years back when I lived in Florida and he went to the gulf war. He was my neighbor across the street. It is the best first hand example I saw of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) that I personally witnessed. By best, I don't mean good, I mean text book accurate description. His doctor rotated him through a variety of different pills to help him deal with random flare ups of bad anxiety attacks.

Some pills left him sitting in his porch swing literally drooling. (I saw it because I was metal detecting my front yard and learned plumping pipes were not a treasure to dig.) Others left him sleeping. Some really did nothing. None of them fixed his anxiety attacks. On the advice of someone he knew, he started smoking. It was an immediate change. He stopped being withdrawn, got out doing things in his yard, would chat with neighbors and laugh in conversations. True, it was self medication. I witnessed the difference and can give my opinion that it was better medicine.

He even went and bought a metal detector because he saw me using mine a lot. (Brian, wherever you are, God bless you man and thanks for your service.)

Just because society has deemed something to be against a law that may or not be politically motivated, doesn't mean it is morally wrong. In and of itself, it is not right or wrong, it just is. Ive known some people who were only tolerable to be around when they smoked.

Just my humble thoughts on the recent posts.

Great though provoking thread.


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I know this thread got off course from the hilarious story shared. But, I actually like the direction as it brings up really good points.

I'm an old USAF vet and have a buddy who saw combat. This was years back when I lived in Florida and he went to the gulf war. He was my neighbor across the street. It is the best first hand example I saw of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) that I personally witnessed. By best, I don't mean good, I mean text book accurate description. His doctor rotated him through a variety of different pills to help him deal with random flare ups of bad anxiety attacks.

Some pills left him sitting in his porch swing literally drooling. (I saw it because I was metal detecting my front yard and learned plumping pipes were not a treasure to dig.) Others left him sleeping. Some really did nothing. None of them fixed his anxiety attacks. On the advice of someone he knew, he started smoking. It was an immediate change. He stopped being withdrawn, got out doing things in his yard, would chat with neighbors and laugh in conversations. True, it was self medication. I witnessed the difference and can give my opinion that it was better medicine.

He even went and bought a metal detector because he saw me using mine a lot. (Brian, wherever you are, God bless you man and thanks for your service.)

Just because society has deemed something to be against a law that may or not be politically motivated, doesn't mean it is morally wrong. In and of itself, it is not right or wrong, it just is. Ive known some a**holes who were only tolerable to be around when they smoked.

Just my humble thoughts on the recent posts.

Great though provoking thread.


Thank you for your post.
And I hope more follow.
Stories like this one could fill 1000 forums.

Yet for some reason people still don't see and hear.

But... "them times they are ah changin"... SLOWLY.

The folks who ran / run this continuous lie are "parting"... and the people who have been there and seen it / done it first hand... are coming in.
People WHO have actually smoked OR do smoke pot...
WHO have..

Turned out just fine.

Some of which hold seats in higher places that can sway opinions and votes that can correct this wrong against us.

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I am curious if the usage of this substance being discussed would make a difference on how people treasure hunt with metal detectors?

For example, would they take more care in leaving no trace of their digging if they smoked? Would they care more and not leave metallic fragments or trash scattered around because they would normally be too lazy to take it with them? Would they actually find more valuable stuff because they slowed down enough? Would they not leave their personal trash from snacks (munchies)?

Basically, I am just wondering if the bad habits we have all seen from some metal detectorists would be treated with more careful consideration.

(My apologies to Treasure_Hunter for having to edit my previous post and usage of a poor word choice. I feel like I got sent to the principals office.)


Great though provoking thread.


Yeah, it is.

I enjoyed reading all of the posts.

I am still surprised that some folks have a mentality that is firmly planted in the 1930's.

I feel like I got sent to the principals office.


Many trips there in my younger years.:laughing7:

I am curious if the usage of this substance being discussed would make a difference on how people treasure hunt with metal detectors?

For example, would they take more care in leaving no trace of their digging if they smoked? Would they care more and not leave metallic fragments or trash scattered around because they would normally be too lazy to take it with them? Would they actually find more valuable stuff because they slowed down enough? Would they not leave their personal trash from snacks (munchies)?

Basically, I am just wondering if the bad habits we have all seen from some metal detectorists would be treated with more careful consideration.

(My apologies to Treasure_Hunter for having to edit my previous post and usage of a poor word choice. I feel like I got sent to the principals office.)


Pot effects are similar for most people... but like anything else... everything effects people differently too.
I know when I smoked it made me think.
It made me consider things I may not have otherwise.

In other words... it opened my mind.

Which is just another reason those who are into "control" were scared of it at the time it was being pushed to become illegal...
Control freaks hate anyone to "think for themselves"...
Or to use anything that might heighten thought...
I mean sheesh... we might have seen through their shite back then...
Which can spell disaster in areas / facets of controlling humans.

Varied uses,extractions unrelated to smoking, and some without the ingredients to affect like raw stock.
The proven fact that the trigger mechanism for vomiting is pacified when thc is used is reason enough those folks undergoing cancer treatment should have had it available long ago.

Everclear was pulled off the shelves here at one time due to idiots smoking and drinking without being able to vomit as a result ,further confirming beyond structured science , it's effective at reducing vomiting. For those of us who watched loved ones go through hell before dying after treatments ,morality of smoking or whatever means of ingesting weed would have been the least of the patients concerns should it have been employed.
But then ,Illegally it was used in a case related to me. Adding criminality to the personal issues of some one being cooked and poisoned by medical science.

There will always be stoners and slackers. Those are not what we need to measure a beneficial drug against.

There was an old fella that would be over a hundred years old now that told me it is nothing new , just people were discrete in using it and quiet about it .
I get what he meant.
Today's society is not quiet about most of what it does anymore in comparison , and discretion has gone out the window. Along with a few other social graces that meant your neighbor can do as they please; within reasonable civility, and not willfully endangering others , and less than abusive or bloody mayhem.

Don't recall ever smoking hooter before detecting...not even the time I cut a shallow wire running to an outbuilding on a fortunately abandoned (the owner was around) old homesite after having flipped my wheelchair over backwards in the front yard going through giant lilac bushes/trees winter snows had trained to grow mostly horizontal.
Detected after a couple beers at breaktime once. Did poorly , but enjoyed the beers.

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Interesting story, thanks for sharing! It seems odd that someone would be "too stoned" to dig and function, especially from Italian weed! :laughing7:
I'm actually very interested in writing about getting blasted and detecting as I've been taking notes for years and have observed the advantages/disadvantages from being straight and from being high.
I would start a thread with all my experiences but that would be waste of time since no one usually responds to anything I start.
Unfortunately, this thread has turned into a debate on whether pot is good or bad in which I'm not interested in arguing.
I'm not a "in your face" pot smoker and don't spend any energy on convincing you it's good. Used to when I was in my 20's but now I don't really care.
But if you have an issue with me partaking in it, then I will bend over to give you something to kiss!
Especially as I recount all the family members that are dead or effed up thanks to alcohol. Oh, and cigarettes? :BangHead:

People who metal detect while smoking pot should make sure they have a lanyard on there pin pointer. Might not be a bad idea to have one on your detector too. :laughing7:

People who metal detect while smoking pot should make sure they have a lanyard on there pin pointer. Might not be a bad idea to have one on your detector too. :laughing7:

No words....

People who metal detect while smoking pot should make sure they have a lanyard on there pin pointer. Might not be a bad idea to have one on your detector too. :laughing7:

Well I do not smoke; but I do go through pin-pointers alot. I went out for an afternoon hunt today as low tide was super low.

So your post just made me run out back and make sure I did not leave it on the beach again; sort of happens like once a month. o matter how often I go back and search I rarely ever find it. I think I bury them. Who knows.

But thanks for the reminder.

Well I do not smoke; but I do go through pin-pointers alot. I went out for an afternoon hunt today as low tide was super low.

So your post just made me run out back and make sure I did not leave it on the beach again; sort of happens like once a month. o matter how often I go back and search I rarely ever find it. I think I bury them. Who knows.

But thanks for the reminder.

Once a month? you sure your not smoking? Just kidding. Yeah a lanyard would save you a lot of pinpointers. If you started a year ago you might have 10 extra pinpoints by now.

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Marijuana is in a "class" all its own...
And in my opinion...
Was put forth on this earth FOR humans... as a medicine.

Compared to ALL other medicines. it is the safest and most versatile...
Able to combat everything from seizures to stress.
It has been shown to aid / help in almost ALL areas of medicinal needs.

NOW ! ... Name one other thing on earth that can claim this ?
Name anything that can name more that 3 ?

Sorry I am breaking my statement to not make anymore posts to this Thread and on this subject but I had to answer this!

North American Wild Ginseng and Siberian Ginseng come to mind along with many other Herbs and Mushrooms such as Rhodiola, Ashwaganda, Astragalus, Licorice root, Holy Basil as well as Shitake, Reishi, Maitake and Chaga Mushrooms to name a few. These are adaptogens which adapt to your' body's needs physically and mentally and most boost your' energy as well as your' immune system to fight off and sometimes cure diseases as well as internal and external ailments. Some work well in these areas on their own but are sometimes more effective when combined with others.


My treasure hunting motto:
I don't shoot Heroin, snort Cocaine nor do I smoke Marijuana, Meth or Crack,
I get high on metal detecting...finding coins, relics and treasures in the suburbs, cities, towns and outback.

If I am successful, I might indulge in having a beer or two at home to celebrate,
then take some Ibuprofen and a hot bath for the aches and pains to alleviate.

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There will always be stoners and slackers. Those are not what we need to measure a beneficial drug against.

Think of any topic - anything at all - then replace pot with that topic. Metal detecting? Look at all the places that have been closed to MDers. Dredging? Hiking? These are probably the most common on this forum, but far from the full list. The same type of people cause the same problem(s) for drinking, driving, internet, voting, going to school, getting a job, raising a child, etc, etc, etc. Seems everything in this world is being slammed shut due to the "stoners and slackers"; otherwise known as the "abusers". In most parts of the country, you can't even pay for gas AFTER pumping - not even if it's -40°F out!! Why? Yep, you guessed it.

I'm not a "in your face" pot smoker and don't spend any energy on convincing you it's good.
I'm all for freedom - freedom of choice, freedom of speech, of movement, ....well, I'll cut the list short - don't wanna cross any lines here. I, for one, am totally against illegal drugs. It is in my mind that pot is an illegal drug, as that's how I was raised. However, I have NEVER condemned anyone for using!! NEVER!! Drugs played a very large, powerful, and VERY negative role in my life - concerning my former sister. She was/is an abuser. It's the abuse - the lack of self-regulation or self-control - that I cannot accept. It's the inevitable way she had of bringing the rest of the family into HER problems, whether we wanted to or not. She would deal for the money. She put her drugs above other people (and the law, whether good or stupid). She cared only about herself and her "next high". THAT'S the kind of people that make things bad for others.

I have permanent physical injuries. Live in chronic pain. Sometimes can go for a couple months with relatively little pain, but can just as easily go 3-4 months with extreme pain. Now with another old injury flaring up, that 2-3 months of lesser pain has turned into a sometimes of 2-3 days!! However, I am STAUNCHLY AGAINST the use of drugs!! ....Oh, did I say whether legal or illegal?? Nope, I did not. Before my neck injury, I never even took an aspirin in my life. Went into the doctor office a few years back and my doc, the kindly, mild-mannered, Hippocratical man that he is, actually URGED me to try morphine. He wanted one of us to try - didn't care which. ....Whoa...wait, what?? Didn't care which?? Yep, didn't care whether it was me or my wife (also disabled) - he wanted ONE of us to try morphine!! My wife flat-out refused. She had seen the effects up close first-hand. I reluctantly agreed, but ONLY because the "abusers" out there had made it more and more difficult for people like us to get pain relief. So our doctor wanted me to try morphine instead of the hydrocodone he had me on. I became very angry!! My wife was scared most of the time, unsure when I would blow my top next! Wife took me back in after a week - had to see the on-call doctor. I listed off my medications to the nurse, but there was one antibiotic that wasn't on her list. I told her the doctor had prescribed it, but she insisted I was wrong; then all but accused me of lying! My wife pulled out the empty meds bottle from the pharmacy with my name right there on it. She didn't know what to say. But "I" on the other hand nearly took that dang clinic apart brick by brick!!

Fast-forward a few years - we get into an auto accident, courtesy of a small, red car that cut us off, and we got stranded out of state more than 1,000 miles from home. Thanks to so many people abusing drugs, the state of Arkansas requires people to be seen for pain at specialized Pain Clinics. It takes about 2-3 months to get in. Here we are, out of state and in even more pain due to the accident, and we had no transportation to get home. Our meds, being controlled substances, couldn't be mailed across state lines - at least that's what we were told. Finally found a doctor to accept us, but he wouldn't give us the meds we were used to. We both had to come down off of the hydrocodone just after the accident, stuck in a hotel room, more than 1,000 miles from home. I flat-out refused to go back o it. Still refusing, but have no real quality of life with the lesser meds. Wife had no choice but to get back on the stuff that doctors so readily "pushed" on her.

So, am I against marijuana? No. I've come to understand that what I'm against (and this goes for everything!) is the ABUSE and MIS-USE of marijuana!! I don't use pot cause I don't like what it does to me (like with the morphine). I'm allergic to most of the prescription meds out there, so my choices are limited. Who knows, I might have to cave in even more some day and resort to pot for pain management, but for now it's still too badly ingrained in my head thanks to my wonderful Big Sis.

I apologize for the overly long post, but more-so for it not being my usual "upbeat" and cheerful or comical post. I'm sorry. But as this has turned into the "debate" that it has, and since I ride both sides of the fence, thought it would be good for the average person to hopefully understand. This post, with everything I have discussed, "could" take this thread into any number of directions. But I hope it remains on track. It is helping me to overcome my unyielding resistance to the acceptance of pot for medical reasons - be it pain, or just unwinding after a difficult day.

here is a song for the stoners any one gotta extra joint lol!!!!!!

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I found a 1941 merc' and a small sack of weed whilst detecting on Saturday.

There will always be stoners and slackers. Those are not what we need to measure a beneficial drug against.

Think of any topic - anything at all - then replace pot with that topic. Metal detecting? Look at all the places that have been closed to MDers. Dredging? Hiking? These are probably the most common on this forum, but far from the full list. The same type of people cause the same problem(s) for drinking, driving, internet, voting, going to school, getting a job, raising a child, etc, etc, etc. Seems everything in this world is being slammed shut due to the "stoners and slackers"; otherwise known as the "abusers". In most parts of the country, you can't even pay for gas AFTER pumping - not even if it's -40°F out!! Why? Yep, you guessed it.

I'm not a "in your face" pot smoker and don't spend any energy on convincing you it's good.
I'm all for freedom - freedom of choice, freedom of speech, of movement, ....well, I'll cut the list short - don't wanna cross any lines here. I, for one, am totally against illegal drugs. It is in my mind that pot is an illegal drug, as that's how I was raised. However, I have NEVER condemned anyone for using!! NEVER!! Drugs played a very large, powerful, and VERY negative role in my life - concerning my former sister. She was/is an abuser. It's the abuse - the lack of self-regulation or self-control - that I cannot accept. It's the inevitable way she had of bringing the rest of the family into HER problems, whether we wanted to or not. She would deal for the money. She put her drugs above other people (and the law, whether good or stupid). She cared only about herself and her "next high". THAT'S the kind of people that make things bad for others.

I have permanent physical injuries. Live in chronic pain. Sometimes can go for a couple months with relatively little pain, but can just as easily go 3-4 months with extreme pain. Now with another old injury flaring up, that 2-3 months of lesser pain has turned into a sometimes of 2-3 days!! However, I am STAUNCHLY AGAINST the use of drugs!! ....Oh, did I say whether legal or illegal?? Nope, I did not. Before my neck injury, I never even took an aspirin in my life. Went into the doctor office a few years back and my doc, the kindly, mild-mannered, Hippocratical man that he is, actually URGED me to try morphine. He wanted one of us to try - didn't care which. ....Whoa...wait, what?? Didn't care which?? Yep, didn't care whether it was me or my wife (also disabled) - he wanted ONE of us to try morphine!! My wife flat-out refused. She had seen the effects up close first-hand. I reluctantly agreed, but ONLY because the "abusers" out there had made it more and more difficult for people like us to get pain relief. So our doctor wanted me to try morphine instead of the hydrocodone he had me on. I became very angry!! My wife was scared most of the time, unsure when I would blow my top next! Wife took me back in after a week - had to see the on-call doctor. I listed off my medications to the nurse, but there was one antibiotic that wasn't on her list. I told her the doctor had prescribed it, but she insisted I was wrong; then all but accused me of lying! My wife pulled out the empty meds bottle from the pharmacy with my name right there on it. She didn't know what to say. But "I" on the other hand nearly took that dang clinic apart brick by brick!!

Fast-forward a few years - we get into an auto accident, courtesy of a small, red car that cut us off, and we got stranded out of state more than 1,000 miles from home. Thanks to so many people abusing drugs, the state of Arkansas requires people to be seen for pain at specialized Pain Clinics. It takes about 2-3 months to get in. Here we are, out of state and in even more pain due to the accident, and we had no transportation to get home. Our meds, being controlled substances, couldn't be mailed across state lines - at least that's what we were told. Finally found a doctor to accept us, but he wouldn't give us the meds we were used to. We both had to come down off of the hydrocodone just after the accident, stuck in a hotel room, more than 1,000 miles from home. I flat-out refused to go back o it. Still refusing, but have no real quality of life with the lesser meds. Wife had no choice but to get back on the stuff that doctors so readily "pushed" on her.

So, am I against marijuana? No. I've come to understand that what I'm against (and this goes for everything!) is the ABUSE and MIS-USE of marijuana!! I don't use pot cause I don't like what it does to me (like with the morphine). I'm allergic to most of the prescription meds out there, so my choices are limited. Who knows, I might have to cave in even more some day and resort to pot for pain management, but for now it's still too badly ingrained in my head thanks to my wonderful Big Sis.

I apologize for the overly long post, but more-so for it not being my usual "upbeat" and cheerful or comical post. I'm sorry. But as this has turned into the "debate" that it has, and since I ride both sides of the fence, thought it would be good for the average person to hopefully understand. This post, with everything I have discussed, "could" take this thread into any number of directions. But I hope it remains on track. It is helping me to overcome my unyielding resistance to the acceptance of pot for medical reasons - be it pain, or just unwinding after a difficult day.

Pain management is an important part of medical treatment.
Getting "hooked" or stair stepping into other drugs is a very real concern.
I had morphine a few days at least. I liked being able to push a button till pain let up and I'd fall asleep. Heard of course later of some one hooked on it who was beyond needing real physical pain management.
Later Oxycontin and others.
The Oxycontin felt like a four inch hole through my brain.
Never understood why people wanted it to abuse.
Got off all meds but an aspirin a day eventually. Pain ,up to a point , is tolerable. Individuals response to certain medications varies as well as quality of life issues.
Sometimes self preservation outweighs decisions of the past when personal health is in a state of decline...for some folks.
For others for varied reasons no treatment is acceptable. Neither position is wrong in my opinion as our choices and decisions should be more personal based( if they don't hurt others.)
I'm all for pain management ,but carefully.
I'm not for anyone driving , or running equipment ect. when not having their wits about them for any reason. Beyond that I would not vote they suffer.
No debate , just a perspective.

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