Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Now you have to eat crow...
Once upon a midnight dreary
BDD pondered long 'til weary
Over treasure tales from legend and lore
When at once there came a rapping as if someone was slowly tapping
Tapping on BDD's camper door
"Twas Salvor 6 with take-out crow
Quote Salvor 6"Let's eat some crow".

I think you all ought to put the Kool Aid down. Reading these threads is like walking in a fog. Like it or not, laws are laws. If you don't like them, then spend the time to try and change them. I really don't agree with the premise of "Screw the law. Dig it up anyway".
Am I the only one here that feels all the rest of us get bad PR when statements like this prevail without being called on it?

I think you all ought to put the Kool Aid down. Reading these threads is like walking in a fog. Like it or not, laws are laws. If you don't like them, then spend the time to try and change them. I really don't agree with the premise of "Screw the law. Dig it up anyway".
Am I the only one here that feels all the rest of us get bad PR when statements like this prevail without being called on it?

The whole premise for this thread was the fact that I am trying to do things legally. I could have easily dug for the supposed silver at Rocky Bluff any time I wanted to. I went by there yesterday and they had dumped dirt from a tree planting project. There was a guy sitting on a backhoe not more than 100 feet from where I think the main treasure is. I thought about stopping and trying to get him to dig. That is not my style. I am not looking to get in trouble and I don't want to cause anybody else to. Moleman, if you have read much of this thread you will have seen that you are not "the only one here" that feels this way.

I am not sure who you think is drinking the Kool Aid, but I will tell you that it is not me. As far as changing laws or rules that is why I have gone to all the trouble that I have to try to do things the right way. So far it has not worked for me as I have not changed anyone at the state levels mind but I am not thru trying.

My opinion is you guys have the same problem as the Pa treasure threads poster( that fact guy = NM)....... Perhaps there will be another wordpress blog!
Good luck BDD!

My opinion is you guys have the same problem as the Pa treasure threads poster( that fact guy = NM)....... Perhaps there will be another wordpress blog!
Good luck BDD!

What was SepaMan's main problem? What does "that fact guy=NM" mean? Thanks for the good luck wish. I just got the OK from two separate property owners today to do some detecting, GPRing, probing, and then digging. That's what it is all about.

What was SepaMan's main problem? What does "that fact guy=NM" mean? Thanks for the good luck wish. I just got the OK from two separate property owners today to do some detecting, GPRing, probing, and then digging. That's what it is all about.

Other than his sick sexual habits, there was a guy who did the same exact thing to the OP. Present misleading "false facts" , sounds like the same guy to me!? Same M.O. Saw a video of his MD spot in Fla, lived or lives in N.J. Your working his turf?!

Probably just jealous??

That's great that you got permission to probe and dig. It's about the hunt... rite? Go for it!

I have enjoyed reading this thread but it is getting a little over my head. If I had my choice of treasure hunting with either poster on this thread it would be ECS. I love facts when it comes to treasure and I have chased an LRL over 15 different US States but I believe for the most treasure to be found facts are needed. You gentlemen carry on, I will read and read more about the tons of gold.

BDD don't try legally to get permission I have gone that route all the way to Washington, D.C. and was turned down with the facts starring them right in the face.

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I have enjoyed reading this thread but it is getting a little over my head. If I had my choice of treasure hunting with either poster on this thread it would be ECS. I love facts when it comes to treasure and I have chased an LRL over 15 different US States but I believe for the most treasure to be found facts are needed. You gentlemen carry on, I will read and read more about the tons of gold. BDD don't try legally to get permission I have gone that route all the way to Washington, D.C. and was turned down with the facts starring them right in the face.
Yes V it is I, nice to hear your still at it! Franklin, I agree with you , but Facts are only "facts" when they are undisputed.

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My facts are undisputable. I have names, locations, dates, amounts of treasures but the exact spots are unknown without the "maps" which I need to recover. I just sent another Email to Washington. But anyway we need to get into this on another thread. BDD and ECS you and others carry on and I will continue to read.

I have enjoyed reading this thread but it is getting a little over my head. If I had my choice of treasure hunting with either poster on this thread it would be ECS. I love facts when it comes to treasure and I have chased an LRL over 15 different US States but I believe for the most treasure to be found facts are needed. You gentlemen carry on, I will read and read more about the tons of gold.

BDD don't try legally to get permission I have gone that route all the way to Washington, D.C. and was turned down with the facts starring them right in the face.

Well thanks for your opinion about who you want to hunt with, although no one asked. I can understand wanting to hunt with ECS as he does his "hunting" while sitting in front of a computer monitor. It's easy, cheap, clean, comfy, and you can be anybody you want to be. My style of hunting costs money, it's dirty, it's uncomfortable and I will actually know for a "fact" if I find a treasure versus just stories of treasures. I would bet that ECS has not dug a hole over a foot deep , if at all, in the last year. I have dug dozens upon dozens many over six foot deep. Has either of us found a real treasure? I am the one doing all the real treasure hunting but yet I get made fun of?

franklin, correct me if I am wrong but don't you claim to know where tons, and tons, and tons, and tons of gold is and all you need to find it is to dig up a casket with all the maps in it? In fact it is so much treasure it could pay off the national debt. All I can say is WOW! I am just looking for some measly silver bars in an area known to have been frequented over a period of more than 300 years by pirates and in a place where many pirate items including chests, silver bars, swords and more have reportedly been found. The stupidest thing anyone has said on any of my threads was that how can the silver exist if I don't even know the name of the pirate that buried it.

There are WAY too many experts on here. The only thing treasure-wise that I claim to be an expert on is to how NOT TO find treasure as I have made just about every mistake known in the book. Of course I can't tell you the name of the book, you will have to check with ECS on that.

franklin-So you are telling me to not try to get legal permission to dig? Well besides being a felony and totally against Treasurenet rules to give that advice, I like my freedom. Have you decided to dig up the casket without getting permission? Please post the results on this World Wide Web so that EVERYBODY will know how that turns out for you. I don't need to dig illegally as I have no problem getting property owners to let me dig. Now the Rocky Bluff site is different. It belongs to the government. Actually it belongs to the tax paying citizens of the United States. Hey, I wonder if I can just dig up my share.

So you were turned down in Washington even when you had "the facts staring them right in the face"? You didn't get your facts from ECS did you? He tends to not get his facts straight, but of course I am just jealous. Maybe you and ECS should team up. What a combo! But don't expect ECS to do anything but bombard you with a whole bunch of fact sounding facts that will do you and nobody else one bit of good as to figuring out where to stick a shovel in the ground. But hey, it all sounds really impressive and that's all that counts in todays world. All show and NO GO! Good luck!

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Its about time for a Burma shave jingle.

Its about time for a Burma shave jingle.
When true facts don't lead you astray
And keep on digging anyway
You discover there's nothing to find
Please rebury the holes you left behind
Then go get a Burma Shave

Hey Bigdogdad, I'm totally with you on this. I've been in the same boat as you for over 20 years. I've been reluctant to try to work with the state and I can see from your experiences and from Frankins too it seems, that I was right. Unlike Frankin, I got this thing about jail too. I just keep my eyes and ears open and maybe someday an opportunity will present itself. Until then, I hold on to the freedom that I have left. This treasure consumed my life for a long time and I thank God I finally freed myself of it's hold on me.

" There's no getting away from a treasure that once fastens upon your mind " Joseph Conrad

All this talk of eating Crow on this website has me worried?

Seriously I am not that tasty:laughing7:


Beentheredonethat2 you are the master.
Compared to your prose, our rhymes are disaster.
Your analysis is true,
but your facts are off cue.
Now you have to eat crow
for hereafter.

Well now, thank you very kindly Salvo6.
By chance, do you find Crow to be tasty?
When Roasted on sticks?
Or am I being nasty?

For to be true,I do enjoy Yellow-Billed Magpie
Taken from the field
Shot from the sky.
Oh what a tasty treasure does that yeild.
When patientlly baked,
Tis like coming thru the rye.

PS. Sorry Mr. Crow. Not directed at you.
Your post just set off a trip wire.

Don't call him Franky. His user name is Frankn.
A Burma shave is a delight
When Frankenstein is not is sight.

...A Burma shave is a delight...
A marked road atlas and dowser's chain
Got gold fever running through the brain
Twentyfive years of digging you exclaim
With only empty holes to claim
Should have got a Burma Shave

I've dug a lot of holes and nothing has been found,
another dig is planned, more digging in the ground.
Tonight before I go to sleep,
I'll get on my knees and pray,
If I take my shovel and dig real deep,
will "Tomorrow Be The Day"

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