Pot gives you an instant change in your mental state. I prefer to manage my mental states naturally by self awareness. In other words, I'm naturally stoned.
I like having a nice clear head !
But cool Story![]()
I don't think it is any worse than alcohol, just don't personally enjoy it.
Me too. I don't get the Pot thing, always made me feel paranoid. That said, I'm not agains it being legalized, I don't think it is any worse than alcohol, just don't personally enjoy it.
The paranoia goes away when there is no risk of spending years of your life in a jail cell.Me too. I don't get the Pot thing, always made me feel paranoid. That said, I'm not agains it being legalized, I don't think it is any worse than alcohol, just don't personally enjoy it.
Great story OddJob!!
My buddies in the Army talked me into trying it but after a couple of tokes, it just put me to sleep and no high. I did not like it and never tried it again.
On another note, I believe that Pot tends to make people do things that they swore they would not do or normally would not do. My best friend in the Army in Germany occasionally smoked a joint after work in his' housing unit as he was married. Another troop in my unit gave him some Skag (badly cut Heroin) to try out and if he had not smoked a joint after he got home, he likely would not have tried it or at the least, he would have waited until his' wife, who was German and worked, got home. He shot up and went to take a shower and while in the shower, he went into convulsions, fell onto the faucet with his' head and died there in the bathtub of a cerebral hemorrhage. Everybody in my unit loved Maurice "Rosey" Grier like a brother, we all knew who gave him the Skag and were going to bring retribution on his' a&# but some higher ups got wind of it and he was transferred back to the States the same day as the Memorial for Rosey.
This post is for no one in particular, but I feel it needs to be said.
There is nothing inherently evil, bad or destructive about marijuana. It's all hyperbole and basic bs from years of propaganda and fluff claiming it's destructiveness by certain "entities" whose own profits and gains would fail miserably should it be legalized. The only thing destructive about marijuana are the laws that keep it illegal.
Anyone who believes marijuana is "bad" or should continue to be illegal is plainly uneducated about the subject. If you want to know the real reasons why marijuana has been demonized and illegal for so long in this country, then read up and educate yourself, instead of just saying things that show your lack of knowledge on the subject.
As for the stoned out guy at the beach that was too high to dig, I'm sure he wasn't playing with a full deck to begin with, that or marijuana wasn't the only thing he was on at the time. I've known a dozen people that have died before the age of 50 from alcohol related liver disease due to excessive drinking. If anything should be demonized it should be alcohol. How one is legal and the other is not is beyond hypocritical and in my opinion, criminal.
Sorry for the loss of your friend but smoking a joint doesn't lead to shooting up bad heroin....
I beg to differ because I have had too many friends that went down the bad paths that started with Marijuana use! I know a lot of folks believe as you do but I know better from details of my life and the lives of those I know or have known.
I agree with Frank. The casual user may not go any further, but just like alcoholism, some people want to keep getting a bigger high, addiction. To say this doesn't happen is being naive. I think of the stoners I went to school with and most of them are losers today. I firmly believe that using ANY drug shows a lack of control. I believe there is too much out there in life to enjoy with out having to self medicate to be "happy". It's a false happiness. As for legalization, it's only a ploy by govco to get more taxes. Every time the topic comes up all they can think of is "look at all the revenue we can raise". Not to mention the extra homeless people that were created in Denver when everyone thought they were going to get jobs in the new pot industry! You can't use alcohol as an excuse because not everyone doesn't abuse it just like pot. To do so is to be hypocritical. I guess you can say my feeling is drinking or smoking or popping pills is what the lazy man does that won't go out and enjoy the world around them.
I beg to differ because I have had too many friends that went down the bad paths that started with Marijuana use! I know a lot of folks believe as you do but I know better from details of my life and the lives of those I know or have known.