You know how assume breaks down?... I constantly have treasure on my mind... I don't think any of the treasures are going anywhere assuming they even exist...
You know how assume breaks down?
Maybe the reason for holes with junk in them...then again,one man's junk is another man's treasure.
If a 51 Ford ain,t treasure what is?
If a 51 Ford ain,t treasure what is?
Not bad at all,BDD,not bad at all!Here is a pic of the barn find 51 Ford the first time I saw it less than a week ago.View attachment 1003074
Here is a pic from this afternoon after I bolted a few parts onto it.View attachment 1003075 Not bad for a labor trade of a few nights work after my regular workday...
... "One man's trash is another mans treasure". I have been known to do the occasional dumpster diving. You all would be amazed at what I come up with.
Good work on both vehicles!
I used to have a similar pile of '48 F1.....
<img src=""/>
And a Tacoma ahhhh what's wrong with you people lol
I have seen BDD's work. When he is done with that '51 Ford it will look like it just came off the showroom floor!
Even a pastor is allowed to give a little white lie, every now and then. Or maybe he was just giving you a hint?