Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Hey BDD,

I'm back in Florida this week- lemmeno if you need help digging!

Have shovel, will travel.

Hey BDD,

I'm back in Florida this week- lemmeno if you need help digging!

Have shovel, will travel.

It is in the plan to go to that place we have talked about. It is all about the timing.

I have backed off of digging so that I can catch up on other things. I am doing a custom paint and body work job on a neighbors 65 Mustang. Candy apple blue metal flake. The paint is on and now it is a matter of coat after coat of clear with lots of wet sanding. I am also helping my brother build a bunch of custom horse stables. I have a full time job and have a wife and seven dogs to entertain. If I could I would be going full steam ahead on the treasure hunting. There has never been a project that I have started that did not get finished.

All this being said the plan is to finish up what I have started so that I can concentrate on my treasure sites. The stars are starting to line up. The karma feels right. There are about seven or more sites that all have great potential. The plan is to go with the path of least resistance on whichever site makes the most sense as far as having the possibility of a great buried treasure. Everyone in my world knows I am about to shift gears and get REAL SERIOUS about treasure. There is tons of it waiting to be found. All you have to do is dig deep enough in the exact right spot.

If you treat treasure hunting as a hobby you can't expect great results unless you just happen to get lucky. Olympic athletes do not treat things as a hobby when going for the gold medal. They devote their whole life to their specific goal. I have never been able to do this with treasure hunting. I am determined to be able to devote 4-6 weeks or more to give it my best effort. When I joined TNET I was hoping to get a sponsor that would want to help with expenses to be able to be part of a treasure adventure. TNET does not allow its users to ask for money from anyone. It is just as well because it will be more meaningful to be able to do it with my own hard earned cash.

I am just a construction worker with big dreams. I am willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish my goals. Finding a big treasure is the hardest thing I have ever done. If it was easy everyone would be digging stuff up. The guys on "Gold Rush" bust their butts to dig up small flakes of gold. I am impressed with the effort they all put out on that show and some of the others. As Todd's dad used to say "no guts, no glory".

I am hoping this next phase of my life starts in about 2 weeks. That is the plan. There is a piece of property that I have been driving by for over 30 years. I have always thought there was treasure buried there. I have a key to the gate and have dug a few spots. I just got some new information that leads me to believe I have been looking in the wrong location. It will either be this property or the church/school property that is put at the top of the list. I can't wait but I have to. Timing is everything.


I give you high marks for you endeavors. Before you know it you are older than dirt and wished you had
done some project when you had the strength to do it. Not that I am at that stage but know its coming.
I don't think I've ever known anyone with your determination. I am past the accumulation stage and find
it difficult to store all my detecting finds. I long ago abandoned coinshooting becoming more a relic
collector and budding prospector. In my prime I traveled to the lands of gold and enjoyed the hunt, the
campfires. the mountain streams and peaks.

I recall once on top the Great Divide right before a hailstorm seeing shangrila in all its spendor, a sparkling
shimmering cirque suspended between heaven and earth. Quite worth the climb hauling fishing tackle,
tackle box and finally my trusty detector to find the gold. I found something far better up there in the clouds.

I hope you find your rainbow as well.


My dad spent his whole life working hard and worrying too much. He also smoked way too many Camel non-filtered cigarettes. He never got around to going after his dreams. Cancer killed him. Like my dad I am a workaholic and have not always taken good care of myself. Time is flying. The older you get, the faster time goes. There is no good reason for me to put things off any longer. The treasures await those who will do what it takes. There is a higher purpose in my journey. The gold is just a tool to help get to the next step. To be honest I am not seeking it for my own personal gain. Having some would be nice but attaining it is just a step in the right direction.

All my life I have worked twice as hard as I need to as I am constantly trying to prove my worthiness. I need the spirits help and am now asking for it. If it is meant to be, it will be.

There is a piece of property in Parrish that I have been driving by for over 30 years. I have always felt there is treasure buried on it. In the past we did some detecting and digging along the creek. There are rumors of an old Civil war era outpost and the area was able to be reached by going up the Manatee River and then following this creek up stream. Over the years I have heard that numerous people have dug for treasure or at least thought there was treasure on this property. I have a deal with the property owner to detect and dig. There is lots of junk.

I have recently come into some information that has put me on a new location on another part of this same property. We did some detecting and digging. We found some old beer cans. The Nokta Golden King read for gold in one particular spot and then we could not get it to repeat the same reading. I won't go into the details but we will be doing some more serious detecting and digging. The property owner told us that many people over the years have told him and his family that there is treasure buried on this property. I had planned on backing off from digging until I was more ready but I just can't help myself and was in a hole with a shovel again.

Being the eternal optimist that I am I think this may be the big one that we dig up. There is something special about it. Two of my LRL guys are currently out of the country. We may bring in the GPR. It may get real interesting. Because of the history of the area and other factors this could very well be a chest or barrel full of gold. Maybe it is just wishful thinking or just dreaming big but it helps keep life interesting.

Are those catahoula leopard dogs?

They are Old English Mastiffs. The males weigh 200+pounds. I had one in the past that weighed 275 Image9.webp.

They are Old English Mastiffs. The males weigh 200+pounds. I had one in the past that weighed 275<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=999642"/>.

And I though south African boerboels were big dogs! nice looking dogs

BDD have not heard from you in the last 6 days. What are you up to? I know you are digging somewhere.

Think he is pimping out the Seadoo.

Current status-Did a trade/labor swap and picked up a Range Rover. Cleaned/washed, buffed, waxed and put it on Craigslist. 65 Mustang now has 8 coats of clear over the candy apple blue metal flake. Wet sanded between coats and is now buffed out, waxed and ready to be put back together. Building the 10 custom horse stalls, 2/3 of the way completed. Next door neighbor borrowed my trailer this morning to pick up metal roofing for me to install on his house. This afternoon pulled a 50 Ford pickup in pieces from behind a barn for $300 and it is now on one of my trailers next to the barn. Wave runner just traded for is now painted and running. Just painted all the patio to keep the wife/mother-in-law happy. Put a 225 Evinrude on Craigslist that I got from the scrap yard and now runs. Working my full time aluminum job. Two big dog shows coming up. Property needs mowed. Barn and garage roof needs de-leafed. Drove by the five closest treasure sites to keep and eye on them. Trying to contact the church/school guy. Corps of Engineers guy is avoiding my calls. Entertaining 7 dogs that crave my attention. AADD (adult attention deficit disorder) is in full mode. There is much more. Oh yeah, trying to keep up with Treasurenet goings on. Just another day in paradise.

Current status-Did a trade/labor swap and picked up a Range Rover. Cleaned/washed, buffed, waxed and put it on Craigslist. 65 Mustang now has 8 coats of clear over the candy apple blue metal flake. Wet sanded between coats and is now buffed out, waxed and ready to be put back together. Building the 10 custom horse stalls, 2/3 of the way completed. Next door neighbor borrowed my trailer this morning to pick up metal roofing for me to install on his house. This afternoon pulled a 50 Ford pickup in pieces from behind a barn for $300 and it is now on one of my trailers next to the barn. Wave runner just traded for is now painted and running. Just painted all the patio to keep the wife/mother-in-law happy. Put a 225 Evinrude on Craigslist that I got from the scrap yard and now runs. Working my full time aluminum job. Two big dog shows coming up. Property needs mowed. Barn and garage roof needs de-leafed. Drove by the five closest treasure sites to keep and eye on them. Trying to contact the church/school guy. Corps of Engineers guy is avoiding my calls. Entertaining 7 dogs that crave my attention. AADD (adult attention deficit disorder) is in full mode. There is much more. Oh yeah, trying to keep up with Treasurenet goings on. Just another day in paradise.

Tomorrow cruise the TEN closest treasure sites. That will at least get you out of sight of mom in law.


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Tomorrow cruise the TEN closest treasure sites. That will at least get you out of sight of mom in law.


I get along great with mom-in-law, no need to get away from her as she goes into town on the weekends. Although I seem to be going in a dozen different directions I constantly have treasure on my mind. The backhoes are getting closer on the Ware's Creek site, but other than that I don't think any of the treasures are going anywhere assuming they even exist. My time will come. I have a plan and it is stuck to me.

Tomorrow cruise the TEN closest treasure sites. That will at least get you out of sight of mom in law.


It was a poor attempt at humor regarding the number of treasure sites you have.

But I do think that with the size and number of holes you dig that your time will come.

And I really like the wave runner idea, especially if it is fast enough to outrun the coast gaurd with your rig on it.


It was a poor attempt at humor regarding the number of treasure sites you have.

But I do think that with the size and number of holes you dig that your time will come.

And I really like the wave runner idea, especially if it is fast enough to outrun the coast gaurd with your rig on it.


I am not planning on doing anything that will cause me to have try to outrun the Coast Guard. I just got back from Lowe's after buying a bag of nuts, bolts and washers to put the 51 Ford pickup back together. What does this have to do with treasure hunting? Nothing! That is part of my problem. I am easily distracted. The idea now is to buy myself some time so that I can somehow focus on treasure long enough to dig something up. It is all out there waiting to be found. As far as the number of potential sites, it is probably closer to 50-60. When the time comes I will make myself a list and prioritize them. Right now patience is the key.

Has anything been found yet from ANY site?

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