Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Ovid Arnold and the Duke of Pahokee,among many others,have shown BDD the EXACT spot to dig for treasure,and he has dug many holes to no avail.
How can that be?
It remains a mystery to this day. One of life's unexplained mysteries. :icon_scratch: There are some that say dowsing doesnt work but where is the proof? Show me proof that dowsing doesnt work? Maybe BDD only needed to dig a little deeper and he would be famous.

Congrats on Jasper BDD :goldtrophy:

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Hey BDD Im in town now and I have been watching cable TV because its included in the rent. I have been watching shows about the search for Bigfoot and some other survival types. For what its worth, I think you could make a show about treasure hunting. You dont have to find anything.

Not only did the 'Duke of Pahokee" never show me a location, we never met. As far as the locations that Ovid led me to, I have only dug at a few of them and I usually did a piss poor job of it. Who knows, maybe there was nothing to be found or I just dug in the wrong spot or not deep enough. At least I have tried. The person I am now working with has nothing to do with my locations from the past. It has all been a learning process. I am willing to take a chance and will be digging more holes. ECS-So I have "dug many holes to no avail". What is your point? I was wrong? I wasted my time? I should give up? I should just research and research and research and research like you do, but never actually dig? You wanna bet on who finds the big one?

For the record our dog Jasper won Best of Show owner handled at the Tampa dog show today. My wife is ecstatic. He is now ranked the AKC number 1 owner handled English Mastiff in the country. There is more to my life than digging empty holes.

<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1008676"/>Jasper

Good job at the show man. How are old English mastiffs behavior? Are they sort of chill? I've been researching and big dogs need lots of attention

Hey BDD, Congrats on the win! On another note, you've surpassed 90,000 hits on this so called BS search of yours. Sure is interesting that so many treasure hunters and some wannabes are wasting their time either following your adventures or giving you advice on what you should be doing with your time! Don't Ya think? LOL.
Yours Truly,
Aquanut John

Good job at the show man. How are old English mastiffs behavior? Are they sort of chill? I've been researching and big dogs need lots of attention

For the most part they are pretty laid back and do a LOT of sleeping. When they get fired up they can be kinda crazy. When I have 5 200 pound dogs running wide open around the property you better stay out of their way. They don't need a lot of attention because they have each other to hang out with. If you are going to have a dog you should have at least two.

Hey BDD, Congrats on the win! On another note, you've surpassed 90,000 hits on this so called BS search of yours. Sure is interesting that so many treasure hunters and some wannabes are wasting their time either following your adventures or giving you advice on what you should be doing with your time! Don't Ya think? LOL.
Yours Truly,
Aquanut John

I understand what you are saying although some will not get it. I did not set out to have this thread last so long. I know it has strayed from the original intent but the bottom line is I am going after a serious treasure and will continue to post on here until I find one. For every negative poster on here there are many more who just enjoy reading about my adventures and I have been privately contacted by many dozens of people. I can't share all that happens. I am going to put some more pics on here to show what I have been up to.

I am going to attempt to try to put together the church dig. The backhoes are getting close on the Ware's Creek project. That one may be to complicated to get involved in. I am continuing to connect the dots on all the information I have been given and it is starting to make a lot of sense.

Thanks John for your support and hope we meet again in the near future. I am loading up three of the boys and heading for the last day of the Tampa dog show. We show at 12:45 if anybody wants to check it out.

Hey BDD, Congrats on the win! On another note, you've surpassed 90,000 hits on this so called BS search of yours. Sure is interesting that so many treasure hunters and some wannabes are wasting their time either following your adventures or giving you advice on what you should be doing with your time! Don't Ya think? LOL.
Yours Truly,
Aquanut John
Hello Aquanaut John. HRU? You are one person I respect and admire. Even everyone here I think admires BDD's determination. I see nothing wrong with giving advice and/or a little joking.. Im serious about BDD being on TV. His show would be no worse than what Im watching. I hope that doesnt sound insulting.

You are an interesting person BDD and apparently this is an interesting thread. Anybody would love to have someone as determined as you on their team. Im also reading your book. Im glad to see that you are enjoying life. Thats most important. If you never find anything at least you are doing what you love. . And someday Im sure you will find something.

Im sorry but Im not a supporter of dowsing or LRLs. And nothing you have done has changed my opinion of dowsing.

Myself Im not much of a treasure hunter. Im not a wannabe. I dont want any attention or publicity. I could care less. Im a coinshooter from the 70s and a collector of coins, bottles and anything old. I spend most of my time in the swamp enjoying nature. . I plan on going to the beach with my Pulse Unit and if I find something I may post it. If I dont find anything, you will probably not hear about it, but hey thats just me. My Swamp Gold thread was created for the sole purpose of collecting research and opinions.

Im sorry if I appeared negative about you personally BDD. That was not my intention. But nothing you have posted here and after 90,000 hits you still have not proven that dowsing has any merit whatsoever. And I just cant resist punching a few jabs. Maybe I just dont understand dowsing? Does it only work on rare occasions? Sorry. I hope you dont take it personal. Just my honest opinion.

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Good luck at the show BDD.

And happy Bigdad day to all!


For the most part they are pretty laid back and do a LOT of sleeping. When they get fired up they can be kinda crazy. When I have 5 200 pound dogs running wide open around the property you better stay out of their way. They don't need a lot of attention because they have each other to hang out with. If you are going to have a dog you should have at least two.

A lab and a mastiff?

nothing you have posted here and after 90,000 hits you still have not proven that dowsing has any merit whatsoever.

No merit whatsoever? We will see what happens with the church site. For the record and kinda sounding like a broken CD I will reiterate exactly how I got to the point I am on the church dig.

I have been working with numerous TNET members and giving them all a chance to show what they can do. One of them seemed to have the most merit.

This particular TNET member gave me a GPS coordinate that when put into the search column on Google Earth put a flag on an exact spot on a property in Sarasota Florida not far from where I live.

I was able to go to this spot and stand directly on top of it.

Days later I took two other TNET members to the general vicinity and without telling them the location or even what direction it was they were able to lead themselves to this spot using a one-of-a-kind non-electric LRL device. They ended up standing directly over the spot.

I contacted the property owners and got permission to do more detecting.

I brought in a GPR expert who then ran his device over the spot and it detected an object at the EXACT location.

We then ran our borrowed Nokta Golden King and it gave a reading for gold and non-ferrous metal at the EXACT spot that I was originally given.

We then ran a probe in and around the spot and at the EXACT location I was originally given the probe hit a solid object.

Ok, now taking all this into consideration I will be digging at this EXACT spot. If I find treasure will you then believe in dowsing, remote sensing, LRL's, Nokta Golden Kings or anything else I have said on this thread?

A lab and a mastiff?

Are you asking me if a Lab and a Mastiff can get along or are you talking about breeding them together? A mastiff is known as the "Gentle Giant" of the dog world, it can get along with just about any animal. We did great at the show in Tampa. Here is a picture of the ribbons and awards we won.


I had a great week in general. The custom horse stall project is almost complete. I was rescreening a pool cage and the owner was trying to get his lawn mower started. He got pissed off as it was leaking gas and he asked me if I wanted it. He gave it to me for free and also gave me a like new car battery. I brought one of my trailers back to the jobsite and drug the non running mower onto it. I found out the float was sticking from lack of use. The motor was full of gas in the crankcase. I drained the oil and put in new oil. It started and ran fine. I cleaned it up. I just got done putting it on Craigslist for $1400. It looks almost perfect. If I sell it for $1000 that will pay for what I had into the Land Rover I traded even for the 57 Chevy Wagon. So basically I got the 57 for free and the free battery starts it just fine. Not too bad if you ask me. One man's junk is another man's treasure.

DSCN0119.webpNot bad for free. I bought two more mowers that same day for $50 bucks each. All they needed were the batteries charged. DSCN0104.webpDSCN0108.webpA guy bought a foreclosed house at auction. These two mowers were sitting in the backyard and he just wanted them gone. They are now on Craigslist

No merit whatsoever?...

I have been working with numerous TNET members and giving them all a chance to show what they can do. One of them seemed to have the most merit.

This particular TNET member gave me a GPS coordinate that when put into the search column on Google Earth put a flag on an exact spot on a property in Sarasota Florida not far from where I live.

I was able to go to this spot and stand directly on top of it.

Days later I took two other TNET members to the general vicinity and without telling them the location or even what direction it was they were able to lead themselves to this spot using a one-of-a-kind non-electric LRL device. They ended up standing directly over the spot....

I brought in a GPR expert who then ran his device over the spot and it detected an object at the EXACT location.

We then ran our borrowed Nokta Golden King and it gave a reading for gold and non-ferrous metal at the EXACT spot that I was originally given.

We then ran a probe in and around the spot and at the EXACT location I was originally given the probe hit a solid object.

Ok, now taking all this into consideration I will be digging at this EXACT spot. If I find treasure will you then believe in dowsing, remote sensing, LRL's, Nokta Golden Kings or anything else I have said on this thread?
BDD,you have mentioned many "EXACT spots" on this thread,and have posted photos of "Exact spot" empty holes that you have dug.
If you don't find treasure will you disbelieve in dowsing,remote sensing,LRL's,Nokta Golden Kings or...?

BDD,you have mentioned many "EXACT spots" on this thread,and have posted photos of "Exact spot" empty holes that you have dug.
If you don't find treasure will you disbelieve in dowsing,remote sensing,LRL's,Nokta Golden Kings or...?

This spot is an easier place to detect and dig. No trees, no water table problem, shallow, no heavy equipment or pumps needed, no septic system, no bridge supports. Most of the places mentioned by me as being "exact spots" where I have dug, I usually quit before I should have. If I don't find treasure here I will still believe in dowsing, remote sensing, and LRL's. Not sure about the Nokta. You answered my question with a question, now it is your turn to answer, vor, BCH, lastleg and the rest of the naysayers too. If I find treasure will you then accept that you may be wrong about your beliefs or lack thereof. For the record I have four other TNET members that have been a witness to the events of this location.

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I think you should be in the lawn mower business where you show a lot of success.
As for believing in LRLs or dowsing, sooner or later you are bound to find something if you dig enough holes.

Oh, and as far as your Turkish dream machine goes, did youb buy it or borrow it???
Seems to be some contradictory statements here.

As for believing in LRLs or dowsing, sooner or later you are bound to find something if you dig enough holes.

What are you trying to say? If I find something at this spot it is just luck or co-incidence? There are billions of wrong places to put a shovel in the ground. This is not a random spot. Just the kind of answers I would expect from you and ECS. Can't wait to hear from any of the others. You guys are the types that would never admit you are wrong. I suppose you might say the same about me except I will admit it when it is proven that I am wrong. The truth will come out.

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Oh, and as far as your Turkish dream machine goes, did youb buy it or borrow it???
Seems to be some contradictory statements here.
Nothing contradictory about my statements. He was going to sell it to me and then when I offered him the money he changed his mind. Instead of selling it he let me borrow it. Certainly works for me. He also reads this thread.

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