Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Maybe BDD's "CLOUD MOUNTAIN" could be a site to explore.

It is not my "Cloud Mountain". It is on the Miccosuki Indian Reservation. It belongs to them. I did not name it. It is not really a mountain. ECS found the information that in the old days the clouds on the horizon in Florida resemble clouds. An old saying is that there is gold buried under the "Cloud Mountain". Similar to the saying that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Someone I met years ago at the site told me the name.

hookahman-I may take you up on your offer. I have a site in Englewood that may have a big pile of silver buried on it. I have permission to dig. I have dug different times in the past. LRL's and dowsers have confirmed a spot. GPR shows that there seems to be something buried real deep. I also have the site on Alligator Alley that I think I may now have recently pinpointed the exact spot and depth. I need to run GPR over that one to see what it shows. I have some other sites up towards the south of Tampa bay area. Where do you live? Is the hookah name referencing a diving apparatus or a smoking device? How deep will the backhoe dig and how deep will your soon to be purchased mini x dig?

The "Initial duo" (ECS vor) like to pick at me. It doesn't bother me a bit.

vor > Not sure a pendulum would work at Cloud Mountain. Ya see, you have to triangulate where
the cache is before you bring in the bulldozers and backhoes.

vor > Not sure a pendulum would work at Cloud Mountain. Ya see, you have to triangulate where
the cache is before you bring in the bulldozers and backhoes.

lastleg-I am always trying to learn from the experts. What device do you use when you are triangulating your treasure spots before you dig up your many and varied treasures? I think you, ECS and vor need to form a team. Since each one of you knows everything, if you were to work together you would be unstoppable. For the record I don't think you have a clue about pendulums, dowsing rods, and LRL's.

BDD, that would be wrong. I've had a Carl Anderson pendulum many years and have attempted
to locate treasure with it many times in the past. So far no luck. To use it the day must not be
windy and the user stands motionless holding the pendulum chain until it begins to swing. Then
walk to another spot and start again, if the swing is in a different direction you triangulate a point
where the directions meet. At that spot you repeat the drill and the pendulum should begin
swinging round and round over the dig site. Maybe Anderson made money selling them in
treasure mags but I never got it to swing in the field. It does work in a room with a bag of
silver coins three feet away.

vor > Not sure a pendulum would work at Cloud Mountain. Ya see, you have to triangulate where
the cache is before you bring in the bulldozers and backhoes.
...and there has to be a cache there to begin with!
Otherwise,its just the Hokie Pokie,and thats what its all about.

BDD, that would be wrong. I've had a Carl Anderson pendulum many years and have attempted
to locate treasure with it many times in the past. So far no luck. To use it the day must not be
windy and the user stands motionless holding the pendulum chain until it begins to swing. Then
walk to another spot and start again, if the swing is in a different direction you triangulate a point
where the directions meet. At that spot you repeat the drill and the pendulum should begin
swinging round and round over the dig site. Maybe Anderson made money selling them in
treasure mags but I never got it to swing in the field. It does work in a room with a bag of
silver coins three feet away.

Then why did you say a pendulum would not work at Cloud Mountain?

...and there has to be a cache there to begin with!
Otherwise,its just the Hokie Pokie,and thats what its all about.

I read the entire "Swamp Gold" thread. All the facts show that the Cloud Mountain location is a perfect place for treasure to be buried. Its got all the elements, history, location, lore, LRL positive hits, pendulum hits, high ground within a swamp and more. As I have stated many times I do not tell everything I know or have seen. Whether you or anyone believes my stories does not matter and has no effect on the truth.

Is Cloud Mountain not a dense swamp? Or a thick forest of trees? You can't triangulate properly in
that environment.

I read the entire "Swamp Gold" thread. All the facts show that the Cloud Mountain location is a perfect place for treasure to be buried. Its got all the elements, history, location, lore, LRL positive hits, pendulum hits, high ground within a swamp and more. As I have stated many times I do not tell everything I know or have seen. Whether you or anyone believes my stories does not matter and has no effect on the truth.
The "FACTS" also show that it could be a debris mound from the many canals of drainage that have been dug since the 1880's,or a mound of construction debris from the building of the Tamiami Trail and Aligator Alley...or a Calusa midden or mound-many possibilities besides being "a perfect place for treasure to be buried".

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The "FACTS" also show that it could be a debris mound from the many canals of drainage that have been dug since the 1880's,or a mound of construction debris from the building of the Tamiami Trail and Aligator Alley...or a Calusa midden or mound-many possibilities besides being "a perfect place for treasure to be buried".

What's your point? Do you just like being negative? Speaking of facts, you don't know them all. Being the research expert that you are, what do you expect to find by looking on the internet? Do you think your going to find a map with an X on it showing where to dig? Do you think your going to find some old diary that tells only you where to dig for treasure? Do you think that there is a record to be found that shows where any and all gold and silver is buried? Don't you think if any of these "facts" exist that someone with more energy than you would have already have found it?

It is really getting old having to reply to you and the other party poopers about how I just don't seem to do anything to your liking. I am out trying to find treasure. Are you? How often do you actually take a shovel and dig a hole in the ground. With your superior research skills you probably know where tons of gold is buried.

My "in the field" research at Cloud Mountain showed signs of long ago activity. Everything I needed to see and all the research shows that this is an ideal location for something to be buried there. On top of that I have had numerous devices show there is something buried there. Add the fact that one of the best dowsers of the past led me there from ten miles away and that is all I need to know. It doesn't really matter what ECS or Lastleg or anyone else on here thinks. Your opinions have no bearing on the truth and they are just that, "your opinion".

I was recently called out in a PM. I was called a "snake oil salesman". I was called a fraud. When I asked what exactly was I supposed to be selling or what statement or act of mine was a fraud, I got no reply. It is easy for people to sit in a chair and type away on a keyboard. Go ahead, make fun of me. It does nothing to diminish what I have done and it only makes you all look bad. It goes against the spirit of Treasurenet and all treasure hunters in general. Most of us want the same thing, to hunt for and possibly find something of value. I don't care what methods other use or what they go after. To each his own.

I have invited many people to come meet me and spend some quality time discussing treasure related topics. I have had over a dozen T-net members come to my house. Every one of them will vouch for my authenticity, honesty, and the fact that I truly believe in what I do. For some reason ECS seems to not want to meet me in person. Maybe he thinks I will hypnotize him and make him bark like a dog.

I will be the first to admit that I have made many mistakes and will probably make more. I tend to learn things the hard way. At least I am trying, who else reading this is out digging six foot deep or deeper holes by hand in search of treasure?

... Speaking of facts, you don't know them all...

My "in the field" research at Cloud Mountain showed signs of long ago activity. Everything I needed to see and all the research shows that this is an ideal location for something to be buried there. On top of that I have had numerous devices show there is something buried there. Add the fact that one of the best dowsers of the past led me there from ten miles away and that is all I need to know. It doesn't really matter what ECS or Lastleg or anyone else on here thinks. Your opinions have no bearing on the truth and they are just that, "your opinion"...
One fact that is overlooked is government and several university enviromental studies have proven that the water level of Everglades is at least 20 ft LOWER than it was in 1850.That would make "Cloud Mountain" a "Cloud Molehill" when an alleged treasure would have been buried.Now ask yourself,why would someone bury a treasure in a very remote area in the Everglades,a landscape that can dramaticly change with a downpour or a hurricane,and believe that he could return to that spot to recover it.What makes that an ideal place to hide a treasure?The inaccessibility would be a major hinderence for recovery.
You have stated many times that Ovid Arnold's pendulum marked this spot,and the guys with the LRL's said something was buried there,but isn't it possible that it could be "their opinion of X marks the spot" based on wishful thinking guided by a well known story that made the rounds in treasure books and mags?

One fact that is overlooked is government and several university enviromental studies have proven that the water level of Everglades is at least 20 ft LOWER than it was in 1850.That would make "Cloud Mountain" a "Cloud Molehill" when an alleged treasure would have been buried.Now ask yourself,why would someone bury a treasure in a very remote area in the Everglades,a landscape that can dramaticly change with a downpour or a hurricane,and believe that he could return to that spot to recover it.What makes that an ideal place to hide a treasure?The inaccessibility would be a major hinderence for recovery.
You have stated many times that Ovid Arnold's pendulum marked this spot,and the guys with the LRL's said something was buried there,but isn't it possible that it could be "their opinion of X marks the spot" based on wishful thinking guided by a well known story that made the rounds in treasure books and mags?

I can't find this study you're talking about. Seems to me, most of Florida would have been submerged in 1850 if what you quoted was true.

One fact that is overlooked is government and several university enviromental studies have proven that the water level of Everglades is at least 20 ft LOWER than it was in 1850.That would make "Cloud Mountain" a "Cloud Molehill" when an alleged treasure would have been buried.Now ask yourself,why would someone bury a treasure in a very remote area in the Everglades,a landscape that can dramaticly change with a downpour or a hurricane,and believe that he could return to that spot to recover it.What makes that an ideal place to hide a treasure?The inaccessibility would be a major hinderence for recovery.
You have stated many times that Ovid Arnold's pendulum marked this spot,and the guys with the LRL's said something was buried there,but isn't it possible that it could be "their opinion of X marks the spot" based on wishful thinking guided by a well known story that made the rounds in treasure books and mags?

Sure ECS, everybody I have been involved with is affected by "wishful thinking" and none of us know all the "facts" like you do. You really do seem to have a mental problem of some sorts. I am not a doctor so I am not going to try to figure out what is wrong with you. You seem to have a vendetta against me on T-Net and you follow me around trying to show that I don't know what I am talking about and my whole treasure existence is one big wild goose chase. I probably have chased more than my share of these geese but I have been doing my own research as well as others and it may be you are the one with the distorted facts. I called you out on a huge mistake you made in your first post about me and you have never gotten over it.

Even a fifth grader can go to Google Earth to disprove your latest claim about a supposed study that states that the Everglades water level was 20 feet higher. Try this Mr. Smartypants, put the cursor over any of the Everglades and look at the lower right for the elevation. That is how many feet above sea level that spot is. Move the cursor ALL OVER and then put it all along the coasts from anywhere south to north. Put it on Miami. Put it on Tampa, Naples, Ft Meyers or anywhere but your beloved Ocala. What you will see is that a large portion of Florida and all of south Florida would not have existed if your supposed "study" were true. Take your so called facts, add in your "opinion", and stuff them up that place where the Florida sun don't shine.

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Gee BDD, I was trying to be nice to ECS, but you outdid me.

I can't find this study you're talking about. Seems to me, most of Florida would have been submerged in 1850 if what you quoted was true.
There are many studies on this,dating from the 1880's to the present concerns of rising sea levels.
Florida's current elevations in relation to sea levels are 0' to 345'(Briton Hill,Walton county),the mean elevation is 100' above sea level.
The current Everglades elevation is 0'-25',and the mean elevation is 8',and Lake Okeechobee is 18' above sea level.
Beginning in the 1880's and continued into the 1930's,there were many drainage projects which included canals,levees,and berms to lower the water level in Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades to reclaim land for agriculture.The landscape has changed periodicly many times in the Everglades due to storms,floods,and the man made manipulation of drainage.
Not an ideal place to bury a treasure if intended to return and recover it.

Sure ECS, everybody I have been involved with is affected by "wishful thinking" and none of us know all the "facts" like you do. You really do seem to have a mental problem of some sorts. I am not a doctor so I am not going to try to figure out what is wrong with you. You seem to have a vendetta against me on T-Net and you follow me around trying to show that I don't know what I am talking about and my whole treasure existence is one big wild goose chase. I probably have chased more than my share of these geese but I have been doing my own research as well as others and it may be you are the one with the distorted facts. I called you out on a huge mistake you made in your first post about me and you have never gotten over it...

Take your so called facts, add in your "opinion", and stuff them up that place where the Florida sun don't shine.
So I made a mistake on one of you postings concerning the depth you mentioned of treasure at Cloud Mountain,I got over that a long time ago,but it must be a big deal to you,as with your insults and name calling when an opinion doesn't agree with you.
How many times have you stated on TN that you do not know who did it,when in it happened,or what is buried at "Cloud Mountain",but you belief is predicated on the presumption of a dowser and LRL operators who seem to have a predisposition that treasure is buried at that location.
If you are so sure of what you state in your posts,my facts and opinions wouldn't matter in the least.

So I made a mistake on one of you postings concerning the depth you mentioned of treasure at Cloud Mountain,I got over that a long time ago,but it must be a big deal to you,as with your insults and name calling when an opinion doesn't agree with you.
How many times have you stated on TN that you do not know who did it,when in it happened,or what is buried at "Cloud Mountain",but you belief is predicated on the presumption of a dowser and LRL operators who seem to have a predisposition that treasure is buried at that location.
If you are so sure of what you state in your posts,my facts and opinions wouldn't matter in the least.

It was not the depth of the treasure I mentioned. It was the distance from Alligator Alley which I stated was 1000 feet. You took this to mean 1000 feet deep and I brought the discrepancy to your attention. It is you that never got over it. If you can't even get your facts straight on what you read on Treasurenet how would anyone expect that all the "facts" you are constantly bombarding everyone with are the actual truth. Your research is only as good as the source and your ability to comprehend what you read.

Treasurenet is a treasure hunting website. ECS-why do you feel compelled to try to prove that none of the treasures I talk about exist. For the record you can't and haven't. The Cloud Mountain site is a great example. You have shown absolutely NOTHING in the way of any facts to prove or even cast that much doubt that treasure could exist at this location. Why does it matter so much to you that it causes you to keep trying your best to show that myself and others are wrong to believe there may be something buried there. For the record you don't really even know where Cloud Mountain is, do you? Do you know any of the history of the location? Of course you don't. So what do you base your insistent claims that there can be no treasure there? It is not a good spot? Give me a break.

Lake Okeechobee has a dike around the whole perimeter to maintain and control its water level. As far as how you want to put a spin on the claim that the Everglades water level was 20 feet higher in 1850, just check out the military trails and forts in the area of Cloud Mountain. Do you think everybody swam on these trails? One of the main trails in 1850 goes right by this location. It is the highest ground within miles. It is also right in the area where they switched from wagons and mules to boats to navigate across the "Sea of Grass". We have had access to books that you obviously haven't read. I have been to the site more than a dozen times. I have talked to the locals. I have made friends with the Miccosuki's and discussed this possible treasure and location on many occasions. I have talked with them about their knowledge of the area going way back before the white man got involved. I have an agreement with them to do more extensive detecting with GPR and other devices. But of course none of this matters to you. You say there is nothing there at this place you have never been to and no NOTHING about. ECS- Go bother someone else, please.

None of this belongs on this thread. This has nothing to do with my pirate treasure sites. This has all been discussed at great length on the "Swamp Gold" thread on the legends forum.

Back on topic: BDD, have you cored your target area yet?
Like I said before, if you fill your core I don't think that any harm will be done.

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