Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Believe it or not I do not share on here everything that is going on in my treasureworld. I am involved in many things. I only put myself at risk with my big mouth.

As far as the silver at the bridge (which is what this thread was started for) it has a lot of unusual circumstances. It is on state land where it is illegal to dig without permission. That is why I did not dig for it while knowing the location for the last 25 years. I did contact the state department of transportation in 2006 to attempt to legally dig it up. I put my cards on the table then. They were willing to work with me and I should have taken them up on it then. My mistake. I joined TN to try to get support for some of my other sites. On a spur of the moment decision I chose to show a group where the silver was located. We did not agree on how to go about recovering it. As it was my spot they agreed to give me a chance to do it my way. They told me my way would not work. So far it hasn't. It is not over yet. Whatever may be there is still there.

I chose to share the details of this site with the members of TN. What others on here may say or not say about their own treasure sites is of no concern to me. I have been repeatedly told to keep my big mouth shut. As you can see I do what I want to do and say what I want to say. I take orders from no one on here. This adventure is far from over. It has led to many other adventures and helped me meet many new and interesting people. I really do not have many regrets since joining TN.

Although I admit to talking too much I assure you that there are others involved in this that have shared too many details with too many people. This has led to illegal dig attempts that did not prove anything other than I may have got involved with the wrong people. When someone tells you they are a pirate you should not be surprised if they act like one. It is not a big deal to me as I have been around far worse people in my life. This has all been a test for me.

I know I may go by the site (which I do everyday) and see that someone has dug up whatever is there. If they do I wish them luck keeping whatever they may find to themselves. I just happen to think in today's tell all world that they won't be able to keep it to themselves and will eventually get themselves in trouble. It won't be from anything I say. They will do it on their own.

stevemc- I am guessing that you have been warned not to have anything to do with me. Maybe I am wrong on this. Maybe you would be better off. I am a very honorable guy when dealing with others. Ask anyone in the treasure world if they think I am honest. PM me if you want or avoid me like the plague. Your call.

vor-I will tell you a few more details about the barn dig. We dug on Saturday with a 9 foot posthole digger. It will dig deep fast. We did not have a very wide hole. I was taking the chance that we could be off to the side of what we were looking for. I stuck my metal detector into the hole and got no reading. We filled it in and I figured I would come back some day with a backhoe and dig a big hole and do a thorough search. When I went to go to work Tuesday morning my neighbor had a backhoe working in his backyard. He had a friend that had come to spread a bunch of dirt piles. He thought his friend was bringing a grade tractor.

I went over and talked to them about digging up the site behind the barn. They were not that enthused but were willing to give it a try. We dug a narrow deep hole on the spot. I did not have my good detector as I had loaned it Sunday to a fellow treasure hunter as he was going to learn how to use it since I never have. It is a Garrett GTI 2500 with a 2 coil attachment. I detected the dirt as it came out of the hole. I got into the hole (hoping it would not cave in on me) and detected the sides. Nothing. He pulled me out of the hole with the scoop. I got him to dig a little closer to the barn. I got back in the hole. Nothing.

I had tried to call my friend to bring the good detector. He had to go to work. I debated talking my neighbor into letting the hole stay open so we could dig and detect more. The backhoe guy and my neighbor both needed to go to other jobs as did I. The hole was filled in. When I got to my job my friend called and said he was sitting at my gate with the Garrett detector. It was too late.

I now more or less regret doing the dig. We were rushed. Never do a dig like this when you are short on time. I am now wondering if the silver may have been a little off to the side out of the reach of my low dollar detector. Of course the odds are that there was nothing there in the first place. Add this spot to the list of spots I may come back to when I have more time, money and equipment. At least I tried.

Thanks for sharing details with us. Not to be argumentative but if you never got a hit on your detector(s), I can only assume that the location was determined by "alternate" means. If so, does that give you any doubts at all about other locations that were determined by the same means or do you still believe it is there and just chalk it up as "the dig was just a little off from where it is still buried"?
Has to put some doubt in your mind doesn't it?

I always have some doubts about just about everything I am told. I have seen some coincidences that are not easy to write off. One of the LRL guys involved with the barn dig said that he believes it was there before and now its gone. I have heard this many times over the years from different sources. I am not convinced about this. I was army trained as an engineer and I try to anylize all the information available and figure out what works. I am still working on this.

I was led to the bridge site spot by a dowser. He put me on top of what he said was silver. So far every single non-intrusive effort over the years to try to figure out what may be there has said the same thing. The only person/method that said there is nothing there was one of the LRL guys. The other LRL group pointed to the spot and said it was silver. All conventional attempts to determine what was there has said non-ferrous/silver. I have only watched all of this. I have never ran a metal detector myself. I have no doubt there is "something" there.

Because it was my original dowser that showed me this site and others, he is the only one that has truly convinced me of his abilities. He also passed all the tests that he was put through.

BDD you go for it! I would like to help but I'm booked up until next month. Two weeks ago I went to look for gold bars with a well known treasure hunter. He had a "proven" LRL. We found nothing. Last weekend I searched a site on the E. coast where the guy that owned the land was sure there is a Spanish treasure chest in his pond. Dredged down 10 feet. Nothing. This weekend I'm checking out a new wreck that someone on Tnet found. Have dredge- will travel.View attachment 672426

One of the LRL guys involved with the barn dig said that he believes it was there before and now its gone.

That's probably what I would have said too.8-)

Salvor 6- I have to hand it to you, you are one serious treasure hunting dude. Those sites sound pretty cool, good luck.

vor-I know it definitely sounds like a cop out. I have heard that after a treasure has been recovered a metal detector may also still get a signal from the residue that is left behind. I am no expert on all of this.

I will be checking into the latest, greatest technology for treasure hunting. I am also going to go back to some old school beach hunting on the east coast using all the different ways of detection that I can. Hopefully we will dig some serious holes with my low-tech nine foot post hole digger.

I drive by the bridge at Rocky Bluff at least once every day. Sometimes I may pass it a half dozen times while running errands or conducting business. I always look at the spot where I think the silver is. It is crazy that I am not allowed to legally dig up what is there. It makes no sense. I would be glad to see the majority of any treasure found go to the state, especially if they were to put it to good use.

I said in the past that I would get with the TV stations, but I haven't. I said that I would keep trying until I succeeded, but I haven't. I said that I would go all the way to the Governor, but I haven't. I said it would be legally dug up, but it hasn't. I guess I am not living up to my own hype and claims. I am dissappointed in myself. I am not sure what to do next, but I will do something.

I have plenty to keep me busy without worrying about Rocky Bluff. I have a half a dozen projects going on. I should just forget about whatever is at the bridge, but I can't. I think about it off and on every day. I think about it everytime time I drive past the site. I think about all the ways I could do things differently and all the advice I was given. If there were thought police in our world I would be arrested for all the scenarios that go through my head. Although I don't want to be obsessed by all this, I am.

I am making plans for other digs and adventures but my mind keeps going back to everything that I saw happen at Rocky Bluff. There has to be something there. Is it just a big pile of old copper wire? An old aluminum highway sign? A bunch of pop cans? A huge pile of silver bars? Gold? This all goes through my head everyday. Even though I knew about this site for 25 years it never really bothered me until I showed it to others and they also said it was silver.

Do I want the possible silver disappearing overnight? No. Do I want to see the "B" team or "C" team dig it up without me? To be honest, not really. I want to see what is there with my own two eyes as it is dug up. If is just junk, so be it. I can certainly accept that and move on. It is the not knowing that is begininig to take a toll on me. I will soon be turning 57. I am no longer a young guy with nothing but time ahead of me. Life is short. Time is flying. Something has got to give.

I drive by the bridge at Rocky Bluff at least once every day. Sometimes I may pass it a half dozen times while running errands or conducting business. I always look at the spot where I think the silver is. It is crazy that I am not allowed to legally dig up what is there. It makes no sense. I would be glad to see the majority of any treasure found go to the state, especially if they were to put it to good use.

I said in the past that I would get with the TV stations, but I haven't. I said that I would keep trying until I succeeded, but I haven't. I said that I would go all the way to the Governor, but I haven't. I said it would be legally dug up, but it hasn't. I guess I am not living up to my own hype and claims. I am dissappointed in myself. I am not sure what to do next, but I will do something.

I have plenty to keep me busy without worrying about Rocky Bluff. I have a half a dozen projects going on. I should just forget about whatever is at the bridge, but I can't. I think about it off and on every day. I think about it everytime time I drive past the site. I think about all the ways I could do things differently and all the advice I was given. If there were thought police in our world I would be arrested for all the scenarios that go through my head. Although I don't want to be obsessed by all this, I am.

I am making plans for other digs and adventures but my mind keeps going back to everything that I saw happen at Rocky Bluff. There has to be something there. Is it just a big pile of old copper wire? An old aluminum highway sign? A bunch of pop cans? A huge pile of silver bars? Gold? This all goes through my head everyday. Even though I knew about this site for 25 years it never really bothered me until I showed it to others and they also said it was silver.

Do I want the possible silver disappearing overnight? No. Do I want to see the "B" team or "C" team dig it up without me? To be honest, not really. I want to see what is there with my own two eyes as it is dug up. If is just junk, so be it. I can certainly accept that and move on. It is the not knowing that is begininig to take a toll on me. I will soon be turning 57. I am no longer a young guy with nothing but time ahead of me. Life is short. Time is flying. Something has got to give.

Just core it and get it over with.

vor-Let's just say for arguements sake that I core drill and come up with silver at six feet. Now what? Go to the authorities and tell them what I found? Tell the pirates and let them go for it? Go to the TV stations? Let me guess, sneak in at night and dig it up when no one is looking. Dig a tunnel from the river bank and claim I found it on the "beach" of the river? Somehow get to it and keep it a secret? Let me know what you would REALLY do if it were you. Remember if it is really silver it covers a 10 foot by 10 foot area and would weigh in the tons.

vor-Let's just say for arguements sake that I core drill and come up with silver at six feet. Now what? Go to the authorities and tell them what I found? Tell the pirates and let them go for it? Go to the TV stations? Let me guess, sneak in at night and dig it up when no one is looking. Dig a tunnel from the river bank and claim I found it on the "beach" of the river? Somehow get to it and keep it a secret? Let me know what you would REALLY do if it were you. Remember if it is really silver it covers a 10 foot by 10 foot area and would weigh in the tons.

As you have said, it is most likely junk so there would be one less thing to bother you every day. If you find traces of silver, worry about it then. Would be a nice problem to have (but try not to tell the world).

BDD, go ahead and core drill it. If it comes up copper, 25 years worth of obsession is over. Move on. If it comes up silver, don't go to the authorities. You already know that doesn't work. Call me.

Call me 2 I will drive 12 hours night vision in hand. It's a stupid law anyway . If I get caught I will just play dumb and say I was planting a tree to help with the environment or something.lol If it is as big as you say the reward would out weigh the risk and the risk would be worth it.

Dude. Seriously. Grow a pair and go get your treasure.......

vor-Let's just say for arguements sake that I core drill and come up with silver at six feet. Now what? Go to the authorities and tell them what I found? Tell the pirates and let them go for it? Go to the TV stations? Let me guess, sneak in at night and dig it up when no one is looking. Dig a tunnel from the river bank and claim I found it on the "beach" of the river? Somehow get to it and keep it a secret? Let me know what you would REALLY do if it were you. Remember if it is really silver it covers a 10 foot by 10 foot area and would weigh in the tons.

If you core and find silver in all the test holes for a 10x10 area, I'm sure you wouldn't have any problem finding a recovery partner for a 50/50 split.

vor-If I am not permitted to dig it up, I don't want to find out it is there.

okiejack-I have had other people claim they were ready to do something but when I called them on it they backed out. (not TN members)

lastleg-offers are cheap (so is talk)

Denniss-That is not the problem. The problem is that it is a third degree felony here in Florida if you get caught. With all the bigmouths (mine included) involved in this, the truth would come out. Do you think the state would split it? Already asked. Even if they ok'd a dig they would keep it all to themselves. Ain't Floriduh great? The ones that have to OK a dig are archaelogists and they seem to despise all things treasure hunting related. If you don't believe me just ask them.

If this were easy I would have already done it.

Easy-I have had large testicles all my life. As I got older my brain finally grew and caught up with them.

vor-If I am not permitted to dig it up, I don't want to find out it is there.

??? You sure sounded like you wanted to know. Have you seen a survey of the ROW? Do you know if it is an easement or owned fee simple? Maybe it is on private property.

If you don't want to know then go on down the road as there is no way to get a permit if on state property. Maybe someone else will core drill and satisfy your curiosity.

Hard to believe that drilling and filling a few small holes is a third degree felony. Wonder how many years the Backhoe Boyz got for digging with a bucket?

vor-I have not looked at an official survey but I have been led to believe it is state property. Drilling and metal detecting without a permit is a misdemeanor. Digging up buried silver on state property without a permit is a third degree felony. I have no criminal record and don't want one. There are plenty of places in Florida where I can dig and keep what I find. We are going to one this weekend.

Here is a story that came out today that I wanted to share. I had nothing to do with it. Sunday Favorites: The Port of the Pirates - The Bradenton Times - Free News for Bradenton, FL and Manatee County

I joined TN to get help going after a treasure in Englewood Florida. Many things happened since then and I have met some very interesting people. I feel that I have learned a lot and matured treasure-wise. I did get off track from my original goal. The Rocky Bluff pirate silver site was not even on my to do list as far as treasures to actively pursue. It has always been my test site to take new people and new technologies. Although I still am convinced that there is treasure at Rocky Bluff and silver at one particular spot, I have lost interest in pursuing it. Whatever is there is still waiting to be dug up. Maybe the "pirates" will come back and dig it up when no one is looking. I wish them luck.

I may continue to post on this thread if there is something that I feel needs to be told on here. I am going to start a new thread and try to get back to my original objective when I joined TN in March. I hope this thread has been an interesting read and I want to thank all members who have contributed their thoughts and opinions on the subject of "Pirate Silver at Rocky Bluff".

Interesting article to say the least (though I am surprised that it would be published without at least a grammar check). Will have to look into the sources he quoted for the full story.

But I don't buy into the “musical humming like a telephone pole well loaded with wires." coming from the waters.

I still say it should be drilled to see if the black ship found Miguel's loot, assuming it was there to begin with.

Look forward to your new thread(s).

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