Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Two problems-My bank account is running a little low. The bridge at I-75 and 301 is not for sale. Heck I can't even afford the rent if it was available

Danny is still looking for someone to take him detecting. He lives Conn which is too fer for me to get to. Danny loves reading
treasure stories but cannot drive. Wish somebody would take a little time to give Danny some pleasure in his life.

Danny gets pleasure by posting "good luck" 1,000 times on threads that go back 5 years.

Like I said Danny loves the stories and is frustrated not being able to get out and dig. We all have some kind of hangup.

Can someone please give Danny some good tips, he really needs something.

I asked Danny what tector he had and he told me a minelab at present do the guy just needs a ride.

Pertain to bury treasures, it is very hard to deal with government, local, state or federal. Best of luck to Bigdogdad. What is the latest news?

Pertaining to #848, back to my first name. I find a friend to take me to parks but he does not like the beaches like I do. There are big leads that I been working on for years. I do trust my new friend. I been very frustrated for many years knowing where large treasures are and not being able to search for them. As stated before, most coins dealers are crooks and if I find treasures, I sell the coins in a coin auctions,
Stacks - Bowers, New York City and New Hampshire. Best of luck to all of you. Was Connecticut Sam, then Connecticut Danny and now back to Connecticut Sam.

Pertaining to #845. I did not know that you can count that high. I get great pleasure to know if people have good luck and find the treasures that they are looking for. If I did not have bad luck, I would not have any luck. All of you can wish me good luck and I be happy. There is nothing wrong in wishing people good luck, even a 1,000 times, but not to the same treasure hunter. I wish Salvor6 the best of luck and hope that he find the best treasure of all times, Peace of Mind.

Pertaining to #847, I am always seeking unpublished stories on Connecticut bury treasures that you are no longer looking for. lovejoydc@att.net. Thank you, maipenrai.

Connecticut Sam/Danny-The latest news is no news, at least as far as the pirate silver at Rocky Bluff. It's kind of funny to me. When I first mentioned it on here I had a lot of people telling me what a mistake it was to talk about it because someone would read this post and go steal it. Well here it is October and post #853 and NO ONE has made any serious effort to dig it up. I drive by the spot daily. There has always been a lot of activity in the area, but I will guarantee you that whatever was there 25 years or more ago, is still there. I have shown the spot to many and they have shown it to others. ALL non-ferrous reading metal detectors that can go 3-4 or more feet give a reading for a large pile of something. It is most likely junk.

I have stated on this thread that it will be dug up legally and that I will be there. It is not over till the fat guy digs.

I heard about an old man from North Carolina that had been dowsing for over 35 years and had found many things for many people. We hit it off. I told him I would take him anywhere he wanted to go. He could show me where the treasures were and if we could we would try to dig them up. He had already marked them ahead of time on some road atlases, he would tell me up ahead a mile or so would be where he felt the gold was. He always had a bag with him that had about 2 dozen different objects on strings. He would use them to try to tell what the exact treasure was. He used a gold filled brass tube as his normal pendulum. He had one that was full of silver. He said the ground was full of silver. He carried some wire with him that he would get bouncing and somehow or another he would use it to figure out the depth of the object... I took the old man on numerous trips back in 1987 over the next five years until 1992... He showed me the location of a cave full of gold in northern Georgia (I could not find the entrance but we were over the top)... A spot where a wagon load of gold was buried near Dalonega Georgia.... Pots of gold along a railroad track in central North Carolina... The location of the Beale treasure.... A pirate chest location on the bank of the Cape Fear river... Sunken ships in the Gulf of Mexico... Saddlebags full of gold next to a road in Georgia... A 55 gallon drum full of silver dollars in northern Pennsylvania... There are dozens of more locations...
You are aware that Mel Fisher was in Bedford County,Va in Nov 1989 looking for the Beale Treasure.Maybe you are not the only one to give Ovid Arnold a ride with his bag of pendulums and well marked road atlas.He did find the ATOCHA for Mel as you claim.

Ovid led one of the Fisher crews to a site in the Keys where he put them over the top of gold from the Atocha. That is correct. A friend of mine and I took Ovid to Bedford County, Va somewhere around the time that Fisher was there. I had heard rumors that he was looking for it. It was very possibly at a later date that we were there. We did dig a large hole with the help of one of the locals using a backhoe. I am not going to go into details of what happened other than to say the treasure was not in the spot where we dug. We did video the dig and as a matter of fact I have never watched it. I have heard a recent claim that the Beale treasure has been found. To my knowledge it was not by Ovid or Mel Fisher as it was much more recent and Ovid died in 1992. The exact spot that Ovid had pointed out in the evening we were on the farm was not the exact spot where we dug the next day. It was very, very close. This is just one of the reasons you should always try to verify any potential dig site with all the electronics you can get your hands on and not rely totally on dowsing.

ECS-I am not sure why you brought up this old post. I know that I have made some wild claims. So far you have not been able to prove that anything I have said is not true. Keep trying to make me look bad if it makes you feel better about yourself.

BDD,please tell how my quoting an earlier post that you made to pose a question to you,makes you look bad?
Is it not possible that Ovid shared his treasure locations with others?

Of course Ovid tooks others to treasure locations before I met him. What he didn't do was lead me to locations where he had taken others. In fact in our travels the only location where he had stood over the supposed treasure was at the Englewood pirate chest site. He tried to buy the waterfront property from the owners. They would not and could not sell the empty lot because that was where the septic system for their resturant was. That was about 28-29 years ago. The resturant was sold but they kept the empty lot as the septic system was no longer needed.

Ovid stood on the side of the road on the Georgia gold cave site years before I took him there. He never went onto the land. I took him over it.

To the best of my knowledge he never showed anyone else the locations that he and I went to. Of course anything is possible.

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Good luck to you because you are going to need it when you deal with local, state, and federal government.

Ovid led one of the Fisher crews to a site in the Keys where he put them over the top of gold from the Atocha. That is correct.
BCH,the above quote is what I refered to.
How are things at Monroe Station and the Glades?

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