Pot Head Detectorist

Hey CZconnoisseur, My wife and I just retired and moved to Colorado Springs to be close to my 2 daughters and grandkids. I have been looking for someone to detect with. I'm not up on where I can and can't detect, and I'm fairly new at detecting (2 years). I have just upgraded to a Technetics 8500.
So was wondering if at some point we could get together to detect or just ask some questions. Since I'm retired anytime would be greatly appreciate

This post is for no one in particular, but I feel it needs to be said.

There is nothing inherently evil, bad or destructive about marijuana. It's all hyperbole and basic bs from years of propaganda and fluff claiming it's destructiveness by certain "entities" whose own profits and gains would fail miserably should it be legalized. The only thing destructive about marijuana are the laws that keep it illegal.

Anyone who believes marijuana is "bad" or should continue to be illegal is plainly uneducated about the subject. If you want to know the real reasons why marijuana has been demonized and illegal for so long in this country, then read up and educate yourself, instead of just saying things that show your lack of knowledge on the subject.

As for the stoned out guy at the beach that was too high to dig, I'm sure he wasn't playing with a full deck to begin with, that or marijuana wasn't the only thing he was on at the time. I've known a dozen people that have died before the age of 50 from alcohol related liver disease due to excessive drinking. If anything should be demonized it should be alcohol. How one is legal and the other is not is beyond hypocritical and in my opinion, criminal.

I like having a nice clear head !
But cool Story :thumbsup:

Me too. I don't get the Pot thing, always made me feel paranoid. That said, I'm not agains it being legalized, I don't think it is any worse than alcohol, just don't personally enjoy it.

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I don't think it is any worse than alcohol, just don't personally enjoy it.

Bryan, I disagree that it should be compared to alcohol. Alcohol is way more destructive IMO.

Me too. I don't get the Pot thing, always made me feel paranoid. That said, I'm not agains it being legalized, I don't think it is any worse than alcohol, just don't personally enjoy it.

The only reason it has ever made me feel paranoid is the fact that it was and still is illegal here in the Bible Belt. If I could grow my own of buy a 6 pack of hooters at the store and not be looking over my shoulder for the fuzz the whole time I would not be paranoid about it. Only relaxed and happy!

Me too. I don't get the Pot thing, always made me feel paranoid. That said, I'm not agains it being legalized, I don't think it is any worse than alcohol, just don't personally enjoy it.
The paranoia goes away when there is no risk of spending years of your life in a jail cell.

I had oftentimes been paranoid, myself, when smoking. But a few years ago, I attended Hempfest. It was one solid weekend of people smoking weed whenever and wherever they pleased. I was amazed at how free I felt. I kept waiting for the paranoia to kick in, but it never did.

Now I may be wrong, as this was just one time, and I don't live in a state where it's legal. But to be sure, we could always ask someone who lives in Colorado about whether or not paranoia is a natural reaction to smoking weed or if it is a man-made reaction.

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Great story OddJob!!

My buddies in the Army talked me into trying it but after a couple of tokes, it just put me to sleep and no high. I did not like it and never tried it again.

On another note, I believe that Pot tends to make people do things that they swore they would not do or normally would not do. My best friend in the Army in Germany occasionally smoked a joint after work in his' housing unit as he was married. Another troop in my unit gave him some Skag (badly cut Heroin) to try out and if he had not smoked a joint after he got home, he likely would not have tried it or at the least, he would have waited until his' wife, who was German and worked, got home. He shot up and went to take a shower and while in the shower, he went into convulsions, fell onto the faucet with his' head and died there in the bathtub of a cerebral hemorrhage. Everybody in my unit loved Maurice "Rosey" Grier like a brother, we all knew who gave him the Skag and were going to bring retribution on his' a&# but some higher ups got wind of it and he was transferred back to the States the same day as the Memorial for Rosey.


Sorry for the loss of your friend but smoking a joint doesn't lead to shooting up bad heroin....

This post is for no one in particular, but I feel it needs to be said.

There is nothing inherently evil, bad or destructive about marijuana. It's all hyperbole and basic bs from years of propaganda and fluff claiming it's destructiveness by certain "entities" whose own profits and gains would fail miserably should it be legalized. The only thing destructive about marijuana are the laws that keep it illegal.

Anyone who believes marijuana is "bad" or should continue to be illegal is plainly uneducated about the subject. If you want to know the real reasons why marijuana has been demonized and illegal for so long in this country, then read up and educate yourself, instead of just saying things that show your lack of knowledge on the subject.

As for the stoned out guy at the beach that was too high to dig, I'm sure he wasn't playing with a full deck to begin with, that or marijuana wasn't the only thing he was on at the time. I've known a dozen people that have died before the age of 50 from alcohol related liver disease due to excessive drinking. If anything should be demonized it should be alcohol. How one is legal and the other is not is beyond hypocritical and in my opinion, criminal.

I understand what you are saying but one cannot overlook the fact that probably 3 out of 10 people have reactions that are different than the norm. To not realize or ignore these facts to be true, then a person is likely burnt out. Some folks get a high, some get a buzz and get the munchies, some just get at ease and laid back, some fall asleep, some get paranoid and with some, they want to try something stronger. It is the latter that truly bothers me as I lost a great friend and comrade and some other friends went on to being Heroin, Cocaine or Crack Addicts.

Now that Marijuana is legal in some States and other States will likely follow, what happens then when folks start ranting about legalizing Heroin, Cocaine, Crack, LSD or some other illegal drugs. Yes, legalizing Marijuana takes the control of it away from the Drug Dealers but they only move on to dealing stronger drugs or gun smuggling, if they haven't already done so.


Sorry for the loss of your friend but smoking a joint doesn't lead to shooting up bad heroin....

I beg to differ because I have had too many friends that went down the bad paths that started with Marijuana use! I know a lot of folks believe as you do but I know better from details of my life and the lives of those I know or have known.


The local "store" sells edibles, low THC, high CBD and you don't get high, the medical part of pot.
They also have 10-15 varieties (recreational) and can tell you what kind of "high" you will get.
They have Sativa, Indica, and Hybrids. Different effects. Weed that gives you energy...sounds strange but it's true. This is a very good article. It's hard to believe how far this plant has advanced. Cannabis Science!
They sell clones and you can grow your own, it's a very beautiful plant, and thrives very well in the greenhouse...right next to the tomatoes....

10 Perfect and Potent Strains for Special Occasions | High Times

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I beg to differ because I have had too many friends that went down the bad paths that started with Marijuana use! I know a lot of folks believe as you do but I know better from details of my life and the lives of those I know or have known.


As someone who has "been there", I do believe it is the makeup of the individual that does or doesn't lead to an "addictive (or experimental) behavior".
After back surgery in 1989, I told the doctor who prescribed heavy narcotics for me to manage my pain about my past. He monitored me very closely.......
I was initially prescribed 30 Flexril.......and a year later took 25 back to him. It wasn't that I didn't want to take them (especially with an adult beverage or two), it's that I knew that I couldn't.............

I agree with Frank. The casual user may not go any further, but just like alcoholism, some people want to keep getting a bigger high, addiction. To say this doesn't happen is being naive. I think of the stoners I went to school with and most of them are losers today. I firmly believe that using ANY drug shows a lack of control. I believe there is too much out there in life to enjoy with out having to self medicate to be "happy". It's a false happiness. As for legalization, it's only a ploy by govco to get more taxes. Every time the topic comes up all they can think of is "look at all the revenue we can raise". Not to mention the extra homeless people that were created in Denver when everyone thought they were going to get jobs in the new pot industry! You can't use alcohol as an excuse because not everyone doesn't abuse it just like pot. To do so is to be hypocritical. I guess you can say my feeling is drinking or smoking or popping pills is what the lazy man does that won't go out and enjoy the world around them.

This was a really funny post. It's interesting to read about different views and laws. What was kind of funny to me, and perhaps it shouldn't be, was the guys reaction to your side arm. I live in Wisconsin and we have open carry here and concealed carry as well. Around here one wouldn't even flinch to see a holstered firearm, however they would probably raise an eyebrow if someone just lit up in public. This isn't to say that people around here are opposed to weed, I have had plenty of conversations with people whom I would never suspect of smoking only to find out they prefer it over beer or booze. Pharmaceuticals are the real problem here in Wisconsin.
Speaking of side arms though does anyone carry while detecting or is this against a code of conduct? I carry while hiking because there have been big cat sightings in some of the areas I hike. Some people might say that's nonsense, however I'd rather not risk it.

I agree with Frank. The casual user may not go any further, but just like alcoholism, some people want to keep getting a bigger high, addiction. To say this doesn't happen is being naive. I think of the stoners I went to school with and most of them are losers today. I firmly believe that using ANY drug shows a lack of control. I believe there is too much out there in life to enjoy with out having to self medicate to be "happy". It's a false happiness. As for legalization, it's only a ploy by govco to get more taxes. Every time the topic comes up all they can think of is "look at all the revenue we can raise". Not to mention the extra homeless people that were created in Denver when everyone thought they were going to get jobs in the new pot industry! You can't use alcohol as an excuse because not everyone doesn't abuse it just like pot. To do so is to be hypocritical. I guess you can say my feeling is drinking or smoking or popping pills is what the lazy man does that won't go out and enjoy the world around them.

Tens of millions of people use alcohol every day to change their state and no one bats an eye. It has torn families apart, killed innocent people on the road, cost billions a year in tax $ but that is OK because it is sanctioned by the state. A guy smokes 1 joint a day and he is showing "lack of control"? If you have ever sat and drank more than 3-4 beers in one sitting, then you also suffer from this "lack of control"

Hilarious story!!! Ya never know what you'll run into LOL! 2 guys, same detectors, totally different "discrimination" patterns!!!

You proved my point. You talk as if all people that drink are alcoholics. That isn't the case just like all people that smoke pot aren't drug addicts. The govt. already shows they can't control the drinking problem, yet you think they would do ok with pot sales. To me it just sounds like sour grapes, demanding your drug of choice be sold since alcohol is. Let's also not forget about "driving high". Let me guess, people have better control after smoking pot than someone that drinks. It impairs your judgement so it's just as dangerous.

One more thing. Hundreds of millions of Americans don't drink every day to find happiness. When I was young I partied like a lot of young people do. Not all though. I don't drink today because I decided to grow up and enjoy life. I am much happier doing that. Honestly, people that smoke do it for the same reason people drink everyday. To escape reality instead of finding a reason to enjoy it.

I beg to differ because I have had too many friends that went down the bad paths that started with Marijuana use! I know a lot of folks believe as you do but I know better from details of my life and the lives of those I know or have known.


Same here, I'm 67, grew up in the 60s, USAF vet, worked 40 years telcom, lived all over this country and I'm speaking from details of my life and lives of those I know or have known...

I don't drink or do drugs, but it's none of the government's business what a person chooses to do in the privacy of their own home. When is this country gonna wake up and realize prohibition doesn't work and it's unconstitutional. Nothing but a jobs program for tax payers to fund.
The war on drugs, what an obscene joke. The whole time big pharma is pumping out billions of dollars worth of the worst kinda crap.Anyway that is my two cents.

Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using Tapatalk

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