Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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BCH-I do not believe there is any individual trying to run up their own thread count and if there were I could care less. There is a thread where they are obviously trying to do this and I would "offer" to tell you which one but it does not matter. This is a social networking site and I believe every member is free to post as often as they like as long as they follow the rules. I have read in the terms of TN that when a thread has run its course it is time to move on to a new subject. Obviously there are some that may go on for years as yours has because they may never come to a conclusion.

I started this thread to try to get some help and advice on how I might deal with the state officials in getting permission to dig at the bridge. This thread has gone off topic many times and I am certainly to blame for a lot of that. I did not come on to TN to promote my book and I take offense that you are implying that I am blaming TN members for anything to do with the sales of my book. I wrote my story so that I could share it with others, especially children. My story is far from over and I think some of the best stuff is starting to happen now.

Since I did mention another thread I will tell something that happened today. Less than a week ago I found out about a possible location that may contain a treasure. I attempted to talk to the owners that day to arrange some terms. One of the property owners was not available for me to talk to. I did some research to make sure of who legally owned the property and I decided to try to talk to them by phone today. I got their phone number from information and called them this evening. I told them what I knew and offered to try to locate and dig the possible treasure and split it with them 50/50. They agreed to this and we will probably be meeting in person in a few days. It is that simple. Some people may want to drag out something like this for months on end but that is not the way I operate. I am into action not talking/typing.

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I just dont think there is any advantage to having a high post count. You move from a Greenie Member to a Senior Member to a Gold Member etc etc but tell you the truth I never pay any attention to it and there is no perks for being a Gold Member as far as I know. As far as I know there is absolutely no advantage. Only a Charter member has a few advantages but even then its not much.

If there is any advantage for having a high post count, please let me know lol.

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Im sorry you took offense to my comment. Im not going to go back and look but it seemed to me you were angry at some TN members for not believing your treasure story which in turn does not promote your book.

The majority (not all) of your story is based on Ovids dowsing abilities and backed up by unkown LRL technology.. I understand how this would be very exciting back in the 80s. With todays internet, we are much more informed.

I am hoping for a happy ending. I am hoping for a major find with pictures. It would be a new beginning. Thats about the best I can say. The book is good but it would be better with a major find in Part 2.. I hope my opinion is not offensive.

I wont be posting here any more but maybe I will try a smartphone. As you now I am moving to the beautiful Big Cypress Preserve. I have a huge tip on Seminole War Fort Harrel. I will be living at historic Monroe Station for 4-6 months. Even Jimmy Buffett likes it. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Save-Monroe-Station/127926003896482 I will be frying fish and deer meat daily. I am going to enjoy myself.

BDD I think you are basically an interesting and good person. I think your autobiography is interesting. Your a smart man and you dont miss anything. The book is good, Im just not a huge fan of map dowsing. And no matter how you slice and dice it, your book is basically a dowsing book. Not all of it... but most of the treasure stories are based largely on Ovid's dowsing abilities.. I dont mean this as an insult, but I think you would have gathered much more support in the Dowsing Forums, and I suggested this. Hopefully Ovids talents and all your hard work will soon pay off. Good Luck.

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Since I did mention another thread I will tell something that happened today. Less than a week ago I found out about a possible location that may contain a treasure. I attempted to talk to the owners that day to arrange some terms. One of the property owners was not available for me to talk to. I did some research to make sure of who legally owned the property and I decided to try to talk to them by phone today. I got their phone number from information and called them this evening. I told them what I knew and offered to try to locate and dig the possible treasure and split it with them 50/50. They agreed to this and we will probably be meeting in person in a few days. It is that simple. Some people may want to drag out something like this for months on end but that is not the way I operate. I am into action not talking/typing.

I really gotta go but Im curious. Is this another map dowsing location?

BCH-Thanks for the comments. No, it has nothing to do with dowsing. Good luck in your new life.

It has been a very interesting couple of weeks. I have been working with a couple of different technologies with two different groups. I have been to Fowler's Bluff, Alligator Alley (3 times), Englewood Pirate treasure site (2 times) and many other locations. I am not going to go into any detail other than to say a few things. As far as the Rocky Bluff site, one group with two different element detectors were able to point to the exact spot for the silver from about 100 feet away. They are absolutely convinced that the silver is there. The other system did not confirm the existence of any silver at the bridge. The first group has had successes in the past. Both groups were able to locate the same spot at the Englewood site and others.

In the past I would have shared a lot of the details of what has transpired over the last couple of weeks but I do not think it is in my best interest to do so at this time. My interest in trying to find out for a fact what is at the bridge site has now been renewed. I am going to try to get in touch with a local archaeologist with a nearby university to see if he will work with me.

We have put shovels in the ground (not at the bridge) in these latest adventures. That is just about the only way you will dig up a "Cache" of treasure. No amount of talking will produce anything. Sometimes you have to put up or shut up.

I wish you the best of luck. I gave up, but have others exploring.the thought of twenty+ years and I have to sit back and ignore it turns my stomach, but I wish others luck.

BDD is for real

Hi All,
I am one of the people who went down to BDD's home in Florida this past week. Let me tell you he is for real! If he tells you a rooster will pull a plow….hook him up! This man is one of the most honest, hardworking, intelligent treasure hunters I have met. We spent four days with him and he took us to at least 20 sites…what we found is up to him to divulge.I do want to say BDD never runs out of energy…we hit it hard and went daylight to dark several says and he was still ready to keep going.
The main site he is trying to get permission to dig on definitely has some silver in large quantities (roughly a 7X10 foot area) he has not kept it a secret it’s even in a newspaper with him standing on his vehicle in frontof it. A smart state official would ok the dig and take 50% for the tax payers….could be millions there.
So criticizers back off ---he is telling you exactly what he knows…if a small aspect of it is notfactual-it’s because someone mislead him….but I for one find no holes in any of his cache stories. I plan to get back in his area as soon as I can and see what else we can find!
Thanks again BDD! Let’s go get the diamonds!

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What I basically did was take them to the area of some of my sites and let them see what their technology would say. I am trying to learn as much as I can so that I can be succcessful. I have done this with others. Either we are all right or all wrong. I have been lucky to have met some guys like Curtis and his friends. They are great guys and I hope to work with them more soon.

Just for Curtis

After four days using LRLs you guys came up with what exactly? I am familiar with what you claim to BE ABLE to find.
Did you dig up any actual silver or gold using an LRL? If you did but do not wish to tell us I am OK with it but just say
one way or the other please.

I'm curious as to the "equipment" that Curtis used in the search. Also wonder if all the TVs in the area went haywire when the generator was cranked up.

lastleg-I am going to be honest and tell you that we did not dig up any treasure and put our hands on it. Curtis's equipment and another man's with him with similar equipment pointed to the exact same spots on the ground as another man's technology a week prior. These were two independent searches that led to the exact same spots from a distance until we were on top of the spot. Some of these locations were the exact spots that I have known from the past. Until we do some serious digging it is only our hope that something is there. Curtis is very confident in his equipment and claims to had successes in the past. If he wants to come on to this thread and say the name of his equipment and anything else about it, that is up to him. I am trying to arrange for a couple of digs at a few of these sites. The most promising site is the Englewood pirate chest site as the state wants no digging done at the Rocky Bluff site. The owner's of the Englewood site have given me permission to dig but they were going out of the state for a month or so. There is another possible pirate chest site that I have known about that Curtis's equipment also seemed to pinpoint.

As I have not used any of these technologies in the past nor have I seen them work with my own eyes I am not a total believer. I did see things that were way more than a mere coincidence. I wish I had more time to put into all of this. As usual I am trying to do too many things at the same time. At the moment I have a van full of cabinets that I have to install as I am in the middle of a remodel project and the wife insists that I make some real money that she can put in the bank.

vor-The tv's possibly going haywire was someone else's old technology 22 years ago. Also the new units don't require enough power to need a generator.

Nobody said treasure finding is easy. A lot of people will not put in the time and effort it takes to be successful. I will not give up. The first one is always the hardest.

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I know what kind of "equiptment" Curtis has. Very expensive LRL. I really hope that his investment pays off but the
proofs in the pudd'n.

I plan on taking a shovel and "pudd'n" some "holes" in some of my cache stories. I've got one lined up for the end of the week behind a barn. Both LRL search and survey's ended up at the exact same spot, said it was silver, and drew out the same square on the ground. They were one week apart and had no knowledge of what the other did until I told them. As a matter of fact I had drawn a circle on a GE photo of the spot on the ground that the first LRL guy said was silver. I let the next group lead themselves to this site and when they showed me the same spot I gave them the sealed envelope to show that I already knew about it. I did this on numerous sites. When you witness these kind of things with your own eyes you start to believe and as I have stated that I have witnessed LRL's 22 years ago the proofs in the "pudd'n". There may be nothing there. Maybe someone threw some silverware away. There is only one way to find out. We are going to do a thorough search at this spot so that we don't miss anything. When it is over I will probably tell exactly what method/s we used. It is very possible that I have missed some of the treasure on prior digs at other sites as I did not know the correct way to go about it. It does not take much gold to be worth a lot of money.

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I am anxious to hear what's behind the barn, I usually only find horseshoes.

I am anxious to hear what's behind the barn, I usually only find horseshoes.
Possibly a dead dog or a cesspool,or an old manure pile!!!
All will be revealed in "MY TREASURE STORY" Volumn 2.

I can always count on ECS for his positive thoughts. Let's see, I know where the septic system is, I know where the pig stye/manure is, I'm taking a chance there may be a dead dog. I am willing to dig which is more than I can say about a lot of people. ECS- I asked you one time to put the most interesting cache hunting story of your own on here. Maybe you have none because you spend all your time "researching" and never do any digging. Are you an "armchair" treasure hunter? If so that's great but why do you feel the need to make fun of me? I thought you would at least ask about the Fowler's Bluff trip.

From what I understand the "equiptment" is presented a sample of the desired object. Then the "equiptment" anylyses the
'elements' which make up that object. Then you point it at the horizon and wait for it to inform you that another similar
object is within reach of the 'signal'. That, according to the promoters, could extend for miles.

It is recommended that users have extended mileage vehicles

Bigdogdad, I live in the area, and had read and heard the story of possible buried silver bars at Fowlers Bluff ( always thought it was called Rocky Bluff)?) Fowlers Bluff is a boat rental/BBQ place on the Suwanee, been there too) since I was young. Great that you are trying to find/locate/get at it. I did not ever read this until today, I usually dont go to the Cache site, I saw a newspaper article that had you and your 2 dogs and the front end of your 57 chevy, and mentioned your screen name and this thread. Good luck to you. I would like to get together sometime and talk. We are the same age and have some of the same interests. PM me if you would like to get together. I have tons of old research, and have lived here since the mid 50s. Steve in Sarasota.

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WOW!!! I just read about the first 6 pages, and went back a couple, you have really had some serious non-believers! Maybe when I have a day or so, I will sit down and read it all. Again, good luck with your hunt. PM me. Steve.

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